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嵌套logit模型 Nested logit model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-16 01:04:12


嵌套logit模型 Nested logit model英语短句 例句大全

嵌套logit模型,Nested logit model

1)Nested logit model嵌套logit模型

1.The Nested Logit Model and Its Application in the Analysis of Health Service Utility;嵌套logit模型及其在卫生服务利用分析中的应用

2.[Conclusion]Nested logit model can deal with the problem of dependencies of each categories,which helps to corr.[目的]掌握嵌套logit模型的原理及其在Stata软件中的拟合过程。


1.The Nested Logit Model and Its Application in the Analysis of Health Service Utility;嵌套logit模型及其在卫生服务利用分析中的应用

2.Analysis of Influential Factors of Destination Choice Based on NMNL Model;基于嵌套Logit模型的旅游者目的地选择影响因素分析

3.Research on nested real-time transaction model in embedded database system嵌入式数据库嵌套实时事务模型研究

4.Expanse of Box-Cox Logit Model and Its Improved Form;Box-Cox Logit模型扩展及其模型形式改进

5.Modeling Airline Passenger Choice Using Binary Logit应用Logit模型建模旅客航线选择行为

6.Mixed Logit Model Estimation Based on Monte Carlo Simulation基于Monte Carlo模拟的Mixed Logit模型求解研究

7.Nested Software Rejuvenation Policy and Its Model一种嵌套的软件抗衰策略及其模型

8.Method of LOGIT Model in Traffic Mode-split;交通方式划分的LOGIT模型方法

9.Applying Multinomial Logit Model to Evaluate the Effects of Sales Promotion;应用Multinomial Logit模型定量评估销售促销效果

10.Research on Financial Distress Prediction Based on Mixed Logit Model;基于混合Logit模型的财务困境预测研究

11.On Predicting the Growth Crisis of SMEs Based on Logit Model;基于Logit模型的中小企业成长危机预警

12.Logit model confidence intervals for controlling probability of financial crisis;财务危机发生概率的Logit模型置信区间

13.A Logit Model of Housing Tenure Choice Among the Elderly in Australia;澳大利亚老人住房消费选择的Logit模型

14.Analysis on the Financal Pre-warning in Listed Company based on the Logit Mode;基于Logit模型的上市公司财务预警分析

15.Mode choice models based on logit stochastic equilibrium in transportation (systems) with park-and-ride option;瓶颈处停车换乘logit随机均衡选择模型

16.Multinomial Logit model based on Gumbel Copula基于Gumbel Copula函数的多维Logit模型

17.The Application of Ant Colony Algorithm in Parameter Calibration of Logit Model蚁群算法在Logit模型参数标定中的应用

18.Logit Model of Influencing Factors on Sports Consumption体育产品消费影响因素的Logit模型


Nested model嵌套模型

1.Through root transformation,numerical initialization and adjustment on the original model series,nested model between GM(1,N) and GM(1,1) is constructed.笔者将影响湖南省高校事故学生非正常死亡人数的各项因素作为一个系统,应用系统灰预测理论建立高校事故系统灰预测模型;将原始建模数据序列经过方根变换和数值初始化处理后,适合于建模的要求,构造GM(1,N)与GM(1,1)的嵌套模型;通过建模事中和事后的检验,预测湖南省高校事故学生非正常死亡人数,预测值与实际值相差较小,模型精度较高;高校事故非线性灰色预测模型,为高校事故预测提供了一种应用方法并有一定的指导意义。

3)logit modellogit模型

1.Determinants of Housing Tenure in Six Cities of China-A study based on the China 2000 census withlogit model;基于Logit模型的中国城镇家庭住房产权的影响因素分析

2.The Maximum Strategy and Application on Nested-Logit Model and Product Differential Theory;基于Nested—Logit模型和产品差异性理论的企业“广义利润”最大化策略及应用

3.Logit model confidence intervals for controlling probability of financial crisis;财务危机发生概率的Logit模型置信区间

4)Mixed Logit modelMixed Logit模型

1.Study on Mixed Logit Model and Its Application in Traffic Mode Split;Mixed Logit模型及其在交通方式分担中的应用研究

2.TheMixed Logit model for transport route choice is established based on the theory of disaggregating model and the private car owners\" trip survey data about congestion pricing in Dalian city.应用非集计模型理论及大连市私家车出行者关于拥挤收费的意愿性调查数据,建立了交通路径选择Mixed Logit模型,特别是将收入因素以非线性形式考虑进效用函数,对各变量系数进行了多种分布形式的探讨。

3.Mixed Logit model is widely used in transportation because it can avoid restrictions caused by other discrete choice models.Mixed Logit模型因能有效地避免其他离散选择模型的限制而被广泛地运用于交通领域,但由于它概率形式的非封闭性而导致了复杂的求解过程。

5)G-Logit modelG-Logit模型

6)Logit modelLogit 模型


