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精量 precision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-18 18:41:31


精量 precision英语短句 例句大全



1.A study of seed-throwing mechanism on wheatprecision seedermeterwith ball-spoon shaped inner-cell;球勺内窝孔小麦精量排种器投种机理的研究

2)measuring accuracy测量精度

1.The factors affecting themeasuring accuracy of natural gamma while drilling.;影响随钻自然伽马测量精度的因素

2.Analysis and Improvement of Command Factor Measuring Accuracy for a Missile;一种导弹指令系数测量精度的分析与提高

3.The temperature effect on themeasuring accuracy of a magnetostrictive liquid lever sensor;温度对磁致伸缩液位传感器测量精度的影响


1.Online assessment of phasor measurement unit"s performance based on sample data相量测量装置(PMU)动态测量精度在线检验

2.Accurate Analysis of General Stadia Survey in Theodolite Surveying and Mapping经纬仪测图中普通视距测量精度分析

3.Probe into Sensitivity of Wheaststone Bridge and Measuring Accuracy;惠斯登电桥灵敏度与测量精度的探究

4.Unfortunately it is the less precise either for accuracy, for repeatability and for reproducibility.然而,自动测量对于精度、可重复测量精度来说并不是最好的方式。

5.Applied Technique Study on Improving Measurement Precision of Phase Measuring Profilometry;提高相位测量轮廓术测量精度应用技术研究

parative Analysis on the Precisions between Two Methods for Tree Height Measurement2种树高测量方法的测量精度对比分析


8.The analysis of production profile logging flow measurement accuracy in Daqing periphery oilfield大庆外围油田产出剖面测井流量测量精度分析

9.measured the line with pinpoint accuracy.以细微的精度测量线条

10.accuracy(trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results-part 3:intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method测量方法和测量结果的精确性(精度和精密度)-第3部分;标准测量方法的精密度的间歇性测量

11.The High Precision Level Measures in Settlement Observation Application;高精度水准测量在沉降观测中的应用

12.System capacity is calculated by the accurate current detection.系统电量通过电流测量获得,高精确度.

13.High-Precision On-Line Measuring System for Cylinder Diameter with Large Range高精度圆柱直径大量程在线测量系统

14.Error Analysis and Implementation of AC High Accuracy Measurement交流量高精度测量的误差分析与实现

15.A high-precision algorithm for phasor measurement of power systems一种高精度的电力系统相量测量方法

16.A High-Precision Algorithm for Phasor Measurement Based on DFT基于DFT的高精度相量测量的新算法

17.Hardware Design of High-precision Multi-parameter Measurement System Based on DSP基于DSP的高精度多参量测量硬件设计

18.the Design of High Precision Power Measurement System Based on DSP基于DSP的高精度电量测量系统的设计


measuring accuracy测量精度

1.The factors affecting themeasuring accuracy of natural gamma while drilling.;影响随钻自然伽马测量精度的因素

2.Analysis and Improvement of Command Factor Measuring Accuracy for a Missile;一种导弹指令系数测量精度的分析与提高

3.The temperature effect on themeasuring accuracy of a magnetostrictive liquid lever sensor;温度对磁致伸缩液位传感器测量精度的影响

3)measurement accuracy测量精度

1.Improvement ofmeasurement accuracy in testing the residual stresses in auto-frettagea tube;用镗削法提高自增强管残余应力测量精度

2.Influence of background scattering onmeasurement accuracy of laser radar cross section;背景散射对LRCS测量精度的影响分析

3.The factors of impacting the X-ray thicknessmeasurement accuracy and methods to maintain影响X射线测厚仪测量精度的因素及维护方法

4)measure precision测量精度

1.Study onmeasure precision of γ-ray level meter;γ射线料位计测量精度的研究和设计

2.The size error of internal measure-hand in number-showing calipers and some factors to affect itsmeasure precision were analysed and some suggestions were put forward to perfect further standard and checking procedures.对数显卡尺内测量爪尺寸偏差及影响测量精度诸因素进行了分析,对完善标准和检定规程提出建议。

3.In accordance with the affection of transformation quantity of measured force on its precision,the improving measures were put forward,then themeasure precision was raised,the inspection request of fine products was satisfied.针对仪表测力及测力变化对其精度的影响,提出改进措施,从而提高了仪表的测量精度,延长了其使用寿命,满足了检测精密产品的要求。

5)precision measurement精密测量

1.The Applications of Machine Vision to Precision Measurement;机器视觉在精密测量中的应用

2.Application of quartz crystal biosensor inprecision measurement;石英晶体生物传感器在精密测量中的应用

3.On-lineprecision measurement of the diameter of thin thread using CCD diffraction imaging;CCD衍射成象在线精密测量细丝直径技术

6)precision heng cushion精珩余量

1.It provides basis for deciding theprecision heng cushion of the carbonizing pump barrel.通过对渗碳泵筒加工工艺的分析和试验,总结出中频感应淬火工艺参数和工件内孔尺寸、基体硬度之间的对应关系,为泵筒生产时内孔尺寸精珩余量的确定提供了依据。


精液量过少不育精液量过少不育病名。男性不育症之一。正常 健康男性一次排精的精液量应是2~6ml,少于1ml者为精液量过少。但性交次数频繁亦 可使精液量暂时性减少。Dubin等(1971年)统计,由于精液量不足所引起的不育症约为18% 。精 浆由精子的介质和营养的来源,精浆中还含有稳定精液pH的缓冲物质,能保护精子在酸性阴 道分泌物内存在。大部分精浆是精囊和前列腺分泌,精子仅占一次精液量的1%。精浆能稀释 附睾中的精子。精液量过少一方面可使精子失去活力而丧失功能,另一方面也可使精子活 动 所需要的介质减少,性交后精子不能顺利到达宫颈,均可造成不育。精液减少的原因可有 :① 性腺功能减退和内分泌不足。②附属性腺的感染,影响分泌。③尿道狭窄、尿道憩室使精液 不能完全泄出。明确引起精液量不足的病因,对治疗本病十分重要。因性腺功能减退的精液 量不足,可用人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)2000~4000IU,每周2次,肌肉注射,共8周 。消除附属性腺感染和精液不能完全排出的原因,也可使精液增加。有时因射精次数频繁而 造成精液量减少,所以禁欲数天后,再次性交,可使精液量和精子增加。可参男性不育症条 。
