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电教媒体 multimedia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-30 07:15:32


电教媒体 multimedia英语短句 例句大全



1.During the English teaching, the teachers should strengthen their self-discipline and the teachers should reasonably guide the students to learn activity using Multimedia.在英语教学过程中,要求教师加强自我修养,借助现代电教媒体,合理引导学生的自主学习,在英语教学中渗透文化背景教学,提高学生的学习兴趣。


1.The Application of E-media in Politics Teaching;浅论电教媒体在政治课教学中的运用

2.The Reform of Instruction in terms of Physics and Chemistry experiment by audio - visual aids;借助电教媒体 改革理化实验教学

3.Optimizing Maths Teaching in Class by Means of Electronic Media;运用常规电教媒体优化数学课堂教学

4.Using Audiovisual Education Media Appropriately,Optimizing Junior Middle School Mathematics Teaching恰当运用电教媒体,优化初中数学教学

5.Applied Principles and Better Design for AVE Intermediates浅谈电教媒体的适用原则及优化设计

6.A Talk about the Application of Electric Teaching Media in College Physical Teaching;浅谈电教媒体在高校体育教学中的运用

7.A Research on the Application of the Interactive Whiteboard--The Combination of E-whiteboard and Multimedia Teaching交互式多媒体教学:电子白板与多媒体相结合

8.multiple media instruction多媒体教学 多媒体教学

9.Application of Multi-media ElectronicTeaching Plans in English Teaching Changchun Institute of Technology;多媒体电子教案在外语教学中的应用

10.Influence of Multi-vehicle Electrical Teaching on Modern Education;多媒体电化教学对现代教学的影响力

11.Using Television Technology for Multimedia Teaching;《电视技术》应用多媒体教学的体会

12.The Application of Multimedia Technology in Electricity Vocational Education;多媒体技术在电力职业教育中的应用

13.How to Use Multi-media Courseware in Electrical Engineering Teachcing;如何在《电工学》教学中应用多媒体课件

14.How to Make Distance Teaching Take Advantage of Television Effectively?;如何让电视媒体有效服务于远程教学?

15.Teaching the Course of "Power System Analysis" in a Multimedia Way: Practice and Research;“电力系统分析”多媒体教学实践与探索

16.Teaching to Make TV Program Based on Multi-medium Technology;基于多媒体技术的电视节目制作教学

17.Applications of the Multi-media in the Teaching of the Course of“Etridan s Foundation”;浅谈多媒体在《电工基础》教学中的应用

18.Application of Media Technology in the "Two Courses" of RTVU;多媒体技术在电大“两课”教学中的运用


electronic teaching media电教媒体

1.The Study of Blackboard-Electronic Teaching Media Application in Geography Teaching of High School;高中地理教学中板图板画和电教媒体的应用研究

3)electric teaching media电教媒体

1.This essay introduces the application ofelectric teaching media in college physical teaching and probes into the new teaching model,means and methods.介绍电教媒体在高校体育教学中的运用 ,探索体育教学中新的教学模式、手段和方法 ,为推进当前高校的体育教学改革积累资料。

4)the electrical audio-visual aids电化教学媒体

1.Objective To explore how to improve the teachin g effect of applying the electrical audio -visual aids in the analytical chemistry .目的:探讨电化教学媒体在分析化学教学中如何有效地运用。

5)multi-media electronic class多媒体电子教室

1.And according to the commonly realizing way ofmulti-media electronic class, this paper proposes a solution which combines soft and hardware technology, and realizes a efficient and effective multi-media teaching system under conditio.本文主要研究了计算机网络技术和多媒体技术在现代多媒体网络教学系统中的应用,并针对目前多媒体电子教室的实现方式,提出了一种软、硬件技术相结合的解决方案。

6)To combine e-education media组合电教媒体


