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精神性 spirituality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-05 04:05:41


精神性 spirituality英语短句 例句大全



1.The enchantment of the book design is represented not only in the innovation of the cover but tin he integrity,spirituality and humanization of binding and layout design.书籍设计的美感和魅力已不仅表现在“封面”的创新上,更重要的是表现在书籍装帧设计的整体性、精神性和人性化上,当代中国书籍设计把握着这个时代特征,促进我国书籍装帧设计更好、更快的发展。

2.Materiality,spirituality,practice determine the internal nature of the value of ideological and political education.在现代条件下,物质性、精神性、实践性成为思想政治教育价值的内在规定性,构成思想政治教育时代价值的三个维度。


1.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病

2.Psychiatry: Branch of medicine concerned with mental disorders.精神病学: 和精神性疾病有关的医学分支。

3.Critical salvation of significance--on the spiritual concern of Benjamin s ideology;意义的精神性救赎——论本雅明思想的精神关怀

4.alcoholic polyneuritic psychosis酒精性多神经炎性精神病;酒精性多神经炎性精神病

5.pseudoneurotic schizophrenia假神经性精神分裂症

6.psychopathia martialis战争性精神病态 战争性精神病态

7.catatonic excitement schizophrenic psychosis紧张性兴奋精神分裂性精神症

8.psychosensory aphasia精神感觉性失语 精神感觉性失语

9.schizophrenic dementia精神分裂性痴呆 精神分裂性痴呆

10.On Women s Spirit of New Women--A Further Discussion of Ding Ling s Spirit;新女性的巾帼精神——再论“丁玲精神”

11.On Education for the Property of Consolidation and Remedy of the Science Spirit and Humanism;论人文精神与科学精神的同补性教育

12.See through the ual Spirit Character of Liang Shi-qiu to Get the Spirit of Ya She Essays;从梁实秋的精神个性看《雅舍小品》精神

13.secondary affective insanity继发性情感性精神病

14.acute schizophrenic episode急性精神分裂性发作

15.alcoholic polyneuropathy酒精中毒性多元神经症

16.psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作

17.arteriosclerotic psychosis脑动脉硬化性精神病

18.chronic undifferentiated schizophre慢性未分化精神分裂症



1.The Idea Has the Elephant and Abstract Painting Works to Express the Comparison of the Characteristic Research in the Spirit;意象 具象和抽象绘画作品中精神性表达特征的比较研究

2.To integrate the support of both of substance andspirit is the innovation way,which is guided by humanity,supported by scientific understanding,aimed to all-round development.高校贫困生扶助工作已经陷入"物本"趋向目标的困境,物质性与精神性统一必然成为创新高校扶贫工作的路径选择,即以马克思主义"人本"思想为指导,以科学理解贫困内涵为前提,以贫困生全面发展为目标,立足物质性和精神性二维视角创新高校贫困生扶助工作。

3.The man of Feuerbach philosophy is a whole concept with many levels, which is made up of nature, society andspirit.费尔巴哈哲学中的人是一个多层次的整体概念,自然性、社会性、精神性构成了它的丰富内容。


1.Advancement about Research ofNeuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;神经精神性狼疮的研究进展

2.The Electroencephalogram and Clinical Analysis inNeuropsychiatric Lupus Erythematosus Patients;神经精神性狼疮脑电图及临床分析

3.Objective To detect the antinuclear antibody(ANA) titer in cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) and evaluate its diagnostic significance to the neuropsychiatric lupus erythematosus(NPLE).目的探讨系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)患者脑脊液 (CSF)中抗核抗体 (ANA)的定量测定对神经精神性狼疮(NPLE)的诊断价值。


1.Rationality in Chinese Ancient Furniture Design;中国古代家具设计中的理性精神

2.Universities should make great efforts in influencing and molding students’ subject consciousness,rationality,and morality by improving their educational ideas and with the help of Chinese traditional culture and Western culture.大学应通过教育理念、中国传统文化和西方文化影响和塑造学生主体精神、理性精神和道德精神等人格精神。

3.The defects lie in three aspects:the lack of critical awareness and rationality; the loss of independence and creative c.本文着重从文化、艺术和审美精神的视角对新时期以来湖北作家的创作进行批评性阐释 ,从批判思想和理性精神的匮乏、独立品格和创新意识的迷失、艺术追求和审美意蕴的低标等方面 ,揭示湖北作家在文化水准、审美追求和艺术表现方面存在的失缺及误区 ,期望为未来湖北文学发展提供思考。


1.Venlafaxine combined with chlorpromazine in treatment ofpsychotic depression;文拉法辛联合氯丙嗪治疗精神病性抑郁症的对照研究

6)Spirit of virtue德性精神


