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生态伦理规范 ecological ethic norms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-26 18:01:30


生态伦理规范 ecological ethic norms英语短句 例句大全

生态伦理规范,ecological ethic norms

1)ecological ethic norms生态伦理规范

1.The way out of the predicament is to reform human values of nature and to set up appropriateecological ethic norms by referring to the concrete ecological status, which involves the necessity to dissolve the difference between the fact and value, accordingly to act on both the ecological facts and on the fine norms.从具体的生态事实出发,重建价值观,从而综合地制定良好的生态伦理规范是人类摆脱生存困境的出路。


1.The Rationality of "Necessary Harm" as Ecological Ethic Norm;“必要伤害”作为生态伦理规范的合理性

2.The Application and Development of Modern Technology under the Control of Ecological Ethic;生态伦理规范下的现代技术应用与发展

3.The Guiding Function of Eco-ethics in Tourist Behavior Norm;生态伦理在旅游者行为规范中的指导作用

4.The Combination of Virtue Ethics and Regulation Ethics in Bioethics;德性伦理与规范伦理在生命伦理中的契合

5.Life Community: Basic Category of Ecological Ethnics;生命共同体:生态伦理学的基础范畴

6.Huapo Myth and Eco-ethical Forming Paradigms of Zhuang Nationality;花婆神话与壮族生态伦理的缔结范式

7.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值

8.Innovation in Ecological Farm Planning Based on Ecological Civilization Ethics;论生态文明伦理观下生态农庄规划创新理念

9.Freedom and its norms--On the establishment of ethic and legal norms in the researches of life science;自由及其规范——生命科学研究中的伦理、法律规范的建构

10.The Research of the Values in Urban Planning Based on Ecological Ethnics;基于生态伦理的城市规划价值观研究

11.Earlier Chinese and Occidental thoughts of “Moderation”(Shidu) and the Expansion of Its Application:From Secular Ethics to Eco-Ethics;中西早期的“适度”思想及适用范围的扩展——从人间伦理到生态伦理

12.Construction and corrupt practices of Confucian morality of law--an illustration by Confucian family morality of law;儒家规范伦理的建构及其合理性探析——以家庭伦理规范为例

13.A Preliminary Analysis of the New Ethics in the Ecological Society-Ecological Ethics;试论生态社会的新伦理学——生态伦理学

14.The Impact of Eco-ethnics to China’s Tourism Exploitation and Planning;生态伦理观对我国旅游开发与规划影响初探

15.Ethics must prove that economic logic corresponds with ethical norms.伦理学必须证明经济逻辑与伦理规范相一致。

16.Thomas--A Media Of Transformation From Virtuous Ethics To Normative Ethics托马斯:德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介

17.New Area of Moral Philosophy:From Normative Ethics to Metaethics;道德研究的新领域:从规范伦理学到元伦理学

18.Responsibility ethics:rational approach tostandardizing administrative jurisdiction;责任伦理:规范行政自由裁量权的理路



3)Ethical norms伦理规范

1.On the ethical norms of network friendship;试论网络交友的伦理规范

2.Ethics has some connections with both literary texts and non-literary texts,and ethical norms are bound to be involved in translating.翻译必然牵涉到伦理规范。

4)Normative ethics规范伦理

1.Normative ethics is an important ethic theory that has been applied in contemporary medical ethics as principles and rules.规范伦理学是一种重要的道德理论形式,当前的医学伦理学体系普遍以规范伦理学作为基础。

2.And "normative ethics"is characterized by its peremptoriness,that is,rules are laid down through legislation to set one s goal and norms of behavior.“规范伦理”的特性在于它的强制性,即通过理性的立法自身立定规则,规定行为的目标和行为的活动方式。

3.The visibility and easy operation of normative ethics influenced the practice of ideological education.规范伦理的外显性和易操作性深刻影响了道德教育实践,其道德教育模式带有明显的“知性特点”,显得抽象枯燥和苍白。

5)ethical criterion伦理规范

6)ethic criterion伦理规范

1.Libraryethic criterion is mostly content of library ethic,basic attribute of libraryethic criterion consist of subjectivity and objectivity.图书馆伦理规范作为图书馆伦理的主要内容,具有主观性和客观性的基本属性。

2.The imperfection of the competition order leads to the imbalanced social interests;even theethic criterions in traditional mechanism can’t fully coordinate with the social benefits.社会利益失衡主要导源于竞争秩序的不完善,传统体制下的伦理规范也不能从根本上协调社会利益关系。


