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新经济增长理论 new economic growth theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-17 01:27:19


新经济增长理论 new economic growth theory英语短句 例句大全

新经济增长理论,new economic growth theory

1)new economic growth theory新经济增长理论

1.The New Economic Growth Theory and its Revelations on China’s Economic Growth;新经济增长理论对中国经济发展的启示

2.On the Evaluation and Inspiration of the New Economic Growth Theory;新经济增长理论评析与启示

3.Studies on the New Economic Growth Theory and Taiwan"s Economic Growth;新经济增长理论与台湾经济增长研究


1.Studies on the New Economic Growth Theory and Taiwan"s Economic Growth;新经济增长理论与台湾经济增长研究

2.New Growth Theory, New Institutional Economics and Economy Convergence:An Empirical Analysis of the Economic Growth of China;新经济增长理论、新制度经济学与经济增长的收敛性——中国经济增长的经验分析

3.The New Economic Growth Theory and its Revelations on China’s Economic Growth;新经济增长理论对中国经济发展的启示


5.Development of Human Capitals in China Benefit from theTheory of New Economy Growth;新经济增长理论对我国人力资本发展的借鉴

6.The New Economic Growth Theory and It"s Inspiration for Economic Development of China新经济增长理论及其对中国经济发展的重要启示

7.Inspiration of New Economic Growth Theory to Infrastructure Construction of New Rural Areas in Shanxi Province新经济增长理论对陕西新农村基础设施建设的启示

8.Development and innovation of the economic growth theory;经济增长理论的沿革与创新——评新古典增长理论与新增长理论

9.The theory of increasing marginal benefit is an innovation of economic growth theory.边际效益递增理论是经济增长理论的创新。

10.Minimum Wage and Economic Growth:A New Theoretical Model;最低工资与经济增长:一个新理论模型

11.Endogenous growth theory believes that economy tends to converge to its stable state or its equilibrium growth path.新古典经济增长理论认为经济向自己的稳态或平衡增长路径收敛。

12.Rethinking the Meaning of Economic Growth--Also on the two problems facing economic growth theory;对经济增长含义的重新审视——兼析经济增长理论面临的两个问题

13.Technological Progress,Economic Growth and Unemployment: Development of Neo-Classical Schumpeterian Economic Theory;技术进步、经济增长与失业:新古典熊彼特主义经济理论的新进展

14.The theory of social capital provides a new explication for economic growth.社会资本理论为解释经济增长提供了新的思路。

15.New understanding of Fogel s theory on the relationship between American railway and economic growth;重新认识福格尔关于铁路与经济增长关系理论

16.The Innovation Research on Traditional Economic Growth Theory --The Interaction of Technology and Institution;经济增长理论的创新——技术与制度互动研究

17.Economic growth with land factors in New-Classical Theory基于新古典理论的土地要素与经济增长的关系

18.Economic Growth Theory,Natural Resources and Sustainable Growth of Economy:the Relationships;经济增长理论、自然资源与经济可持续增长


the new economic growth theory新经济增长理论

1.Brought about in 1980s,the new economic growth theory is an important branch of economy which puts emphasis on the idea that the economic growth results from the internal forces ( such as the internal technological changes ) rather than the external forces ( such as the external technological changes).产生于20世纪80年代的新经济增长理论是经济学的一个重要分支,它强调经济增长不是外部力量(如外生技术变化),而是经济体系的内部力量(如内生技术变化)作用的产物。

3)economic growth theory经济增长理论

1.Frome J·S·Mill to R·Harrod:An Inquiry on the Reason of Economic Growth Theory s "One Hundred Years of Solitude";从J·S·穆勒到R·哈罗德:经济增长理论的“百年孤独”探析

2.Marx s Model of Economic Growth Theory;马克思的经济增长理论模型

3.Rethinking the Meaning of Economic Growth——Also on the two problems facingeconomic growth theory;对经济增长含义的重新审视——兼析经济增长理论面临的两个问题

4)Theory of Economic Growth经济增长理论

5)economic growth pole theory经济增长极理论

6)neo-economic growth新经济增长

1.Basing on the framework ofneo-economic growth theory, A theoretical and empiricalanalysis of the influence on financial expenditure and economic growth of Hebei provincesince 1978 to is discussed in this paper.新经济增长理论认为,财政支出能够有效的促进经济的增长。


