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国3排放标准 GB3英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-21 09:05:01


国3排放标准 GB3英语短句 例句大全



2)National stageⅢemission standards国Ⅲ排放标准

1.By the original vehicle emissions test,and then targeted to the fuel supply system,adjust and optimize,and then the catalytic converter and secondary air valves to match,with better test means,the Beijing ENTE\"s Motorcycle Emission Control Technology project and products can be a good way to meet the limits of theNational stageⅢemission standards and durability requirements.通过对原车排放摸底,然后对供油系统进行针对性的调整优化,进而对催化转化器和二次空气阀进行匹配,配合较完善的检测手段,北京英泰公司的摩托车排放控制技术方案和产品可以很好地满足国Ⅲ排放标准的限值和耐久性要求。


1.Impact of the National Ⅲ Emission Standard on the Formulation of Engine Oils发动机国Ⅲ排放标准的实施对润滑油组成的影响

2.Study on Technologies with FAI Fuel Injection System to Meet China"s Stage Ⅲ Motorcycle Emission RegulationFAI燃油喷射技术应对摩托车国Ⅲ排放标准的研究

3.Medium-Coupled Catalysts Meeting Euro Ⅲ Emission Standards for Gasoline Vehicles满足欧Ⅲ排放标准的汽油车中偶催化剂

4.Electrically Controlled High Pressure Injection System of Car Diesel Engine and Euro 3 Emission Regulations车用柴油机电控高压喷油系统与欧Ⅲ排放标准

5.A Study of Motorcycle Tail Gas Catalyst Meeting the Euro III满足欧Ⅲ排放标准的摩托车尾气催化剂研究

6.A brief discussion on the technical measures taken by two-wheeled engine for dealing with the Euro Ⅲ emission standard两轮车用发动机达到欧Ⅲ排放标准的技术措施

7.A Brief Discussion on the Technical Measures Taken by Two-Wheeled Motorcycles for Dealing with the Euro Ⅲ Emission Standard浅谈两轮摩托车应对欧Ⅲ排放标准的技术措施

8.Catalysts for Meeting Vehicles EU Ⅲ Emission Standards;满足欧Ⅲ排放标准的机动车尾气净化催化剂

9.Control Technology of Heavy Duty Vehicle Diesel Engine to Meet Euro Ⅲ Emission Legislation and Beyond满足欧Ⅲ及以上标准的重载车用柴油机排放控制技术

10.The Requirement of EURO Ⅲ Standard for Catalysts and Matching of Catalyst with Complete Vehicle摩托车欧Ⅲ排放标准对催化剂的要求及催化剂与整车的匹配

11.The environmental quality standards and pollutant discharge or emission standards are divided into state standards and local standards.环境质量标准、污染物排放标准分为国家标准和地方标准。

12.Explanation of State Standard GB21900- "The Discharge Standard for Pollutants From Electroplating"解读国家标准GB21900-《电镀污染物排放标准》

13.Experimental Study on Calibration and Optimized Matching of Combustion System to Meet China Phase Ⅲ Emission for Electronic Unit Pump Diesel Engine;电控单体泵柴油机达国Ⅲ排放燃烧系统优化匹配及标定试验研究

14.Criteria of Disposal on Ships Pollutants of the P.C.C.中华人民共和国船舶污染物排放标准

15.National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants国家危险性空气污染物排放标准

16.SCR and DPF Technology in Heavy Duty Diesel Applications重型商用车应对国Ⅳ排放标准的技术

17.An Analysis on the Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Meeting State-Ⅲ Emission Standard with ESC Test Cycles国Ⅲ柴油机ESC试验循环排放特性分析

18.Experimental Study on China Ⅲ Emission of Light Diesel Engine轻型车用柴油机达国Ⅲ排放试验研究


National stageⅢemission standards国Ⅲ排放标准

1.By the original vehicle emissions test,and then targeted to the fuel supply system,adjust and optimize,and then the catalytic converter and secondary air valves to match,with better test means,the Beijing ENTE\"s Motorcycle Emission Control Technology project and products can be a good way to meet the limits of theNational stageⅢemission standards and durability requirements.通过对原车排放摸底,然后对供油系统进行针对性的调整优化,进而对催化转化器和二次空气阀进行匹配,配合较完善的检测手段,北京英泰公司的摩托车排放控制技术方案和产品可以很好地满足国Ⅲ排放标准的限值和耐久性要求。

