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河段 reach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 10:00:28


河段 reach英语短句 例句大全



1., inflow and water using in various periods and breaches in the paper.本文分时段、河段从来水和用水的角度探讨了造成黄河卜游断流的原因,通过分析得出如I;结论:2~5月份下游断流的主要原因是下游引黄耗水量大幅度增加和中游区间来水的减少;汛期下游断流的原因主要是全网耗水的增加、中游区间来水的减少和龙羊峡、刘家峡水库进入汛期蓄水运用阶段影响;龙、刘水库非汛期的补水有助于缓解厂游断流的程度,但中游区间来水的减少和上游引黄耗水量的增加削弱了龙、刘水库的补水作用;全河特别是下游引黄时间的提前导致下游首次发生断流的日期也相应前提。


1.River variation and regulation of key reaches in Shandong Province of the Yellow River黄河山东段近期重点河段河势演变与河道整治

2.Practice and Research on the Training of the Ning Meng Course of Yellow River;黄河宁蒙河段河道整治的实践与研究

3.Analysis on Vicissitude of River Bed at Section of YiLi River Super Major Bridge at Sandaohezhi Sub;三道河子伊犁河特大桥桥渡河段河床演变分析

4.The southern part of the canal is still open to navigation nowadays.如今,南方河段仍可通航。

5.That is one of the most beautiful reaches of the Thames.那是泰晤士河最美丽的河段之一。

6.The desilting and warping work on certain sections of the Yellow River is very important.黄河河段的放淤、清淤工作十分重要。

7.A Preliminary Study on the Ice Jam at the Liujiaxia Reach of the Yellow River黄河刘家峡河段冰塞问题的初步研究

8.Analysis of River Bed Stability in Jing Jiang Reach of Yangtze River and Conditions for Port Construction靖江河段河床稳定性与建港条件分析

9.France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤。

10.The Demonstration of Waterpower Gradual Exploitation in the Datong River Section in Gansu;大通河甘肃省河段水电梯级开发论证

11.Study on Types of Hydropower Development of Zhentouba Reach on Daduhe River;大渡河枕头坝河段水电开发方式研究

12.Analysis on River Channel Evolution and Regulation of Ma"anshan Reach of Yangtze River长江马鞍山河段河道演变及整治研究

13.Cause of main channel shrinkage occurred to the Inner-Mongolia reaches of Yellow River黄河内蒙古河段主槽萎缩原因和对策

14.The Biological Examination of Pollution of Xi He Reach in Wei River渭河藉河段水质污染的生物检测研究

15.Ecological sensitivity of Jingnanxia-Heishanxia reach of Yellow River黄河靖南峡-黑山峡河段的生态敏感性

16.Continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal between two locks(河流两弯曲处或运河两船闸之间的)河段

17.Some sections of the Canal are very narrow,运河的有些地段很窄,

18.2.Upper middle Rhine Valley,Germany.2、德国莱茵河谷中上段。


delta section河口河段

3)canal reach运河河段

4)Aboveground segment of Yellow River黄河悬河段

5)the Changjiang-Lujiahe river芦家河河段

1.Analysis of river-course evolution onthe Changjiang-Lujiahe river after water impoundment of the Three Gorges三峡蓄水后芦家河河段演变分析

6)the Yellow River in Henan section黄河河南段


