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压裂改造 fracturing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 18:49:17


压裂改造 fracturing英语短句 例句大全



1.Optimum design of developing well network by integralfracturing the compact gas reservoir of the Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in the Xinchang gas field,Sichuan,China;新场气田J_2s~2气藏整体压裂改造开发井网优化设计

2.The volcanic oil reservoirs are characterized by low permeability, deep burial depth, tighter rocks, thick oil-bearing intervals and developed natural fracture and solution pores, and which have some difficulties such as high temperature of reservoir, high pumping pressure, high fluid loss, high fracture initiation gradient and high rate of sand up whilefracturing.针对辽河坳陷火山岩“低、深、硬、厚、漏”的油藏特点和“高储层温度、高施工泵压、高流体滤失、高启裂梯度、高砂堵几率”的压裂难点,确定了大排量、中低砂比、大规模、造长缝的压裂改造主导思想,以使压裂裂缝尽量多、尽量远地沟通天然微裂缝和溶孔,达到提供油流通道的目标。


1.The Economic Low Limit Research of Extra-Low Permeability by Hydraulic Fracturing;特低渗透油藏压裂改造经济下限研究

2.The Optimum Design of Massive Fracturing Treatment Plan for Block Shen 95 of Liaohe Oil Field;沈95块整体压裂改造方案优化设计

3.Application of fracturing technology in the abnormal high temperature reservoir of the well FS-3FS-3井异常高温储层压裂改造技术

4.Fracturing reformation techniques of reservoirs with abnormal breakdown pressure in Gaojiapu area of Jizhong sag冀中凹陷高家堡地区异常破裂压力储层压裂改造技术

5.Systematic fracturing technology for upper Es_3 reservoir in Wen33 block文33块沙三上段油藏整体压裂改造技术

6.Study on the Craftwork and Techniques of Fracturing Reconstruct in Well Middle 103-1 Area of Dagang Oilfield;大港油田中103-1井区压裂改造工艺技术研究

7.A Study of Fracturing Technology on Ultra-High Temperature Deep Reservoir深层超高温储层压裂改造关键技术研究

8.Dense Well Spacing, High Watery Oil Field Reservoir Compression Fracture Transformation Engineering Research密井网、高含水油田储层压裂改造技术研究

9.Study of Fracturing Technology in the Shallow Gas Reservoir of Xiao Helong Gas Field小合隆气田中浅层气藏压裂改造技术的研究

10.Difficulties and countermeasures of sand fracturing in carbonate reservoirs碳酸盐岩储层加砂压裂改造的难点及对策

11.Application of resin-coated sand for fracturing stimulation in Yaoyingtai Oilfield覆膜砂压裂改造技术在腰英台油田的应用

12.Fracturing technology reform for low-permeability reservoir of Cretaceous system in Erlian basin二连盆地白垩系低渗储层压裂改造技术

13.Multi-layered thin-fracturing technology research of Su 14 well field苏14井区多薄层分层压裂改造技术研究

14.Application of Hydraulic Jet Fracturing Technology in Vertical Wells水力喷射压裂改造技术在直井上的应用

15.The fracturing innovation strategy for block Wen33 in Zhongyuan oilfield中原油田文33块沙三地层压裂改造技术

16.Measures for Preventing and Removing Water-Locking Damage during Fracture Stimulation in Low Permeability Sandstone Gas Reservoir低渗砂岩气藏压裂改造中水锁伤害的防治措施

17.The integrated stimulation technologies in sand fracturing for the fractured volcanic reservoirs裂缝性火山岩储层加砂压裂改造的综合配套技术

18.Xinghe chang-X reservoir area geological features and fracturing analysis杏河地区长X油层地质特征和压裂改造效果分析


fracturing reform index压裂改造指标

3)bulk fracture treatment整体压裂改造

4)reservoir fracturing improvement储层压裂改造


6)acid fracturing treatment酸压改造

1.Based on the variation modes of operating curves ofacid fracturing treatment, and the geological effects of the treatment, 4 appraisal systems have been suggested each of which corresponds to one of the acid fracturing modes, including no fracture have been created (type Ⅰ), fractures have just been created and then stop (type Ⅱ), fracture have been created.深层碳酸盐岩储层酸压改造的目的就是让酸压裂缝与天然缝洞系统沟通。


