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普通逻辑 general logic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 16:41:08


普通逻辑 general logic英语短句 例句大全

普通逻辑,general logic

1)general logic普通逻辑

1.This has important significance to perfectinggeneral logic and relations theory.这对完善普通逻辑或关系理论有重要意义。

2.It is impossible to draw conclusions from expressions of natural language through the application of reasoning method fromgeneral logic texts.有一些用自然语言表述的推理,用现行普通逻辑教材讲授的推理方法或规则难以推出或根本不能推出结论,而用真值表法则可以很容易地进行推理,而且这类推理简便直观;真值表解法推理的根据在于思维内容的一致性和确定性。

3.In terms of thegeneral logic concept, the definition of "practice", given in the textbook Marxist Principles of Philosophy, is not accurate enough, there is the logical drawback of over-general coverage of meaning.从普通逻辑上讲,“马克思主义哲学原理”教科书中的“实践”定义不够规范。


1.Relation Between Traditional Logic and Contemporary Logic--And about Modernizion of Traditional Logic Textbook;论普通逻辑与现代逻辑的关系——兼谈普通逻辑教材的现代化问题

2.Getting to Know the Development of Contempory Logic from the Prosperity and Decline of the Molist Logic;从墨家逻辑的兴衰看我国普通逻辑的命运

3.Distinguish from Some Theoretical Problems in Common Logic;对普通逻辑学教材中几个理论问题辨要

4.How to Teach General Logics and Modern Chinese in Vocational Colleges;高职院校普通逻辑和现代汉语教学改革初探

5.On Several Problems Concerning if-then Proposition in the Textbook General Logic;谈假言命题的几个问题——与《普通逻辑》教材商榷

6.Three Problems about Common Logic --And Relations of Definition, Dialectics and Metaphysics;普通逻辑研究三题——兼及确定性与辩证法、形而上学的关系

7.On Huang Zhanji s Masses Logics and Logic Research--The Popularization of "Formal" and "Non-formal" Logics;论黄展骥的大众逻辑与逻辑研究——“形式”与“非形式”逻辑的普及

8.PULSE (Programme of Universal Logic Simulation for Electronics)通用电子逻辑模拟程序

9.Usually, the abbreviation for logic circuit.通常是“逻辑电路”的简写。

10.point-to-point logical communication path点到点逻辑通信路径

11.Tabular Synthesis of Logical Functions Based on Three-Variable Universal Logic Gate f 4;基于三变量通用逻辑门f_4的逻辑函数查表综合

12.On the Funs in Logic Teaching;寓逻辑知识于通俗之中——谈逻辑教学的趣味性

13.K.Popper Falls into the Possible World without logic from the Necessity;从必然性退却——波普的无逻辑可能世界

14.Logical Paradoxes and Self-reference--on Kripke s thoughts of logical paradoxes;逻辑悖论与自我指称——兼评克里普克的逻辑悖论思想

15.Popularization and Research of Formal Logic:studies in Logic teaching;浅谈形式逻辑的普及与研究——兼论逻辑学的教学实践

16.The Logic of the Logical Criticism on Pseudo-freedom伪自由逻辑批判的逻辑——重读马克思《评普鲁士最近的书报检查令》

17.Freedom in Crisis:Rethinking the Mechanism and the Logic Foundation of the German Rechtsstaat;自由的危机:德国“法治国”的内在机理与运作逻辑——兼论与普通法法治的差异

18.To arrive at(a truth, for example) by logic.得出通过逻辑推理得出(例如,真理)


Common Logic普通逻辑

1.As the amplified contents of the trandtional logic,common logic is a public and basic course in colleges of arts which includes the ideas of big logic,thus it plays an important role in improving the all\|round qualities and abilities of the contemporary colleges students.普通逻辑是传统逻辑主体内容的扩充,其中贯穿着兼容并蓄的大逻辑观,是高等院校文科开设的一门公共基础课,对提高当代大学生的综合素质与能力发挥着重要作用。

2.The modernization of common logic has made remarkable achievements.经过不断地改革探索 ,《普通逻辑》的现代化已经取得了重要进展。

mon logic and dialectics are the unity of opposites.普通逻辑的科学本性及其功能 ,都是建立在以“三同一”为条件的思维确定性这个基点上的。

3)general logics普通逻辑

1.According to the present situation o f teachinggeneral logics and modern Chinese in vocational col-leges,the author makes a tentative d iscussion on how to reform the teachi ng and proposes ways to establish a practical teaching system that answ ers the demand of training talents of application nature,benefits students to acquire practical use and links logics,grammar and rhetorics.本文针对目前高职院校普通逻辑和现代汉语课的现状,对普通逻辑和现代汉语课的教学改革进行了探讨,提出了建立一个符合高职院校培养应用型人才的实际、有利于学生实际运用的沟通逻辑和语法、修辞的实用教学体系的设想。

4)ordinary logic普通逻辑

1.Inordinary logical and between the modern Chinese grammar,the rhetoric has the close relation,the grammar,the rhetor.普通逻辑是研究思维形式和思维规律的,它管的是语言内容对不对的问题;语法研究的是语言的结构规律,它管的是组词造句通不通的问题;而修辞研究的是提高语言表达效果的规律,它管的是语言材料选择得好不好的问题。

5)GLB Generic Logic Block普通逻辑块

6)modern logic and ordinary logic现代逻辑与普通逻辑


