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锋电位 Spike英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-12 16:59:50


锋电位 Spike英语短句 例句大全



1.Principle Component Sorting of MEA SignalSpike;MEA信号锋电位的主成分分类

2.An Improved Approach of Peak-detection Algorithm forSpike Acquiring;一种获取锋电位的峰值检测算法的改进方案

3.Wavelet Transformation Sorting forSpike Signal in MEA;MEA信号锋电位的小波变换分类


1.The Study of Spike Detection and Burst Analysis of Hippocampal Neural Network;海马神经元网络的锋电位检测和爆发放电研究

2.A Novel Method for Multi-channel Neuronal Spike Detection and Classification多通道神经元锋电位检测和分类的新方法

3.Spikes Sorting Based on Manual Neural Network of Neurons Cultured on Multi-Electrode Arrays;基于人工神经网络的多电极阵列上培养神经元锋电位的分类

4.Spikes Processing in Networks of Cultured Neurons on Multi-Electrode Arrays;多电极阵列上培养神经元网络的锋电位信号处理

5.This versatile actress came to the fore in a film early in her teens.这位多才多艺的女演员还在十多岁时就在一部电影里初露锋芒。

6.The position played by such a person.前锋线前锋运动员活动的位置

7.(basketball) the person who plays center.(篮球)打中锋位置的球员。

8.(ice_hockey) the person who plays center.(曲棍球)打中锋位置的人。

9.Either of the players in the outermost position on the line of scrimmage.边锋位于并列争球全体前锋锋线最边缘位置的球员

10.a position on the line of scrimmage.位于并列争球全体前锋锋线最边缘位置的球员。

11.What a pass to the center he made, and the center attempted a grazing shot.看他给中锋的传球多么到位,中锋近地射门。

12.Avant-garde and Fishing for Cheap Popularity--Popular Culture and Chinese Contemporary Avant-garde Movies;先锋与媚俗——大众文化与中国当代先锋电影

13.The position played by such a player.边锋位置这样的球员所处的位置

14.the offensive football players who line up behind the linemen.位于锋线之后的护卫球员。

15.(soccer) a forward on a soccer team.(英式足球)处于前锋位置的足球运动员。

16.the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team.在篮球队型中打前锋位置的队员。

17.The minister and the reporter were always at swords points.部长与那位记者总是针锋相对。

18.Seeing this, an old man commented, "Uncle Lei Feng isn"t around any more."旁边有位老人说,雷锋叔叔不在了。


Interspike intervals(ISIs)锋电位间隔

3)Spike train锋电位序列

4)spike sorting锋电位分类


6)spike frequency锋电位频率

pared with those of fasting pigs,no significant changes were observed in thespike frequency,spike peak area and spike amplitude after meal in E1,but significant increase was observed in thespike frequency,the spike peak area and spike amplitude after meal in E2 to E4(P<0.05);进食后E1处的锋电位频率、锋电位波峰面积、锋电位振幅较空腹时无明显变化;进食后E2-4处的锋电位频率、锋电位波峰面积、锋电位振幅较空腹时增加(P<0。




