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杂交品种 Hybrid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-17 18:02:49


杂交品种 Hybrid英语短句 例句大全




1.hybrid produced by crossing Prunus domestica and Prunus armeniaca.欧洲李和杏的杂交品种。

2.Strategy of Sampling for Pre-Core Collection of Sugarcane Hybrid甘蔗杂交品种初级核心种质取样策略

3.Breeding of Zhongbiza No. 1, a castor hybrid with high yield and fat content and disease tolerance高产高油抗病蓖麻杂交品种中蓖杂1号的选育

4.any of numerous hybrids of this species with other primroses.与其它报春花的任何杂交品种之一。

5.To improve the quality of(livestock) by crossbreeding with purebred stock.改良品种与纯种家畜杂交来改良(家畜)品质

6.Study on the Breeding of New Rapeseed Hybrid Zayou No.1 with Canola Quality;双低杂交油菜新品种“杂优1号”选育研究

7.Characteristics of Bt Transgenic Hybrid Cotton Suza No.6转Bt基因抗虫杂交棉苏杂6号的品种特性分析

8.Preliminary Study on High-Economic Benefits Cultivation Measures with Low Plant Density of the Two-Line Hybrid Wheat Variety-Mian Za Mai 168杂交小麦品种绵杂麦168稀植高效栽培技术初探

9.Study on Cultivating Model with High-yield of Hybrd Rape Qingza 5杂交油菜新品种青杂5号高产栽培模式研究

10.The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo.橘与葡萄柚杂交产生的品种称橘柚。

11.Current Status and Countermeasures of Protection of Hybrid Rice Variety Rights in China;浅谈杂交水稻品种权保护现状及对策

12.Breeding and Application of New Hybrid Rice Combination Teyou180杂交水稻新品种特优180的选育与应用

13.Breeding of Insect-resistance Hybrid Cotton Variety Jimian 3536抗虫杂交棉新品种冀棉3536的选育

14.Development of a New Hybrid F1 C.maxima Cultivar,Ruihong No.1西洋南瓜杂交新品种瑞红一号的选育

15.Relationships of Species,Hybrid Species and Cultivars in Genus Malus Revealed by AFLP Markers苹果属种、杂交种及品种之间关系的AFLP分析

16.To produce(an organism)by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or species;hybridize.使杂交通过不同品种、变种或种类的个体交配而产生(另一种生物);使杂交

17.Those sets of chromosomes come from the varieties originally crossbred to create the clone.这两种葡萄来源于皮诺瓦品种的杂交无性后代。

18.The Analysis of Plant Property of Greenhouse Tomato;温室专用番茄品种及其杂交种的性状分析


Breed cross品种杂交

3)a new hybrid variety杂交新品种

1.Selected technique ofa new hybrid variety between local poplarof Heilongjiang province and black poplar of America;黑龙江省乡土杨树与美洲黑杨杂交新品种的选育技术

4)hybrid rice variety杂交稻品种

5)varieties hybridization品种间杂交



F2杂交松F2杂交松介绍 F2杂交松科属: 松科 别名: 湿加松形态特征: 常绿乔木,是由洪都拉斯加勒比松(Piuscaribaeavar.hondu-rensis)和湿地松(Pinuselliottii)互为父母本产生的后代再杂交而成的二代杂交品种。其形态特征接近于湿地松,是利用湿地松和加勒比松基因重组,使二个亲本树种的优良性状在杂种子代中同时得到表现。其综合了父母本的优良性状。树形与湿地松相象,既具有湿地松通直圆满、耐水渍、早期速生的特性,又具有加勒比松后期生长快、皮薄等优点。分布与习性:适生范围广,对气温的适应性较强,比其亲本湿地松更为耐寒,在我国长江以南绝大部分地区均能适应种植,在干旱贫瘠的山地也能生长健旺。繁殖与栽培:采用组织培养和扦插育苗。栽培管理与湿地松相同。应用:造林、绿化。在铁道、高速公路两旁种植,树形整齐。图片:
