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灾难 disaster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 16:40:03


灾难 disaster英语短句 例句大全



1.Journalism Professional Code for Disaster Reporting:Taking Reports of Wenchuan Earthquake as Examples;灾难报道的新闻职业规范——以四川汶川大地震的新闻报道为例

2.The Studay on TV program of The Science popularization aboutdisaster——Taking CCTV reporting of 5·12 wenchuan earthquake as a Case;突发性灾难事件的电视科普节目研究——以5·12汶川大地震央视媒体报道为例


1.Of, relating to, or involving a catastrophe.大灾难的灾难的、与灾难有关的或卷入灾难的

2.The results of the flood were disastrous.水灾的结果是灾难性的。

3.an unmitigated disaster, scoundrel十足的灾难、 坏蛋.

4.Fires, floods and earthquakes are disasters.火灾、水灾和地震都是灾难。

5.Disaster,Death and Life An Analysis of the Esthetics Significance of the Disaster Movie;灾难、死亡、生命——灾难片的审美意义探析

6.All these are the beginning of sorrows.这都是灾难(难:原文是生产之难)起头。

7.The warning of global great disaster to disaster prevention and reduction of city of China;全球重大灾难对中国城市防灾减灾的警示

8.an unpleasant or disastrous destiny.不愉快、灾难性的命运。

9.Accompanied by or causing distress or disaster;calamitous.灾难性的,造成灾难的由灾难或不幸带来的,引起灾难或不幸的;不幸的

10.. teetering on the brink/edge of disaster在灾难边缘摇摇欲坠.

11.Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters灾难传染病学研究中心

12.It was not long before tragedy struck again.没多久,灾难又再次降临.

13.We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents.我们遭受着极大的灾难。

14.The cost will be ruinous.花费之多将是灾难性的。

15.War is a frightful calamity.战争是可怕的灾难。

16.slowly developing disasters正在慢性恶化的灾难

17.Disaster Psychosocial Services Team [Hospital Authority]灾难辅导组〔医院管理局〕

18.We were completely stunned by the disaster.大灾难使我们吓呆了。



1.The discrete-time Geo/Geo/1 queue with negative customers and disasters;带有负顾客和灾难的Geo/Geo/1离散时间排队系统

2.This paper mainly researches two kinds of queues with negative customers, the one kind is M/G/1 repairable queues with negative customers,the other kind is queues with disasters.本课题主要研究具有负顾客的两类排队系统,一类是具有负顾客的M/G/1可修排队系统,另一类是有灾难发生的排队系统。

3.Various disasters happen from time to time which challenge the business society much more than ever.人们无法准确预测和避免信息系统故障特别是灾难的发生,难以防止企业业务处理的中断。


1.Analysis ofCatastrophe Press Photo:The Positive Value and Negative Effect;论灾难新闻摄影的正面价值与负面效应

2.The formation,development of natural disasters and social catastrophes need to be further explored,so the sagacious people could have a greater ability to overcome natural disasters and minimize the damage.人类文明的发展历程就是与各种灾难斗争的历程,加强对灾难及社会危机事件的研究,可以使人类认识灾难的发生、发展的规律,增强人类征服自然、改造自然的能力。



6)Disaster Management灾难管理

1.Cognition and Reflection onDisaster Management;对灾难管理的认识与思考

2.As many factors can play important role in the occurrence of the disastrous events,substantive data sources are required in the process of disaster management.近年,由于能够高效提供详细、精确的相关数据,G IS技术和R S技术在灾难管理方面应用广泛、发展迅速,遥感技术提供灾情数据,G IS技术通过模型将各种数据有机地整合起来,包括空间数据、非空间数据、属性数据,使它们在灾难管理的各个阶段发挥不同的作用。

3.Based on an introduction of disaster management,geomatics and earth observation science(EOS),a discussion has been made on the utility of geomatics and EOS for natural disaster management.近年来地球空间信息学(Geomatics)和对地观测学(EOS)的迅速发展,为灾难管理提供了强有力的支撑技术,促进了灾难管理效率的提高。


