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汽车车轮 Wheel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-10 01:55:42


汽车车轮 Wheel英语短句 例句大全



1.A wheel with tire pressureautomatic adjust system, explosion prevention, prolong life tire,efficient and saving fuel.轮胎气压自动调节、防爆胎、轮胎长寿命、高效节能的汽车车轮,具有高压储气轮辐、自动调压充气阀门、自动卸压排气阀门等部件构成轮胎气压自动调节系统,是汽车车轮设计制造具有实用价值的技术创新。


1.Dual spacing of vehicle wheelsGB/T17351-1998汽车车轮双轮中心距

2.The brakes locked, causing the car to skid.汽车因车轮刹住而打滑.

3.Cars,buses,trains and ships are means of transport.汽车、公共汽车、火车和轮船是交通工具。

4.tyres for truck and bus载重汽车及公共汽车轮胎

5.An automobile moves when the motor is geared to the rear wheels.汽车的发动机连于后轮时,汽车即动。

6.alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

7.Grooved pulleys for automotive V-beltGB/T13405-1992汽车V带轮

8.automobile transmission gear oi汽车传动齿轮润滑油

9.radial tyre of truck载货汽车子午线轮胎

10.rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel.汽车轮缘外边的橡皮环。

11.Car tyres are made of rubber.汽车轮胎是用橡胶做的。

12.The car tires were flat.这辆汽车的轮胎瘪了。

13.A car runs on four wheels.汽车用四个轮子行驶。

14.The wheels of the car were spinning.小汽车的轮子飞速旋转。

15.The wheels of the car began to turn.汽车的轮子开始转动.

16.Correct the wheel alignment on a car.修正汽车上的轮胎准线

17.He pumped up his car tyres.他把汽车轮胎打足气。

18.interchange the front and rear tyres of a car把汽车的前后轮胎对调


Automobile wheel汽车车轮

1.Measuring and Analysis on Shape Errors of Automobile Wheel;汽车车轮形状误差的测量和分析

3)road wheel汽车车轮

1.Against the development tendency of light weight ofroad wheel for motor vehicles at the present time, this article finished the strength analysis and optimum design ofroad wheel, on the basis of analyzing the properties of aluminum alloy and adopting MSC.针对目前汽车车轮轻量化的发展趋势,在深入分析了铝合金材料性能的基础上,采用MSC。

2.In this paper, the development and actuality of motor vehicles product at home and aboard are reviewed and the market requisition ofroad wheel at present is analyzed first.本文简述了国内外汽车产品的发展及现状,剖析了目前汽车车轮的发展状况。

4)aluminum wheel of automobile汽车铝车轮

1.The environmental influence factors,the newly progress in the evaluation technology and the important environmental simulation tests of the durability of the coating film on thealuminum wheel of automobiles are introduced.介绍了汽车铝车轮涂膜耐久性的环境影响因素,国内外评价技术的最新进展,以及关键的人工模拟方法。

5)car wheel小汽车车轮

6)Automobile hub汽车轮毂

1.FE numerical simulation of automobile hub spinning forming process;汽车轮毂旋压成形过程的有限元数值模拟


