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景观化 landscaping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-15 06:22:59


景观化 landscaping英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper will take Dalian as an example to research thelandscaping of the transportation facilities.交通设施可不可以进行景观化利用,开发成旅游产品在学术界目前还没有达成共识,但是在实践中却不乏其例。

2.Landscaping, as a means for living refuse re-use, is gradually adopted in the landscape practice, because of its innovative way of material-using and its unique significance of environmental education.景观化作为生活垃圾的一种资源化再利用手段,因其新颖的用材方式、特有的环境教育意义,逐渐被设计师们尝试和采用。

2)Landscape change景观变化

1.Landscape change in Kangbao County of Hebei Province.;河北省康保县景观变化研究

2.Landscape change on burned blanks in Daxing an Mountains;大兴安岭林火迹地景观变化研究(英文)

3.Landscape change in middle Heihe River Basin.;黑河流域中游地区景观变化研究


1.Landscape changes of Wuhan wetlands in 1978- with the process of urbanization城市化背景下近30年武汉市湿地的景观变化

2.Further Planning and Evaluating the Landscape of Wang Jiazhai Folk Custom Village of Hebei Province河北王家寨民俗村景观修订性规划及景观变化评价

3.Study on Landscape Pattern Change and Ecological Construction of Momoge Wetland;莫莫格湿地景观格局变化及景观生态建设研究

4.Rethinking of urban landscape--based on the analysis of changes in urban landscape;城市景观的文化内涵——基于城市景观演变的分析

5.Landscape Heterogeneity Changes in Landscape System of Eastern Section of Qilian Mountain祁连山东段山地景观系统景观异质性变化

6.Exploration on Cultural Change and Evolution of Urban Streetscape文化变迁与城市街道景观的演变初探

7.Study on the Town and Country Landscape Pattern Change during Urbanization;城镇化过程中城乡景观格局变化研究

8.The Research on Evolution Mechanism of Landscape Structure Dominanted by Urbanization;城市化主导的景观结构演变机制研究

9.Study on Gradient Changes of Landscape Pattern in Urban-rural Ecotone;城乡交错带景观格局的梯度变化研究

10.Research on the Evolution and Optimization of Landscape Patterns of Suzhou;苏州城市景观格局的演变与优化研究

11.Study Landscape Pattern of Jiangsu Province from 1980 to 2000;江苏省1980-2000(三期)景观格局变化研究

12.Study on Pattern of Landscape Dynamics of Xingsha in ChangSha Town;长沙县星沙镇景观格局动态变化研究

13.A Study on the Urban Landscape Pattern Change of Kaifeng City from 1988 to 2002;1988~2002年开封城市景观格局变化研究

14.The Landscape Evolution of Contemporary Chinese Metropolis and Consumer Culture;中国当代都市景观的变迁与消费文化

15.Changes of Landscape Patterns in Typial Flooded Area of the Yellow River in Henan Province from 1980 to 2000;黄泛区典型区间的景观格局变化


17.Studies on Change of Landscape Pattern in Hefei Based on RS;基于RS的合肥市景观格局变化研究

18.Analyzing and modeling land use pattern changes in rapid urbanization of area: a case study of Guangzhou City,China;广州地区土地利用景观格局变化研究


Landscape change景观变化

1.Landscape change in Kangbao County of Hebei Province.;河北省康保县景观变化研究

2.Landscape change on burned blanks in Daxing an Mountains;大兴安岭林火迹地景观变化研究(英文)

3.Landscape change in middle Heihe River Basin.;黑河流域中游地区景观变化研究

3)deteriorated landscape退化景观

4)culture landscape文化景观

1.A Culture Study on the Changes of Culture Landscape in Scenic and Historic Area;风景名胜区文化景观变迁之解读

2.During forest park planning and construction,the construction of featureculture landscape is the important factor to increase park attraction power,and is also the important means to build up park symbolic landscape.在森林公园规划建设中,特色文化景观的营建是增加公园吸引力的重要元素,是营造公园标志性景点的重要手段。

3.Based upon analysis ofculture landscape problems encountered in small town construction are studied;at the same time corresponding suggestions are proposed forculture landscape constructing in small town in order to realize double-win in environment protection and economic aspect to create specialculture landscape for small town.在对文化景观深入剖析的基础上,分析了小城镇建设中出现的问题,并有针对性的提出小城镇营造文化景观的几点建议,以达到环境保护与经济效益的双赢,赋予了小城镇独特的文化景观。

5)Cultural Landscape文化景观

1.The Causes of Origin ofCultural Landscape of the Huizhou Ancient Village and Shuikou Garden;徽州古村落与水口园林的文化景观成因探颐

2.Building of a NewCultural Landscape: Tiantai Museum in Zhejiang;新的文化景观——浙江天台博物馆

3.A study on the cultural landscape of Hani sterrace and its protection;哈尼梯田文化景观及其保护研究

6)landscape evolution景观演化

1.A study of water circulation system andlandscape evolution of Huanglong scenic spot黄龙景区水循环系统与景观演化研究

2.Thelandscape evolution of its folk house has undergone three phases-traditional quadrangle,one-storied flattop and multistoried building.而集聚型农业村落乡村文化景观的代表性、典型性和示范性,使其文化景观演化研究对新农村建设具有重要参考意义。

3.Based on the remote sensing image of Yiwu and GIS, this paper conducts some research on transfer matrix analysis oflandscape evolution of Yiwu.以义乌市遥感影像为基础,在GIS支持下,对义乌城市景观演化进行转移矩阵研究。


青海湖盆地的土地沙漠化景观青海湖盆地的土地沙漠化景观青海湖盆地的土地沙漠化景观 李明森摄
