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托轮 riding wheel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-20 13:27:02


托轮 riding wheel英语短句 例句大全

托轮,riding wheel

1)riding wheel托轮

1.Cutting experimental study of new material tools for austenitic manganese steelriding wheel;煤矿大型高锰钢托轮的新型刀具切削试验研究

2.Austenitic manganese steel, which serves as largeriding wheel at opencut coal mine, belongs to hardworking material.用于露天煤矿大型托轮的高锰钢属于难加工材料。


1.Optimum Supporting Angles of Kiln Wheel to Wheel Belt--A FEM Optimization回转窑托轮对轮带最佳支承角的有限元优化

2.inner tube of pneumatic tyre for motor cycle摩托车用充气轮胎内胎

3.Series of motorcycle rimsGB/T13202-1997摩托车轮辋系列

4.the line of the hills against the evening sky.夜空衬托下的山脉轮廓

5.the profile of the toweragainst the sky天空衬托下的塔的轮廓.

6.the silhouettes of the trees against the evening sky夜空衬托出树木的轮廓.

7.Motorcycle: Bicycle or tricycle propelled by an internal combustion engine.摩托车:由内燃机驱动的两轮或三轮车。

8.Term for motorcycles and mopeds--Dimensions of vehicle with two wheelsGB/T5359.3-1996摩托车和轻便摩托车术语两轮车尺寸

9.Term for motorcycles and mopeds--Mass of vehicle with two wheelsGB/T5359.5-1996摩托车和轻便摩托车术语两轮车质量

10.Term for motorcycles and mopeds--Dimensions of vehicle with three wheelsGB/T5359.7-1996摩托车和轻便摩托车术语三轮车尺寸

11.Motorcycles and mopeds--Part and component designations for vehicle with three wheelsGB/T15367-1994摩托车和轻便摩托车三轮车零部件名称

12.Term for motorcycles and mopeds--Mass of vehicle with three wheelsGB/T5359.6-1996摩托车和轻便摩托车术语三轮车质量

13.The test method of maximum stable side-inclination for motorcycle and moped with three wheelsGB/T16708-1996三轮摩托车和三轮轻便摩托车最大侧倾稳定角试验方法

14.Motorcycles--Terminology of controllability and stability--Wheels and tyresGB/T15028.2-1994摩托车操纵稳定性术语车轮和轮胎

15.Inner tube of pneumatic tyres--Part 2: Inner tube of motorcycle tyresGB7036.2-1997充气轮胎内胎第2部分:摩托车轮胎内胎

16.roughly sawn gunstock block for revolvers or pistols左轮手枪或手枪的枪托毛坯

17.We jack the automobile In order to change a tire我们用千斤顶把汽车托起换个轮胎

18.Strength test for motorcycle tyresGB/T13203-1991摩托车轮胎强度性能试验方法


supporting roller托轮

1.Adjusting the installation schedule of rotary kilnsupporting rollers in practice;回转窑托轮安装方案调整实践

2.Application of instrument for diameter measuring of rotary kiln box tire andsupporting roller in cement plant;回转窑轮带和托轮直径测量仪在水泥厂的应用(一)

3.Prediction of contact fatigue life of rotary kilnsupporting roller in condition of oblique compression;斜压状态下回转窑托轮接触疲劳寿命预测


1.Non-disassembling machinig technology forrollers of large-scale dryer;大型干燥机托轮不拆卸加工工艺研究

2.Investigation of heavy-load mechanical behavior ofroller-to-axle fit in rotary kiln;强压状态下回转窑托轮与托轮轴配合区的力学性能研究

4)Kiln roller托轮

1.Numerical Simulation of Contact Finite Element Method of the Interference Joint Between Kiln Roller and Its Axle;回转窑托轮与轴过盈配合的接触有限元数值仿真

5)Tyre and supporting roller托轮轮带

6)hold wheel below下托轮


