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排放量 Emission英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 12:59:35


排放量 Emission英语短句 例句大全



1.The Calculation of Parks COEmission in EIA;环境影响评价中停车场CO排放量的计算

2.The results indicates that in recent 10 years,the total emission of industrial waste gas fluctuating decline in the city of Xi′an, Xianyang,Tongchuan etc whereas ascending trend is appeared in Baoji,Yulin,Weinan city etc,among them,the city of Baoji and Weinan have a great increase range.治理对策主要应为加强工业废气处理设施建设,加大废气处理力度,加强环境管理,从源头控制工业废气的排放量。

3.With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the excessively relying on the fossil energy,the emission of CO2 is becoming the serious issue.在对中国火电、水泥、钢铁、炼油、乙烯、合成氨、环氧乙烷、制氢8类企业生产数据调查的基础上,计算了中国这些企业的CO2排放量,绘制了集中点排放源的全国分布图,同时给出了大规模和高浓度CO2排放源分布图。


1.The amount or rate of emission or ejection.排放量流量、流速,或排出量,排出的速度

2.Each allowance is equivalent to one ton of emissions.一个许可排放量相当于1吨排放物。

3.world-wide emissions (of pollutants)污染物的全世界排放量

4.The amount of the industrial dust is 9.9006 million tons.工业粉尘排放量990.6万吨。

5.Research on Mercury Emission Measurement and Estimate from Combustion Resources;燃煤过程汞排放测试及汞排放量估算研究

6.The Analysis on Calculation and Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Mega-cities特大城市温室气体排放量测算与排放特征分析

7.Study on the estimation methods for NO_x emission from coal-fired power plants in China中国燃煤电厂NO_x排放估算方法及排放量研究

8.The amounts of radio-activity disseminated are subject to careful control.放射性排放量是要经过严格控制的。

9.The amount of the industrial smoke dust discharge is 8.412 million tons and the amount of the daily lives is 2.179 million tons.其中工业烟尘排放量841.2万吨,生活烟尘排放量217.9万吨。

10.However, they still were responsible for 90% of the total pollution.可是,他们的污染物排放量还是占到了总排放量的90%。

11.The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government."一控":12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量

12.2000 ULEV (Ultra Low Emission Vehicle) tailpipe technology available worldwide全世界采用 ULEV(超低排放量车辆)排气管技术。

13.national (annual) emissions (of air pollutants)全国每年的空气污染物排放量

14.The system is based on a system of allowance that can be banked or sold by emitters.这种制度是以许可排放量制度为基

15.Safety valve (or bursting disc) relieving capacity calculation sheets安全阀(爆破片)排放量计算书

16.Study on Estimation of Methane Emission from Rice Fields in Changchun Area长春地区稻田甲烷排放量的估算研究

17.Estimation of N_2O Emissions from Cropland in Sichuan and Chongqing;四川省和重庆市农田N_2O排放量估算

18.d emission standard空气质量和排放标准



1.Adjustment on NO_x emission factors and calculation of NO_xemissions in China in the year 2000;我国氮氧化物排放因子的修正和排放量计算:2000年

2.According to MONERIS,three models were established to estimate the nutrientemissions into the river systems of the southwestern Taihu Basin,i.该系统被用来计算太湖西南部河流流域的营养盐排放量。

3.Based on the activity level and emission factors,we estimated the provincial mercuryemissions from non-coal sources during the period of 1995~ in China.根据各种非燃煤大气汞排放源的活动水平和排放因子,估算了1995~中国分省非燃煤大气汞的排放量。

3)discharge amount排放量

1.Application of syntheticgrowth index method in forecast of industrial wastewaterdischarge amount;综合增长指数法在工业废水排放量预测中的应用

2.The consumption amount of Primary Energy, thedischarge amount of sensible heat to outdoor atmosphere in summer, and thedischarge amount of some main Green House Effect gases to outdoor atmosphere from five kinds of traditional air conditioning systems have been calculat.着重对五种常规空调系统的“一次能源”消耗量及夏季由此而产生的向都市大气环境的显热排放量、温室气体排放量等进行了对比统计分析 ,所得出的结果对建筑能量系统的改进与选型以及建筑能量系统节能环保的运行具有一定的指导意


1.re-use anddischarge from Chinese townships is presented in this paper by developing a population-based and output-based algorithm.利用小城镇人口数据及农、牧、副、工等行业生产和环境特点,对中国小城镇有机废物的生成量、利用量和排放量进行了估算,并对它们的潜在资源价值和环境影响作出了评价。

2.Thedischarge rate of the steam boiler safety valves controls the ability to relieve the steam pressure in the abnormal situations.锅炉安全阀排放量的大小,决定了锅炉非正常情况下蒸汽压力的释放能力。

3.This paper uses statistical data and data from a special investigation in 1996- to establish a predictive model for different industrial wastewaterdischarge and abatement expenditure.结果表明:到,工业废水和CODCr产生量分别为646×108~658×108和1 575×104~2 031×104t,二者的排放量将分别介于234×108~301×108和441。

5)Emission volume排放量

1.A model for estimation and forecast of emission volume of the for-hire motor vehicles in China was presented,including the estimation method and procedures.机动车污染物的排放量预测是研究降低机动车排放污染对策和专项行动的基础。

6)amount of exhaust emission排气排放量


