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抗压 compression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-14 19:26:53


抗压 compression英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces an experimental research on the compressive strength of the heated concrete tested on the small cores of 45 mm and 70 mm in diameter bycompression and transverse cutting methods.主要介绍采用直径45mm和70mm小芯样抗压及横劈法对高温后混凝土抗压强度进行检测的试验研究。

2.According to the safe production actuality of Peigou Coal Mine,The support method is improved for mine pressure controlling by the combined support withcompression and yielding.根据裴沟煤矿井下安全生产实际,利用抗压、让压联合支护原理改进支护方法,进行矿压控制,取得了良好安全、技术及经济效益,确保了矿井安全、健康、持续、稳定发展。


pressive strength, compression strength抗压强度,耐压强度

2.unconfined compression test无侧限压缩[压力,抗压]试验

3.testing method for compressive (crushing) strength of fired whiteware materials陶瓷抗压强度试验方法

4.crushing strength at elastic limit弹性极限的抗压强度

5.testing method for compressive properties of plastics塑料抗压强度试验方法

6.edgewise compression strength(纸板)边缘抗压强度

7.aerated concrete compressive strength加气混凝土抗压强度

pression cube抗压试验用立方试件

9.The citizens strove against their oppressors.公民奋力反抗压迫者。


11.He is young and durable and he handles the big game pressure very well.他年轻、耐操并且抗压(妥善处理压力)。

12.Study on Model Test of Uplift and Compression Piles in Layered Soil成层土中抗拔桩与抗压桩的模型试验研究

pany main products: Voltage stabilizer, high low pressure transformer, reactance implement.公司主要产品:稳压器、低压变压器、抗器。

14.vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone血管加压或抗利尿素

15.quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc镇压叛乱、 反抗、 起义等

16.Resistant to externally applied pressure.坚硬的抵抗外来压力的

17.resonated impedance bond谐振式阻抗联接变压器

18.oil-soluble sulfur-antimony extreme pressure and antiwear additive油溶性硫锑极压抗磨剂


compression resistance抗压

1.In order to fully used thecompression resistance of the concrete,this paper analyzed the stress distribution to the composite beam in the actual use,and put forward to the method calculating the concrete flange plate thickness.为充分利用混凝土的抗压性能 ,本文通过分析钢与混凝土组合梁使用阶段的应力分布 ,提出了一种确定钢梁上混凝土翼板厚度的方法。

3)compressive resistance抗压

1.This Paper analyses the veriation laws of Netlon Geotexile s reinforcement to soilcompressive resistance through the soil density variation test and the variatinn of compressive strength and settement test on the composite test samples consisting of Netlon Geotexile and soil from the compaction test.通过对击实试验后形成的Netlon土工网与土体复合试件进行的土体密实度变化测试,抗压强度与变形的测试。

4)compressive strength抗压强度

1.Effect of the size and the proportion of gas coal and coal-char on the consist-compressive strength of formed coke;煤料的粒度对型焦抗压强度的影响

2.Influence of pressure head roughness uponcompressive strength and test result dispersion of single crystal diamond;压头粗糙度对金刚石抗压强度及单颗粒测量值离散性的影响

3.Relation betweencompressive strength and fractal dimensions of jointed rock-mass;节理岩体分形维数与抗压强度的关系探讨

5)compression strength抗压强度

1.Study on relationship between particle size distributional fractal dimension of cement particles andcompression strength of cement mortars;水泥颗粒粒度分布分形维与其胶砂抗压强度的关系研究

2.Discussion on notation aboutcompression strength σ_d of metallic powder;金属粉末抗压强度σ_d值表示法的探讨

3.Study on the influence factors ofcompression strength of coking coal slime briquette;影响炼焦煤煤泥型煤的抗压强度因素研究


1.Effects of the Number of Firing on Strength of Nano-ceramic and Traditional Ceramic in Metal-ceramic Crown Prosthsis;烧结次数对纳米陶瓷与普通陶瓷金瓷冠抗压强度影响的对比研究

2.Microstructures of the sintered specimens were examined by scanning electron microscopy and theirstrengthes and average coefficients of thermal expansion were tested.对这些材料分别进行抗压强度测试 ,用扫描电镜观察了显微结构 ,测定了室温 - 10 0 0℃的平均线膨胀系数。

3.Experiments show that the workability,the amount of cement and fine aggregate and the mechanicalstrength of concrete are influenced with the addtion of the fly-ash.简明介绍了包头地区粉煤灰的成分和特点 实验表明,粉煤灰掺入后对混凝土的和易性、骨料、水灰比和最终抗压强度都有所改善 粉煤灰对提高混凝土的塌落度有明显作用,可以减少水泥和细骨料的比例等 水泥用量不变时,加入适量粉煤灰可以提高混凝土最终抗压强度 实验表明,包头地区粉煤灰完全可以在混凝土工程中应


焦炭抗压强度焦炭抗压强度compressive strength of cokeJiaotan kangya qiangdu焦炭抗压强度(eompressive Strength。f coke) 焦炭在压力作用下断裂时,其单位面积上承受的力,即焦炭断裂时所能承受的最大压应力。它是反映焦炭力学性质的一项指标。试验是在恒定的应变速度下,对圆柱体焦样轴向加载,直至焦样断裂。其抗压强度叮一磊,Pa。式中尸为焦样断裂时所加的载荷,N;R为焦样截面半径,m。焦炭在轴向压力下的应变曲线大致分成四个区域。(见图)朋为初始区,焦炭在较低的轴向压力下,由于开气孔的闭合而发生较明显的应变,这是多孔材料的应变特征;贸为弹性区,应力- 训帕叮一__了:一。、一」/爪、_、一}川才z刀℃’}L一_匕一___~‘J___~___~~--一~~~砂二、、.,.):‘上51}‘〕位移,口们 室温下焦炭轴向压缩时的玉力一位移图应变近似于线性关系,c点为轴向压力达到的最大值;cD为脆性区,由于裂纹扩展,试样因受压而积蓄的能量被释放出来,但未达到破碎;DE为临界区,这时轴向力稍有增加,试样就产生很大的应变,并导致裂纹扩展。抗压强度试验是在材料试验机上进行的。一般焦炭试样制成直径约巧~、长约23~的圆柱体,型焦则用整块作试样。每种焦炭需取20个以上的试样作试验,应变速度为1.5X10一、”。室温下焦炭抗压强度大约为12一30MPa,在1 500℃高温下测量时,抗压强度值将增大20%左右。抗压强度的高低与气孔率大小有关。焦炭抗压强度比燕炭杭肚强度大一个数量级,它比焦炭在高炉内实际承受的压应力(约为0.ZMpa)大两个数量级,即焦炭的抗压强度远大于焦炭在高炉内承受的炉料压力,故压应力不是焦炭断裂的主要原因,对评定焦炭强度的意义不大。(江中纸)
