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建置 establishment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 09:33:55


建置 establishment英语短句 例句大全



1.Including their charectors and lows the ancient Chinese historiographer system and the historiography development based on the historiographerestablishment and t.形成于先秦时期的史官建置及史官职能,奠定了中国古代史官制度和史学发展的基础,也决定了其在发展过程中应有的特点和规律。

2.This paper investigates the background of theestablishment of district schools and prefecture schools of Duyun in the Ming Dynasty to get general information of the region of Duyun from the perspective of education.本文对明代都匀卫、府学建置背景进行考察,旨在从教育这一视角了解明代都匀地区概貌。


1.web site development"网站建构设计, 网站发展, [台]网站建置 "

2.Create Document Profiles and Custom Profiles创建文档配置文件和自定义配置文件

3.A Few Suggestions as to Arrangement of Standard Flow Meters for Crude Oil对原油计量流量标准装置设置的建议

4.builder"s air heater建筑物除湿热风装置

5.His opinions cannot be brushed aside my suggestion.他对我的建议置之不理。

6.Create a Position Key on创建Y轴位置关键帧

7.Create a Position Key on X创建X轴位置关键帧

8.Create a Position Key on Z创建Z轴位置关键帧

9.reactor building cooling unit反应堆建筑物冷却装置

10.She was very non-committal about my suggestion.她对我的建议不置可否.

11.building setback把楼宇建筑位置移后

12.The proposal had been shelved for a year.这个建议曾被搁置一年。

13.waste handling modification废物处理装置的改建

14.Click Create configuration database to create a new configuration database.单击“创建配置数据库”可创建新的配置数据库。

15.the branch of architecture dealing with the selection and organization of furnishings for an architectural interior.建筑学中有关建筑物内部的设置的选择与布置。

16."Orientation: In architecture, the position of a Building on its site."朝向:在建筑中,建筑物所在地的位置。

17.Before creating documents, please configure your site by clicking ""Change Settings"".创建文档之前,请单击“更改设置”来配置您的站点。

18.Equipment layout optimization in pelleting unit of PE plant聚乙烯装置改扩建挤压造粒设备布置的优化


Organizational system建置

3)plant construction装置建设

4)plant expansion装置扩建

5)configuration suggestion配置建议

6)constructing setting公建配置

1.From planning layout,scenic layout,constructing setting,road and parking system,environment sanitation project planning as well as sand road planning,it elaborates the general planning and design, so as to offer reference for planning and design of familiar items.结合项目概况,介绍了项目规划设计原则,从规划布局、景观格局、公建配置、道路与停车系统、环境卫生工程规划、河道规划等方面阐述了其总体规划设计,以供类似项目的规划设计参考。


建置1.亦作"建寘"。 2.扶植。 3.建立;设置。 4.建造;兴建。 5.犹建树。 6.设施。
