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栖息密度 density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-07 13:43:27


栖息密度 density英语短句 例句大全



1.The present paper deals with the species composition, fauna characteristics,density and biomass distribution and dominant species of maine benthos in 8 main bays of Fujian.2克/米~2;平均栖息密度179个/米~2。

2.Species composition,density and biomass distribution and their relationship to polychaete and their inhabiting environments were studied.多毛类年平均栖息密度和生物量分别为56个/m2和1。

3.This paper analyzes the relationship of the distribution of species, biomass anddensity of Polychaeta with the environmental factors, including salinity, water temperature and sediment type.根据1998~2002年胶州湾10个站各季度大型底栖动物调查结果,讨论了多毛类环节动物在各站出现种数、生物量、栖息密度与环境因子的关系。


1.The results showed that the meanabundance was 194.根据2001至南黄海鳀鱼产卵期在鳀鱼产卵场33个站考察采集的大型底栖生物定量样品资料,利用Brey′s(1990)的经验公式对调查海区进行了大型底栖生物栖息密度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值的研究计算。

2.The results showed that the meanabundance in autumn (2000) was 87 ind.根据2000年秋季和2001年春季在东海23个大面站进行的大型底栖生物定量采集样品资料,利用Brey’s(1990)的经验公式对调查海区进行了大型底栖生物栖息密度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值的研究和计算。

3)biomass and density生物量及栖息密度


1.Habitat Harmony And the Interpretation of Survival——Anthropology Investigation about Qiandongnan Dongs in Guizhou Province ;和谐栖息的生存演绎——贵州省黔东南侗族民歌的人类学调查

2.The biological characteristics of the Leptobatia elongata (Bleeker) in terms of its morphology, age and growth, reproduction, andhabitat was reported.定期调查和观测了长薄鳅[Leptobatiaelongata(Bleeker)]的形态特征、年龄与生长、繁殖习性、栖息习性等生物学特征,探讨了有关长薄鳅的年龄鉴定和渔业利用问题。


1.A rod or branch serving as a roost for a bird.栖木让鸟栖息的枝条

2.A bird whose feet are adapted for perching.栖木鸟类脚爪适于栖息的鸟类

3.The bird perched on a cedar by the window.鸟栖息在窗前的杉树上。

4.A raven perched high in the pine.渡鸦高高地栖息在树上

5.Many animals inhabit the forest.很多动物栖息在森林里。

6.Water is a fish"s natural element.水是鱼的自然栖息地.

7.penguins inhabit the polar regions.企鹅栖息在极地区域。

8.Curse, like chicken, comes home to roost .诅咒像鸡雏,必回栖息木。

9.Some of them settled in trees,有些鹌鹑栖息在树上,

10.whitefly that inhabits greenhouses.栖息在温室中的粉虱。

11.He potted at a sitting wild duck.他射击一只栖息的野鸭。

12.A troop of seagulls slept on the water.一群海鸥栖息在水面上。

13.which is the main habitat of the antelopes.是藏羚羊的主要栖息地。

14.The birds perched on the telephone wires.鸟栖息在电话线上。

15.The bird took its perch on a tree branch.鸟儿栖息在树枝上。

16.Birds were sitting on the wires.鸟儿栖息于电线之上。

17.Birds are tenants of the trees.鸟儿栖息在树林之中。

18.a pair of swans nesting by the river栖息河边的一对天鹅.



1.The results showed that the meanabundance was 194.根据2001至南黄海鳀鱼产卵期在鳀鱼产卵场33个站考察采集的大型底栖生物定量样品资料,利用Brey′s(1990)的经验公式对调查海区进行了大型底栖生物栖息密度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值的研究计算。

2.The results showed that the meanabundance in autumn (2000) was 87 ind.根据2000年秋季和2001年春季在东海23个大面站进行的大型底栖生物定量采集样品资料,利用Brey’s(1990)的经验公式对调查海区进行了大型底栖生物栖息密度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值的研究和计算。

3)biomass and density生物量及栖息密度


1.Habitat Harmony And the Interpretation of Survival——Anthropology Investigation about Qiandongnan Dongs in Guizhou Province ;和谐栖息的生存演绎——贵州省黔东南侗族民歌的人类学调查

2.The biological characteristics of the Leptobatia elongata (Bleeker) in terms of its morphology, age and growth, reproduction, andhabitat was reported.定期调查和观测了长薄鳅[Leptobatiaelongata(Bleeker)]的形态特征、年龄与生长、繁殖习性、栖息习性等生物学特征,探讨了有关长薄鳅的年龄鉴定和渔业利用问题。

5)information density信息密度

1.The relation of the average quotation quantity andinformation density is discussed.并探讨篇均引文量与信息密度之间的相关性。

2.Strengthening information sense,increasing selection dynamics,shortening publication circle,enlarginginformation density are yielding characteristic publication and raising it′s level.作为科技期刊编辑必须强化信息意识,加大优选力度,缩短出版时滞,增加信息密度,使期刊办出特色,提高水

6)habitat suitability model栖息地适合度模型

1.This paper describes ahabitat suitability model for Chinese sturgeon in the Yichang reach which integrates the 2-D k-ε turbulence model with habitat suitability functions for Chinese sturgeon.栖息地适合度模型用来计算生态环境条件对某一特定物种栖息的适合程度。


