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单交种 Hybrid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 11:59:01


单交种 Hybrid英语短句 例句大全



1.Breeding of the New Waxy MaizeHybrid Suyunuo No.5 with High Yield and Good Quality;优质高产糯玉米单交种苏玉糯5号的选育

2.Growth Analysis ofHybrid and Tri-hybrid Larch;落叶松单交种与三交种生长量分析

3.The Problems in the Breeding of CornHybrids and their Countermeasures;玉米单交种选育存在的不足及弥补措施


1.Studying on Breeding of Early Quality Protein Maize-Shaandan No.17优质蛋白早熟玉米单交种陕单17的选育研究

2.Breeding Report of Food Waxy Corn Hybrid Variety:Jinnong No. 0802鲜食糯玉米单交种“津农0802”选育报告

3.Test of 12 Kinds of Introduced Maize Hybrids in China12个国内新近育成玉米单交种的引种试验分析

4.Research on the Genetic Structure and Heterosis of Zhengdan958玉米单交种郑单958遗传结构及杂种优势初步研究

5.Studies on Seed Vigour and Fungicide Treatment of High Oil and Common Maize Hybrids;高油玉米和普通玉米单交种种子活力与种子杀菌剂处理研究

6.A Glutinous Corn Variety for Fresh Cooking or Processing and Keeping Ears Fresh---Jinxiannuo No.102鲜食与加工保鲜专用玉米单交种津鲜糯102

7.Analysis of the High-Yield Potential and the Stability of the Single Cross Hybrid Maize "Zhaofeng 4th";玉米单交种“昭丰4号”丰产性、稳产性分析

8.D/P and D/A are the two forms of documentary collection.付款交单和承兑交单是跟单托收的两种形式。

9.single-tree [individual -tree,tree-by-tree] mixture单株混交(至少两种树种以上)

10.Research and Implementation on a Novel Single Phase Cycloconverter Technology一种新颖的单相交-交变频原理研究及实现

11.The polyglucose units are purified and cross-linked.各种多聚葡萄糖单位被纯化并交联。

12.Selected report of a new hybrid strain of early maturing corn-Yandan 19早熟玉米新杂交种“延单19”选育报告

13.A 5 Node 19 β Hybrid/Mixed Curved Shell Element一种5节点19-β杂交/混合(薄)曲壳单元

14.A Breeding Report on a Very Early Hybrid Variety of Corn-Yandan-15极早熟玉米杂交种“延单15”选育报告

15.Preparation and Identification of Two Monoclonal Antibodies;两种单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的建立

16.On Intersect Relative Between Administrative and Criminal Nature in Corporate Crime;单位犯罪中行、刑两种性质的交叉关系

17.Breeding Report of New Middle-late Mature Corn Hybrid Jiudan 125中晚熟玉米杂交种酒单125选育报告

18.simple alternation problem单次交替题 单次交替题


Original single cross原单交种

3)maize hybrid玉米单交种

1.Danyu99(Dan6012) is a medium latemaize hybrid bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2001 with the self bred inbred line Dan9942 as the female parent and the self bred inbred line Dan99 as the male parent.丹玉99号(丹6012)是丹东农业科学院2001年以自选系丹9942为母本,丹99号为父本组配的中晚熟玉米单交种。

2.The hybrid was tested in the pre-test of the regional test of late maturemaize hybrid of Liaoning province in and was tested in the regional and productive test of the late maturemaize hybrid of Liaoning province in and .丹玉97号(丹679)是丹东农业科学院2001年以自选系丹637为母本,D34为父本组配而成的玉米单交种。

4)modified single cross hybrid改良单交种

1.Three full-sibling binary cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS) lines, 11 back-cross binary CMS lines, 10 half-sibling binary CMS lines, 10 CMS lines and 5 restorer lines Nanhui 04, Minghui 86, Fuhui 838, Xianhui 207 and Milyang 46 were chosen to make 50 single cross hybrids(SHs) and 120modified single cross hybrids(MSHs) by the way of NCⅡ design.利用3个全同胞型二元不育系、11个回交型二元不育系、10个半同胞型二元不育系和10个亲本纯合不育系,与南恢04、明恢86、辐恢838、先恢207和密阳46等5个不同类型的恢复系,配制了50个单交种和120个不同类型的改良单交种,研究比较了各类改良单交种与普通单交种单株产量的差异以及株高、剑叶长、剑叶宽、主穗长、抽穗期等与群体整齐度关系较为密切性状的变异情况。

5)Maize single cross hybrid玉米单交种

1.Maize single cross hybrids“yundan”series i.运单系列玉米品种是指由山西省农业科学院棉花研究所以运城为选育基地育成的晋单39、晋单46、运单19和运高油1号等玉米单交种。

2.Maize single cross hybrids Yundan series of Jindan 39,Jindan 46,Yundan 19,Yungaoyou 1 etc,are bred by Cotton Research Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.运单系列玉米品种是指由山西省农科院棉花研究所育成的晋单39号、晋单46号、运单19、运高油1号等玉米单交种,这些品种与其他品种比较具有耐寒性差、耐高温性好、生长速度快、叶片光合效能强、产量突出等特性。

6)Modified single cross改良单交种

1.The research has been made on several agronomy characters of sister lines and sister crosses S 1 produced by self-breeding from a single plant of each of four materials as well as the characters of single crosses and modified single crosses composed of crossing sister lines and sister crosses with male parents.对4个不同材料各一个基本株自交产生的姊妹系及其姊妹种、以及由此配成的普通单交种和改良单交种的若干农艺性状进行分析的结果表明:1)利用早代姊妹种(S2或S3)进行制种,可以提高制种产量60%以上,有的材料S2代姊妹种的制种产量甚至成倍增加。

2.The best hybrids among the four types--single cross, modified single cross, three way cross and double cross, Adaptable range of each hy- brid in five regions; The order of potentiality of regonal bionomical effect on productivity; The best sort of the same area on different hybrids produ.应用灰色局势决策分析方法,对河南省当前大面积推广或即将推广的4种类型12个玉米杂交种进行了综合评估,明确了单交种、改良单交种、三交种及双交种中的优良杂交种。


原汁原味烩墨鱼主 料:墨鱼约500克,洋葱1个(切碎),蒜子2粒(切茸),粟米油2汤匙,番茄2个,去籽去皮切粒,白酒1/3杯,生粉适量。制作方法:1、墨鱼洗净,取出墨囊备用,充分清洗后将墨鱼身切成环状,须则切段备用。2、蒜茸以粟米油炒香,加入洋葱碎再炒香,拌入番茄肉煮3-4分钟至软身。3、加入墨鱼块,注入白酒及少许清水,调味,上盖慢火煮30分钟至软滑,将墨鱼汁注入拌匀,以少许生粉水埋芡,乘热进食。
