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斑点 speckle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 01:49:20


斑点 speckle英语短句 例句大全



1.New exploration of surfacespeckles of electronic-vacuum ceramics;电真空陶瓷表面斑点新探

2.A technique ofspeckle reduction in synthetic aperture radar(SAR) images was presented.提出了一种新的SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)图像降噪方法,利用小波变换对空间位置信息保留的特性,依据小波变换后近似图像仍满足吉布斯分布,将模拟退火算法引入到小波域中,首先,根据SAR功率图像斑点的特性,对传统的同态变换方法做出了相应的修正,大大降低了处理结果的辐射偏差,提高了等效视数,然后在多分辨率理论和小波变换理论基础上,选用适合特定图像的最优小波基进行分解,最后对小波变换后的近似图像进行模拟退火处理,对各个细节图像有选择地进行软阈值处理。

3.A new adaptive contourlet transform-based technique forspeckle removal from SAR images is presented.针对SAR图像斑点噪声的滤除,提出了一种新的基于Countourlet变换的快速自适应性噪声去除方法。


1.mark with a spot or spots.留下斑斑点点的痕迹。

2.free from motes无斑点的(指染色)

3.To mark or mottle with spots.有斑点,成斑驳用点作标记或使斑驳杂色

4.The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon.小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。

5.Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers.皮鞋和裤子上沾着斑斑点点的粪块。

6.A spot or blotch of color.斑点有色的污点或污渍

7.The act of spotting or staining or the condition of being spotted or stained.斑点,污点染上斑点或玷污的过程或被染上斑点或被玷污后的状态

8.An animal with a mottled or spotted skin or coat.花斑动物有花斑或斑点的皮或毛皮的动物

9.a spotted or calico horse or pony.带斑点或带斑纹的马或小型马。

10.Grayish or flecked with gray.浅灰的、有灰斑点的浅灰或有灰斑的

11.From*breith [ speckled ].源自*breith[布满斑点的]。

12.laser image-speckle interferometer激光影像-斑点干涉仪

13.There are lady beetles with four, five, seven and fourteen spots.这些瓢虫有的有四个斑点,有的有五个斑点,有的有七个斑点,甚至还有的拥有十四个斑点。

14.To spot, blemish, or pollute.使有斑点、玷污或污染

15.This apple is badly speckled.这个苹果有很多斑点。

16.The leopard cannot change its spots.豹不能改变身上的斑点。

17.The pears are badly specked.这些梨子有很多斑点。

18.There are many spots on the ceiling.天花板上有许多斑点。



1.There are many brownspots on the diamonds from Hunan Province, which is one of the three important diamond places in China.湖南省是我国 3个主要金刚石产地之一 ,所产金刚石的表面有大量的褐色斑点。

2.The surface topography and composition of normal coating andspot were investigated by scanning electron microscope and energy dispersion spectrum.采用扫描电镜(SEM)结合能谱(EDS)的测试方法,对热处理前后含铬绝缘涂层中正常涂层和斑点的表面形貌及成分进行了分析。

3.The intensity and the position ofspots in image can be got through the GSDE image, and thespots are.在带斑点图像复原的过程中,用不同方向的均匀算子与图像进行卷积,再与原图像相减,取灰度差最小值构成灰度差估计图。


1.The development of high-tech reconnaissance have impelled the development of measures in targetpattern painting camouflage.分析目标伪装所面临的侦察威胁,从人眼的分辨率和伪装斑点设计的原则出发,确定伪装斑点设计的基本单元的形状和尺寸,得出结论。

2.The distribute characteristic of background imagepattern which is the important basis for the implementation of camouflage,a method based on region growing is put forward to extractpattern of the background image.提出了一种基于区域生长法的背景图像斑点提取方法。


1.Analyses the cause of Turkey red oilstains on real silk knits and offers countermeasures toprevent or remove suchstains so as to ensure knit quality and avoid heavy economic lOSSes.分析了真丝针织绸形成太古油斑点的原因,提出了防止和避免产生太古油斑点的对策措施,以及清除和解决太古油斑点的办法。


6)Macular flecks黄斑斑点


