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面向服务架构 SOA英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 02:32:37


面向服务架构 SOA英语短句 例句大全



1.Research onSOA-based enterprise Information Integration;面向服务架构下的企业信息集成

2.Design and Implementation of "Digital Hydrology" System Based onSOA;面向服务架构的安徽“数字水文”设计与实现

3.A Design and Implementation ofSOA Based on Grid Service;一个基于网格服务的面向服务架构设计与实现


1.Research on GIService Based on Service-Oriented Architecture;面向服务架构(SOA)的空间信息服务研究

2.Service classification of service-oriented architecture and its application面向服务架构中的服务分类及其应用

3.A strategy for service fault tolerance in SOA一种面向服务架构中服务容错的策略

4.Construction of Collaborative Manufacturing Service Chain Based on Service Oriented Architecture面向服务架构下协同制造服务链构建研究

5.Research of the SOA Based on Artificial Immune Mechanism Agent;基于免疫Agent的面向服务架构研究

6.Research on the Agile Supply Chain Based on Service-Oriented Architecture;基于面向服务架构的敏捷供应链研究

7.Research and Application on Service-Oriented Architecture Based on WCF基于WCF面向服务架构的研究与应用

8.Research and Design of Enterprise Application Integration Based on SOA面向服务架构的企业集成设计与研究

9.Self-organizing mechanism of bus in service-oriented architecture一种面向服务架构总线的自组织机制

10.Agile Manufacturing Mode Based on SOA and Its Key Technology面向服务架构的敏捷制造及关键技术

11.Design and Realization of Service Bus of Service-Oriented Architecture;面向服务架构的服务总线的设计与实现

12.Research of Semantic Graph Based Web Service Composition in SOA;面向服务架构中基于语义图服务组合的研究

13.Research on Web Service Integration of PACS Based on SOA;基于Web服务面向服务架构的PACS系统集成研究

14.Research and Application of the Enterprise Service Bus Based on SOA面向服务架构企业服务总线的研究与应用

15.Research and Implementation of Web Services Composition Security in SOA面向服务架构中web服务组合安全的研究与实现

16.Research and application of data service for data acquisition in SOA面向服务架构的数据服务在数据访问中的应用

17.Study and Implementation on Business Rules Technology Based on Service-Oriented Integration Architecture面向服务架构的业务规则技术研究与实现

18.The Service-Oriented Architecture Design Of A Digital Park;面向服务的数字公园架构设计与实现


service-oriented architecture面向服务架构

1.Study onservice-oriented architecture based on Web Services;基于Web Services的面向服务架构(SOA)的探索与研究

2.Improving enterprise agility based on Service-Oriented Architecture;采用面向服务架构实现敏捷企业

3.Application ofservice-oriented architecture in dynamic enterprise application integration;面向服务架构在动态企业应用集成中的应用

3)service oriented architecture面向服务架构

1.Design of data share and exchange platform based onservice oriented architecture;基于面向服务架构的数据共享与交换平台的设计

2.Study on key issues aboutservice oriented architecture面向服务架构若干关键问题研究

3.An effective way to require and integrate design resource is outlined that this resource be encapsulated to Web-service based onservice oriented architecture.分析面向服务开发的特点,指出将设计资源按面向服务架构封装成Web服务是实现设计资源获取和集成的有效途径,并给出具体的系统架构。

4)service-oriented architecture(SOA)面向服务架构

1.After analyzing the conception of service-oriented architecture(SOA) and the real-time demand in power system,an application integration framework based on real-time SOA(RT-SOA) for power enterprise was proposed.在分析面向服务架构(SOA)思想的基础上,针对电力企业实时性的需求,提出了基于实时面向服务架构(RT-SOA)的电力企业应用集成框架,以业务为线索将应用集成系统的服务总线划分为相应层次,来适应电力企业信息系统在生产控制、生产管理和企业管理上的需求差异。

2.This paper put forward the service-oriented architecture(SOA) building development technique solution for the business agility requirement during the present time.重点介绍了面向服务架构的理论概念和相关特点以及面向服务的搭建式开发技术平台的基本架构。

3.Service-oriented architecture(SOA) is a coarse-grained, loosely coupled system architecture which supports dynamic enterpriseapplication integration.面向服务架构(SOA)是一种粗粒度、松耦合的系统结构,它支持动态的企业应用集成。

5)service oriented architecture(SOA)面向服务架构

1.With the introduction of the Service Oriented Architecture(SOA),the integration and development speed of software systems will become quicker and quicker.随着面向服务架构(SOA)的提出,软件系统的整合与开发速度将越来越快,但软件系统的安全机制却是每次开发时都需要重新建立,并且随着软件系统日益增多,安全机制的复杂程度将不断提升。

2.The influences of service oriented architecture(SOA) and service component architecture(SCA) towards distributed system were analyzed.分析了面向服务架构与服务组件框架(SCA)对分布式系统的影响,提出了新的基于Struts框架与SCA规范的分布式交通仿真系统设计方案,描述了Java与C++两种语言的SCA模块实现方式,通过Web Service绑定实现了系统的整合。

6)service-oriented architecture面向服务的架构

1.Application ofservice-oriented architecture in power marketing;面向服务的架构在电力营销中的应用

2.Our solution is to introduce SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture) to improve business rules systems performance.面向服务的架构(SOA)是当今IT业内最热门的话题之一。


