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改进剂 improver英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-26 04:37:31


改进剂 improver英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on matching of cold flowimprovers for biodiesel;生物柴油低温流动改进剂复配研究

2.Study on T-1806 dieselimprover of low temperature flowing;T-1806柴油低温流动性能改进剂的实验研究

3.The Industry Application Using A Paving Asphalt Penetration Ratio Improver;道路沥青针入度比改进剂的工业应用试验


1.polyacrylate-type VI improver聚丙烯酸酯型粘度指数改进剂

2.Study and Test of New Cold Flow Improvers for Diesel Fuel;新型柴油低温流动改进剂的实验研究

3.Preparation and Application of Hydrogenated SIBR Used for Viscosity Index Improver用于粘度指数改进剂的氢化SIBR的研究

4.A Chloride-and Alkali-free Quality Improver of Cement一种无碱无氯型水泥质量改进剂(英文)

5.Application of compound matrix modifier on determination of chromium in blood复合基体改进剂在血铬测定中的应用

6.Improved synthesis of IPL576,092:a novel anti-asthma agent抗哮喘剂IPL576,092的改进合成

7.Research on Improvement Dosage Form of Chinese Medicine Complex Prescription under the Guidance of Biological Pharmacy;以生物药剂学为指导的麻黄汤剂型改进的探索

8.Conclusion: The Lugangshi lotins of the improvement empress a stability is good.结论:改进后的炉甘石洗剂稳定性好。

9.This can be improved by the addition of an adjuvant.这可以从增效剂上加以改进。

10.lmprovement of Production Technology of 3% Ke Bai Wei Granular3%克百威颗粒剂生产工艺技术的改进

11.Study on Synthetic Process and Its Improvement of Antioxidant 2246;抗氧剂2246的合成工艺研究与改进

12.Studies on the Precedure and Quality Standard of Zhibaidihuang Pills;知柏地黄丸剂型改进和质量标准研究

13.About improving the froms and using A New Technology in Tibetan Medicine;浅谈藏药的剂型改进与新技术的应用

14.Experiment on Improving an Anti-wear and Friction-reduction Additive;一种抗磨减摩添加剂的改进实验研究

15.Improvement of Catalyst in CODCr Test;COD_(Cr)测定中催化剂的改进

16.Studying on the modification of efficient TiO_2 photocatalystTiO_2光催化剂改性的研究进展

17.Research Progress in Sensitizer-sensitized Modification of Titanium Dioxide敏化剂敏化改性TiO_2的研究进展

18.Pd/C catalysts Prepared with Improved Liquid Phase Reduction Method用改进液相还原法制备炭载Pd催化剂



1.Alkylbenzene-gassing PropertiesModifier of Insulating Oil;烷基苯-绝缘油析气性改进剂

2.Determination of Selanium in Food by Atomic Absorption spectropometer withModifier;采用基体改进剂的原子吸收法测定食品中微量硒

3.The challenge confronted with ZDDP was expatiated based on the developing trend of lubricating oil and the disadvantage of ZDDP,the research status of its modifier was summarized,the research outlook of substitute for ZDDP was viewed,it was pointed out that the R&D task of ZDDP had a difficult and long way to accomplish.从润滑油的发展趋势和ZDDP的局限性2方面阐述了ZDDP所面临的挑战,并对ZDDP改进剂的研究现状进行了总结,最后对ZDDP替代物的研究进行了展望,指出ZDDP的替代研究开发任重而道远。

3)dosage form improving剂型改进

4)The development of the prescriptional form剂改进展

5)Matrix modifier基体改进剂

1.Determination of trace Pb in sufu by GFAAS using standard addition method and ascorbic acid as matrix modifier;标准加入法-抗坏血酸基体改进剂GFAAS测定腐乳中痕量铅

2.Studies on the Effect of Matrix Modifier Calcium Nitrate in the Determination of Tin in Food by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食品中锡时基体改进剂硝酸钙的作用

3.Determination of Platinum in Gangue Using Vitamin C as Matrix Modifier by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;抗坏血酸基体改进剂-石墨炉原子吸收法测定尾矿砂中铂

6)friction modifier摩擦改进剂

1.Meanwhile,high performancefriction modifiers must be blended into engine oil to achieve higher fuel economy.燃料经济性要求的提高,使得目前发动机油的发展呈现出低粘度化的应用趋势;同时必须添加性能优异的摩擦改进剂以获得良好的燃料经济性。

2.A phosphorite used as lubefriction modifier was synthesized b y phosphonic aryl ester and fatty alcohol using ester exchange method in laborator y.在实验室使用亚磷酸芳基酯与脂肪醇,利用酯交换法合成了一种亚磷酸脂肪醇酯作为润滑油摩擦改进剂。

3.The types and working mechanism offriction modifier are explained, different types of modifiers are compared, and it is pointed out that application offriction modifier may reduce friction loss under boundary friction and/or mixed friction state, thus to enhance the fuel economy.介绍了摩擦改进剂的类型及作用机理,比较了不同类型的摩擦改进荆,阐述了应用摩擦改进剂减少边界润滑和混合润滑状态下的摩擦损失,从而提高燃料经济性。


