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闲置 idle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-25 05:55:40


闲置 idle英语短句 例句大全



1.Stock in order to meet the future needs is temporarilyidle valuable resource.库存是为了满足未来需求而暂时闲置的有价值的资源。

2.Corrosion was the major problem of long-termidle equipment.长期闲置设备存在的最大问题是腐蚀。


1.Some of the machinery is still standing idle.有些机械仍然闲置着。

2.Idle Loop and Do Events Statement;闲置循环与Do Events语句

3.Game Analysis on Marketing Allocation of Urban Undeveloped Land;城市闲置土地市场化配置的博弈分析

4.Turn off backlight if device is not used for自动关闭灯光,如果设备闲置时间超过

5.%1 may not reply because he or she is idle.%1 也许无法回复,因其处于闲置状态。

6.That" s been knocking about the house for years.那东西在房子里已经闲置几年了。

7.a large cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period.用来覆盖长期闲置的家具的大布。

8.revival from inactivity and disuse.从静止状态或闲置状态的苏醒。

9.That old table has been knocking about upstairs for years那张桌子已在楼上闲置多年。

10.This old coat has been knocking around the closet for years.这件旧上衣闲置在衣橱里已有多年了。

11.The machines have lain idle [been unused] for weeks now.这些机器已被闲置好几周了。

12.A few tractors were idle awaiting repairs.几台拖拉机闲置着等候修理。

13.The machinery has been standing idle for months.这机器已经闲置了好几个月。

14.These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.这些机器自工厂关闭以来一直闲置着.

15.Remove the motor when you lay up your boat.船闲置不用时,你要把发动机拆下来。

16.The machines have lain idle for weeks now.这些机器已被闲置了几个星期。

17.The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.第三棵树被砍成几大块,被闲置在一边。

18.idle time to utilization of time闲置时间和划用时间百分比


Long term idle长期闲置

3)land vacancy土地闲置

1.While analyzing the causes forland vacancy--one of the key problems in today’s hot real estate market, this article describes the relationship between city planningand real estate development at large, and also raises some advice on how to form a new situation wherecity planning and real estate development interact with each other favorably.文章在分析当前房地产热中存在的主要问题——土地闲置的原因基础上,详细论述了城市规划和房地产开发两者之间的关系。

4)management in idle time闲置处理

1.By overlapping the function of IsIdleMessage and posting the message of WM_KICKDLE to optimize the controlling ofmanagement in idle time, avoided the message blocking, decreased the occupation of system resource, and increased the efficiency in execution of the simulation system.通过重载IsIdleMessage函数和直接发送WM_KICKIDLE消息 ,优化了操作系统内部对闲置处理的控制 ,避免了系统因频繁执行闲置处理而造成消息阻塞 ,降低了系统资源的占用 ,提高了通用电子装备仿真系统的运行效率。

5)stranded cost闲置成本

1.Studies onstranded cost for electricity market in U S and UK are introduced.简要介绍了美、英两国对电力市场中闲置成本的研究情况 ,包括在竞争的环境下闲置成本的形成原因、评判标准、影响因素、计算方法及回收策略。

6)idle land闲置土地

1.The exploitation and utilization ofidle lands resources in the mountain area;山区闲置土地资源的开发利用

2.Contract property of assigning the right to use the state-owned land should be civil contract,we should take this as basis,define the right ofidle land,set up corresponding responsibility system,so as to prevent the abuse of public right more reasonably,protect the private right.我国《城市房地产管理法》第25条关于国有土地使用权因闲置无偿收回的惩罚性规定并不合理,国有土地使用权出让合同的性质应该是民事合同,以此为基础,界定闲置土地上的权利,建立相应的责任体系,更合理的达到防止公权力的滥用,保护私权的目的。

3.In this article, aims at "the difficult in the examination and approval of land, the difficult to perfect the procedure of land use in history, the difficult to make theidle land reused", the author proposed a series of countermeasures.本文针对"用地报批难、完善历史用地手续难、闲置土地盘活难"等问题,提出了一系列符合黄埔区实际情况的对策措施。


