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杂种 hybrid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-18 07:56:29


杂种 hybrid英语短句 例句大全



1.Isozyme Analysis of Gastrodia elata f. elata and G. elata f. glaucca and Their Hybrid;乌天麻和红天麻及其杂种的同工酶分析

2.Seedling Period Increment Analysis of Hybrid Larch Family of Exotics Introduction in Xiaoxing anling;小兴安岭引种杂种落叶松家系苗期生长量分析

3.The correlation of the orf224 gene with cytoplasmic male sterility of several interspecific and inter-subspecifichybrids in the genus Brassica;orf224基因与芸薹属种间杂种雄性不育性的相关性


1.A mixture of different races.杂种不同种族的混杂

2.crossing and heterosis of animal杂交和杂种优势(家畜)

3.The Heterosis Analysis of Two Types Castors两种类型蓖麻杂交种杂种优势的分析

4.After the French bastards!是法国杂种,追啊!

5.a cross-bred sheep, dog, etc杂种的羊、 狗等.

6.Out of that, you mongrel.放开它,你这杂种!

7.widely cultivated hybrid poker plant.广泛种植的杂种植物。

8.of inferior or mixed breed.指劣等品种或杂种的。

9.Studies on Cross Breeding and Application of Hippeatrum Hybridum;杂种朱顶红(Hippeatrum Hybridum)杂交育种与栽培研究

10.Studies on the crossing between Myrica rubra and M. nana and embryo culture in vitro of its hybrid F_1杨梅种间杂交及杂种F_1的胚培养

11.Hybrid Wheat Breeding by Using Chemical Hybridizing Agents;应用化学杂交剂培育杂种小麦的研究

12.Studies on the Heterosis and Combining Ability of Cotton Hybrids in Resistance to Pink Boll-worm;抗虫杂交棉的杂种优势及配合力研究

13.Acquirement and Molecular Identification of Hybrids in Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.)枣树杂交后代的获得及杂种分子鉴定

14.hybrid merogony杂种无核卵块受精发育

15.He hoped the old bastard croaked.他希望老杂种早点死去。

16.and in the same instant the half-breed saw his chance,与此同时,这个杂种乘机

17.Those bastards killed Francois.这杂种杀了法兰西斯

18.but rather, "I"ll sue the bastards".”而是, “我要告那个杂种”。



1.Embryo Rescue and Identification ofHybrids between Sweet Cherry and Chinese Cherry;甜樱桃与中国樱桃杂种的胚抢救及杂种鉴定

2.SSR Analysis of Some Species andHybrids in Populus;利用SSR对杨属部分种及杂种的分析鉴定

3.Zhongshansha 302 and four strains of their hybrids were analysed.本实验从中山杉 30 2×墨西哥落羽杉回交一代中选取4个回交杂种 (BF1 6 1,BF1 149,BF1 10 2和BF1 118)为材料 ,用同工酶电泳方法分析回交杂种之间同工酶酶谱的异同 ,了解它们在不同生长阶段酶基因的表达特性 ,为今后新品种的选育提供基础资料。

3)interspecific hybrid种间杂种

1.Morphological and cytological observations oninterspecific hybridization F_1 from Cucumis sativus × C. hystrix;Cucumis sativus×C.hystrix种间杂种的形态学和细胞学观察

2.The tests of the traits in yield,fibre quality and disease resistance in Juteinterspecific hybrid F_4;黄麻种间杂种F_4的产量和纤维品质及抗病性测定

4)interspecific hybrids种间杂种


1.Studies on Development of Sporidiole of TrispecificHybrids;棉花三种杂种小孢子发育的研究

6)intraspecific hybrid种内杂种


