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旋转角 rotation angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 20:23:57


旋转角 rotation angle英语短句 例句大全

旋转角,rotation angle

1)rotation angle旋转角

1.When the filling rate is low, with the increase of the scatterers′rotation angle, the band-gap width initially bec.结果表明:通过改变散射体的取向可以调节系统的带隙,当填充率较低时,带隙宽度随散射体旋转角的增加先减小再增加,而填充率较高时,带隙宽度随散射体旋转角的增加而先稍有增加然后再减小。

2.They include the deviation of right dihedral angle (for cube corner retroreflectors only) and working attitude (entrance angle, observation angle,rotation angle).从理论角度分析逆向反射镜(三面直角棱镜阵列形式)的二面直角偏差及其工作姿态(入射角、观察角、旋转角)等因素对反射光光能分布的影响,建立起逆向反射镜反光模型。

3.If inappropriaterotation angles are used in those rotations, it will produce incorrect transformation results.研究后发现,坐标系变换中的旋转角并非姿态角,并由此导出了两种常用旋转方式对应的旋转角,它是纵摇角和横摇角的函数。


1.Sets 3-D chart elevation, rotation, and height设置三维图表的仰角、旋转角与高度

2.Set 3-D chart elevation, rotation, and height设置三维图表的仰角、旋转角以及高度

3.Round Angle Based on Move Modeling and Control基于旋转角度的角色运动建模与控制

4.A Method of 3D rectangular coordinate transformation adapted to any rotation angle适用于任意旋转角的三维直角坐标转换方法

5.Tilt Sensitive. Controller can be rotated or rolled from side-to-side.旋转感应装置,控制器可以任意翻转,感应旋转角位移。

6.The Automatic Recognition of Frontal Face with Large Rotation Angle大旋转角度人脸前视图的自动识别

7.Eg. Maximum swivel of table is 120.工作台的最大旋转角度是120度。

8.A Fast Wavelet Analysis Algorithm Based on Rotation Angle Series旋转角序列小波分析快速算法(英文)

9.Fast Measurement Method for the Rotation Angle of MEMS MicrostructuresMEMS微结构旋转角度的快速测量方法

10.In addition to forward and backward rotation, center of rotation and rotation angle in certain procedures can be set up.除向前和向后旋转以外,旋转中心点和旋转角度在某种程序上可设置。

11.The rotational angle of a ball around its rotational axis.转轴角-----球旋转时转轴的水平角度。

12.revolution of polar to Cartesian极坐标-直角坐标旋转

13.any rotating body has an angular momentum about its center of mass; angular momentum makes the world go round.角动量使地球在旋转。

14.To revolve or cause to revolve.旋转旋转或引起旋转

15.Angular momentum can accompany nonrotational motion.非旋转的运动可能伴随着有角动量。

16.One-step large-viewing angle rainbow holography by rotating the reference beam参考光旋转—步法大视角彩虹全息术

17.Study on Angle Measurement about In-plane Rotation Motion in MEMS;微结构平面旋转运动角度测量的研究

18.The Application of"Phase-Angle Rotation Method" in Phasemass Analysis;“相角旋转法”在相量分析中的应用


stagger angles/rotation转角/旋转

3)Magic angle spinning魔角旋转

1.The principles of high resolution solidstate NMR techniques, including high power proton decoupling, cross polarization, magic angle spinning and multipulse decoupling, are described.介绍了强功率质子去耦、交叉极化、魔角旋转和多脉冲去耦等固体高分辨核磁共振技术的原理,以及固体高分辨27Al和29SiNMR在水泥熟料矿物分析、水化产物分析和水化过程、火山灰反应及与混凝土碱集料反应研究中的应用状况。

2.ObjectiveTo study effect of Herba Erigerontis on metabolites in cerebral ischemia rats with high-resolution magic angle spinning ~1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(HR MAS ~1H NMR).采用离体高分辨魔角旋转波谱(HRMAS1HNMR)技术观察大、小脑波谱中胆碱(Cho)、肌酸(Cre)、N-乙酰天门冬氨酸(NAA)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、谷氨酸(Glu)、天冬氨酸(Asp)等共振峰的变化。

3.Objective:To study the effect of angelica on metabolites in cerebral ischemia rats by high-resolution magic angle spinning HRMAS 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.采用大脑中动脉阻断法(middlecerebralarteryocclusion,MCAO)制作大鼠急性脑缺血损伤模型,缺血3h后,恢复血供或当归治疗,采用离体高分辨魔角旋转波谱(1HHRMASNMR)技术检测,观察大、小脑波谱中胆碱(Cho)、肌酸(Cre)、N-乙酰天门冬氨酸(NAA)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、谷氨酸(Glu)、天冬氨酸(Asp)、甘氨酸(Gly)等共振峰的变化。

4)rotation angle旋转角度

1.The calculation ofrotation angle in the mechanism of removal transformation;移动变换中的旋转角度计算

2.High resolution measurement of MEMSrotation angle by phase correlation method基于相位相关技术的MEMS旋转角度高分辨力测量

3.Methods The rotation movement androtation angle on the serial dynamic ultrasonic short-axis gray scale views of 48 isolated atherosclerosis plaques(i.方法采用超声速度向量成像技术,检测并量化评价46例患者共48个孤立性偏心性粥样硬化斑块内膜旋转运动及其角度,比较标准等长握力试验前后孤立性颈动脉粥样硬化斑块上、中、下游不同部位和正常参考段血管短轴收缩期和舒张期内膜旋转的发生频率和旋转角度。

5)angular rotation成角旋转

1.In order to observe the rehabilitation therapeutic effect of rapid rotation ofangular rotation in the treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, the patients were divided into group A: n= 126, undergoing rapid traction ofangular rotation combined with routine comprehensive therapyl and group B: n =126, receiving routine comprehensive therapy only.为观察成角旋转快速牵引对腰椎间盘突出症的康复疗效,将腰椎间盘脱出症患者分为A组126例,运用成角旋转快速牵引配合常规综合疗法治疗;B组126例,运用常规综合疗法治疗。

6)revolving angle旋转角度

1.The calculation ofrevolving angles is direct and forthright by combination of form and number.寻求移动变换机构中旋转角度计算的方法,给出了移动变换定义,按定义推导出了代数方程组。

2.How will the proper revolving semidiameter in throwing be formed and the greatestrevolving angle obtained by using the change of the body’s revolving axis so that theathlete can get the desirable amount of angle movement?This is what our paper setsforth.本文主要阐述:怎样利用人体旋转时转轴的变化,形成合理的旋转投掷半径,取得最大限度的旋转角度,从而使整个投掷过程获得理想的角动量。