3)stage 3 emission regulation国3排放

1.With bench calibration and 4DF3 engine test,this system was proved to be an ideal solution for nationalstage 3 emission regulation.针对国内市场的行情特点,开发了一种新型的柴油机燃油喷射系统——直列泵+电子调速器+冷却EGR,介绍了该系统之喷油泵与喷油嘴的基本结构特点和电子调速器的设计方案,并通过相关的喷油泵试验以及在4DF3柴油发动机上的匹配试验,论证了该系统可以满足国3排放法规的要求。

4)Euro 3 emission standard欧洲3号排放标准

1.China is going to carry out theEuro 3 emission standard until because of the Olympic Game held in China.中国预计实现欧洲3号排放标准,并期望能在奥运会时会有部分轿车开始采用欧洲3号排放标准。

5)Discharge standard排放标准

1.Discussion on discharge standard for heavy metal in wastewater from producing Electrodeposited copper foil;电解铜箔生产废水中重金属排放标准探讨

2.An analysis of influences of revision of water contaminant discharge standard on China’s paper industry;制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准修订对我国造纸业的影响分析

3.The paper introduces the discharge standards for hachate from domestic waste in USA,Germany and Japan,com- pares with that in current Pollution Control Standard for Domestic Waste landfill (GB/6889-1997) in China,points out the inad- equacies and presents suggestions accordingly.介绍了美国、德国、日本等国的渗滤液排放标准,并与中国现行的《生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准》(GB16889—1997)中的渗滤液排放标准相比较,指出了其存在的排放标准统一化、限值过于严格、控制项目不足等问题,并针对这些问题提出了相关的建议。

6)emission standards排放标准

1.A review is given to the progresses made in building power plantemission standards of China.本文回顾了我国火电厂大气污染物排放标准不断完善的历程,论述了火电厂排放标准在大气污染控制中所起的重要作用,并就新修订的《火电厂大气污染物排放标准(GB13223-)》对控制排放总量和改善环境质量的效果进行了研究分析。

2.Collection of sewage charges and provision of pollutionemission standards are two options for environmental legislation to curb pollution.在环境立法中,为遏制污染,有收取排污费和规定污染排放标准两种选择。

3.This article makes an approach to apply range,control target and limit,level, main test instruments and test methed onemission standards of motor vehicles in our country at present.本文就我国现行汽车排放标准的适用范围、控制指标及限值和主要试验仪器及试验方法、标准水平及贯彻标准的意义、排放控制措施等内容进行了论述。


欧洲Ⅱ号标准何为欧洲Ⅱ号标准?汽车尾气中的有害物质包括氮氧化物(NOx)、一氧化碳(CO)、碳氢(HC)和颗粒物(PM)。欧洲Ⅱ号标准,就是对这些物质的限定——汽油轿车CO<2.2g/km.h,HC+NOx< 0.5/kw.h,柴油轿车CO<1.0g/kw.h,HC+NOx<0.9g/kw.h,PM<0.10g/kw.h。1996年,欧洲Ⅱ号标准在欧洲实施。我国政府规定,到的7月1日,汽油轿车型式认证的排放标准必须达到欧洲Ⅱ号标准。其中,北京政府规定,到的1月1日,汽油轿车的排放标准必须达到欧洲号标准。我们采用闭环控制与三元触媒结合,使废气中的90%的CO、HC转化为二氧化碳和水。三元触媒或称三元催化剂(TWC:Three-Way Catalyst), 是指用贵重金属作为催化剂将排放废气中的三种污染物进行转换NO+CO,CO+CO2—>CO2,未燃烧的碳氢化合物HD+O2—>CO2+H2O。
