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富集作用 Enrichment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-03 01:43:09


富集作用 Enrichment英语短句 例句大全



1.Study onEnrichment of Heavy Metal Pb~(2+) in Water by Alternanthera Philoxeroides;水花生对水体中重金属Pb~(2+)的富集作用研究

2.The origin and enrichment of gold in gulch-gold mines located in northern region of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江北部砂金矿的物质来源及金的富集作用

3.Advantages and Disadvantages of Heavy MetalEnrichment in Medicinal Animals and Plants;药用动植物重金属富集作用的利与弊


1.lake eutrophication assessment湖泊养分富集作用评估

2.Effects of Earthworm Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil Matrix蚯蚓对土壤中重金属的富集作用研究

3.A simulation Study on the Accumulation or Added Rare Earth Elements in Aquatic Ecosystem水生生态系统对稀土元素富集作用的模拟研究

4.Enrichment of Yunnan Bowl Tea to Ce(Ⅳ) Ion in Aqueous Solution云南沱茶自水溶液中对铈(Ⅳ)离子的富集作用

5.The Physiological Energetics of Styela Clava and Its Accumulation of Heavy Metals;柄海鞘的生理能量学及对重金属的富集作用

6.Studies on the Absorption and Concentration Effect of Duckweed to Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Polluted Waterbodies;浮萍对污染水体中氮磷吸收富集作用研究

7.Studies on Accumulation of Arsenic and Lead in Pteris Vittata L. and Pteris Multifida Poir. in As-Pb Complex Stress;井栏边草和蜈蚣草对As-Pb胁迫的富集作用

8.Study on Enrichment of Heavy Metal Pb~(2+) in Water by Alternanthera Philoxeroides;水花生对水体中重金属Pb~(2+)的富集作用研究

9.Enrichment of Heavy Metals in the Magnetic Materials Extracted from the Contaminated Urban Soils城市污染土壤中磁性物质对重金属的富集作用

10.Accumulation of Cadmium Stimulated by Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil by Huttuynia Cordata根际微生物促进下鱼腥草对镉的富集作用

11.Enrichment of Heavy Metals in Particulate Organic Matter in a Lead/Zinc Mining Contaminated Soil;铅锌矿污染土壤中颗粒状有机质对重金属的富集作用

12.The Method of Micro-nanofluidic Chip Fabrication and Its Application in Enrichment微纳流控芯片制作方法及其富集应用

13.Accumulation and Distribution of DDTs in Different Parts of Vegetables蔬菜不同部位对DDTs的富集与分配作用

14.Inducing Effect of Accumulation Ability of Heavy Metal by Plant in Contaminated Soil;重金属污染土壤植物富集能力的诱导作用研究

15.Potential effect of sedimentary iron-phosphorus accumulation on frequent algal bloom in the Pearl River Estuary珠江口沉积铁-磷的富集对赤潮频发的潜在作用

16.Mineralization enrichment of uranyl mineral in mid-low temperature hydrothermal of Shuanghuajiang uranium deposit双滑江铀矿床低温热液铀酰矿物富集成矿作用

17.Effects of Interactions Between Cd and Zn on Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Flammulina velutipesCd Zn交互作用对金针菇富集重金属的影响

18.Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.绿片岩相以下的动力变质作用是矿化富集的条件。



1.Earthworm (Eisenia foetida) was fed with bait mixture of cattle manure, sodium selenite and tailing sand from a copper mine in order to evaluate itsaccumulation on selenium and copper with an aid of determination of metals contents in the animals bodies.在测定饲养在牛粪中和饲养在生活垃圾中的蚯蚓体内金属含量的基础上,采用蚯蚓饵料(牛粪)中加入亚硒酸钠和铜矿尾矿砂以喂养蚯蚓,进一步分析和比较了蚯蚓对硒和铜元素的富集作用。

2.Simulation experiments on theaccumulation of gold by cyanobacteria and green algae showthat: (1) Bacteria and algae have remarkable gold-enriching ability,but the enrichment ability differsamong different taxa; the enrichment ability of cyanobacteria iS stronger than that of green algae.现代绿藻、蓝细菌富集金的实验模拟表明:菌藻生物对金有强烈的富集作用,但不同的生物对金的富集作用的强弱不同,蓝细菌较绿藻对金的富集作用强烈。

3.Theaccumulation of heavy metals in mycelia of Qilingu and the effects of heavy metals on the growth of this fungus were investigated.结果表明:麒麟菇菌丝对Hg、A s等重金属均有较强的富集作用,当培养基中重金属的浓度在0。

3)dispersion and enrichment分散富集作用

4)Bioconcentrating action生物富集作用

1.In this paper, we compare the ability of bioconcentrating action of IronZcinc and Selenium irons of Lentinus edodesAgrocybe chuxingu and Flammulina velutipes which are cultured in the same and different media.结果显示:培养基成分、微量元素浓度和食用菌菌株会影响食用菌的生物富集作用。

5)supergene gold enrichment表生金富集作用

6)nutrient enrichment effect营养富集作用


