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产品生命周期理论 product life cycle theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-13 04:39:26


产品生命周期理论 product life cycle theory英语短句 例句大全

产品生命周期理论,product life cycle theory

1)product life cycle theory产品生命周期理论

1.Discussing the Essence of Two Period of International Industry Transformation——Based on Product Life Cycle Theory两次国际产业转移本质探讨——基于产品生命周期理论视角

2.Posner, and Product Life Cycle Theory, which was proposed by R.Vernon)提出的产品生命周期理论——进行研评。


1.On Applications of Products Life Cycle Theory in Marketing Management;浅谈产品生命周期理论在营销管理中的应用

2.Application of Product Life Cycle Theory in Car Marketing;产品生命周期理论在汽车营销管理中的应用

3.Studies in the Financial Goal Choice for Enterprise Basis on Life-cycle Theory;基于产品生命周期理论的企业理财目标选择

4.The Information Disclosure of Environmental Accounting Based on Life-cycle Theory;基于产品生命周期理论的环境会计信息披露

5.Evaluating of Rising in Value of Stages in a Creative Production"s Lifecycle--Based on the Product Life Cycle Theory创意产品不同成长期的价值增值评估研究——基于产品生命周期理论

6.Discussing the Essence of Two Period of International Industry Transformation--Based on Product Life Cycle Theory两次国际产业转移本质探讨——基于产品生命周期理论视角

7.Theory and method of life cycle design for chemical products;化工产品生命周期设计的理论和方法

8.Modeling Theory, Method and Application of Product Life-cycle Information;产品全生命周期信息建模理论、方法及应用研究

9.Study on the Optimization of Tourist Products Based on the Theory of the Life Cycle;基于生命周期理论的旅游产品优化研究

10.The Tactics Strategic Cost Management Based on Social Product Lifecycle;略论基于社会产品生命周期的战略成本管理

11.Automotive Product Lifecycle Management Research Based On Managerial Entropy基于管理熵的汽车产品生命周期管理

12.Product Structure Model Based on Lifecycle Management;基于全生命周期管理的产品结构模型

13.Connotation and Technology Architecture of Product Lifecycle Management(PLM);产品生命周期管理的内涵和技术架构

14.The Application of Product Lifecycle Management to the Medical Device Industry医疗器械的产品生命周期管理(PLM)

15.To Study on the Theory of Life-Circle for Core Competence of Industrial Cluster;产业集群核心能力生命周期理论研究

16.Research on the Theories and Methods of Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Assessment on Electro-Mechanical Products;机电产品全生命周期环境经济性能评估理论与方法研究

17.Analysis on Project Cost Control: A Theoretical Framework Based On Product Entire Life Cycle;工程项目成本控制分析:一个基于产品全生命周期的理论框架



Life cycle theory of products产品寿命周期理论

3)product lifecycle management产品生命周期管理

1.Meat-production chain tracking and traceability system based onproduct lifecycle management;基于产品生命周期管理的肉品车间生产跟踪及追溯体系研究

2.Research on The Project Management of Product Lifecycle Management;企业的项目管理在产品生命周期管理中的研究

3.Research on Some Key Technologies of Customer Relationship Management in Product Lifecycle Management Context;产品生命周期管理背景下的客户关系管理若干关键技术研究

4)Product Lifecycle Management(PLM)产品生命周期管理

1.Expatiation is done to the fact that Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) can increase benefit and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises as well as keep it long lasting.阐述产品生命周期管理(PLM)能优化企业的运营流程,提高效率,提升企业的核心竞争能力,并保持核心竞争优势的持久性。

2.To meet the requirements of automotive enterprises in implementing total quality management(TQM)for entering into international market,a product lifecycle management(PLM)-based automotive industry total quality management(PAITQM)method is put forward.针对汽车企业实施全面质量管理以进入国际市场的要求,提出产品生命周期管理环境下汽车行业全面质量管理方法(PAITQM)。

3.Based on analyzing of the Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) and considering the status and trend of future development of modern manufacturing enterprises, the system of product design resources integration system is proposed.通过分析产品生命周期管理(PLM)的思想并结合制造企业现状和未来发展趋势,设计了面向PLM的产品设计资源集成系统方案。

5)product lifecycle management(PLM)产品全生命周期管理

1.After addressing the usual development and implementation methodology of product lifecycle management(PLM) system,this work presented an agile implementation methodology driven by integrated product model(IPM).研究分析了产品全生命周期管理(product lifecycle management,PLM)系统开发和实施过程中存在的问题,提出了集成产品模型(integrated product model,IPM)驱动的PLM系统开发实施方法,研究了IPM对象分析方法,阐述了IPM对象演化过程,建立了IPM的集成对象链。

6)product Life-cycle management产品生命周期管理

1.Product life-cycle management(PLM)system can be used to manage the entire information chain in the development of analog IC s.模拟集成电路的研制过程通常是以项目为主线的多点和多系统串行或并行流程,运用产品生命周期管理(PLM)系统,可以对整个研制信息链进行集成管理。

2.PLM (Product Life-Cycle Management), a kind of IT strategy that is extremely potential in commerce is rising in recent years.PLM(Product Life-Cycle Management,产品生命周期管理)是近年来兴起的一种极具潜力的商业IT战略,它是企业信息化(尤其是制造业信息化)非常重要的组成部分。

3.Based on the survey of previous findings and a case study, this article takes Mass Customization as intermediary, studies the influence from Modularity to Product Life-cycle Management ability.本研究在回顾前人相关理论成果以及案例研究的基础之上,以制造业企业为研究的对象,以大规模定制(MC)为中介,对模块化及其与产品生命周期管理的关系加以研究。


产品生命周期理论一、代表性人物产品生命周期理论最先是由弗农(Raymond Vernon)于1966年提出。二、主要观点产品生命周期理论,是20世纪第二次世界大战之后,解释制成品贸易的著名理论。该理论认为,由于技术的创新和扩散,制成品和生物一样,也具有一个生命周期。制成品的生命周期可以大致划分为5个阶段,即:(1)引入期(Introduction);(2)成长期(Expension);(3)成熟期(Maturity);(4)销售下降期(Sales Decline);(5)衰亡期(Demise)。在产品生命周期的不同阶段,各国在国际贸易中的地位是不同的。
