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进攻失误 turnover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 17:08:51


进攻失误 turnover英语短句 例句大全



1.Offensiveturnover about men s basketball match of China at 15th FIBA World Championship;第15届男篮世锦赛中国队进攻失误分析


1.Offensive turnover about men s basketball match of China at 15th FIBA World Championship;第15届男篮世锦赛中国队进攻失误分析

2.Analysis of offensive turnover in period of men s basketball final matches at 10th National Games;第十届全运会男子篮球决赛进攻失误分析

3.Analyse to Offensive Turnovers of Chinese Team in the 15~(th) Men s Basketball World Championships;第十五届世界男子篮球锦标赛中国队进攻失误现象的分析

4.Research on the attack turnover of Chinese basketball man team in the 15~(th) World Basketball Championship;第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛中国男篮进攻失误研究

5.Analysis of Chinese Male Basketball Team"s Offensive Turnover in the View of Sports Training训练学视角下对中国男子篮球队进攻失误的研究

6.Analysis on Turnover of Offensive Index of Chinese Men"s Basketball Team in the 29th Olympic Games对第29届奥运会中国男篮进攻失误指标的分析研究

7.Research on the Effective Attack Tactics and Reasons for Attack Failure in the 12th European Cup;对第12届欧洲杯足球赛有效进攻战术和进攻中失误原因的研究

8.The vulgar will keep no account of your hits, but of your misses.卑劣之人从不关心你的进攻,却关注你的失误。

9.Research into reasons of passing ball failure for attacking team within 30 m of opponent s penalty area at Euro ;欧洲杯足球赛进攻队攻入对方罚球区30 m附近时传球失误原因分析

10.The Greece winger, who scored the winner against Arsenal last season, added a second before the break after a mistake by Gilberto.上个赛季攻入致胜球的希腊边锋抓住吉尔伯托的失误攻入第二球。

11.a slight slip, error, change, improvement些微的失误、 错误、 变化、 改进

12.Basketball Attack and Defense Under Unbalanced Condition对篮球失衡状态下进攻与防守的研究

13.repel an attack [the assailants]击退进攻[进攻者]

14.Rules of Winning and Losing Scores of Service Attack System and Receiving Attack System in Volleyball Branch Games排球比赛发球进攻系统和接发球进攻系统分竞赛过程得失分规律

15.The First 8 Finals Stages Teams Passing Misses at Opponent s Half Play Field at the 18th FIFA World Cup;18届世界杯决赛8强攻入对方半场传球失误的研究

16.Distorting of Information and Slipping Up in Police Decisions--On the Reinvestigation of the "Great Leap Forward" Campaign;信息失真与决策失误——关于“大跃进”运动的再考察

17.So I missed. We all make mistakes.我没投进,在球场上谁都会有失误的。

18.The Hesitation,Missteps and Consequences of Urbanization in China中国推进城市化的犹豫、失误和后果


suffer a setback in attack进攻失利


parison of Place kick Attack in 16th and 17th World Cup Soccer Tournaments;对十六、十七届世界杯足球赛定位球进攻的比较分析

2.The development of modern basketballattacking tactics;现代篮球进攻战术的发展

3.The organization format ofattack tactics in shuttlecock;毽球进攻战术的组织形式


1.The Research on Chinese Men Basketball Team’s Offensive Ability of Three-point Field Goal in 2002;2002年中国男篮3分球的进攻能力的研究

pared with foil, head and arms are also valid targets in sabre fencing, so sabre fencing focuses more onoffensive and its defensive area is enlarged.佩剑是以进攻为主的,有效部位比花剑增加头部和手臂。

3.Through using the method of video observation,mathematical statistics and literature,this paper makes analysis on Chinese woman basketball in the first and second round competition in the 15th world woman basketball championships,points out the difference of our team with world top teams in the aspects ofoffensive ability,rebounding ball and intercepting.通过录像观察、数据统计、文献资料等研究方法,对第15届女篮世锦赛上中国女篮小组赛与复赛进行了分析,指出了中国女篮在本届世锦赛上与世界强队之间的差距主要体现在进攻能力、篮板球、抢断等方面,并针对这些差距提出了相关的建议。


1.Research on the 29~(th) Olympic Games China Men"s Basketball Offense Ability29届奥运会中国男篮进攻得分能力的研究

2.Its conclusion includes 5 points as follows:First,the 442 lineup is the basic lineup of Lücheng;second,the team depends heavily on the foreign players;third,sidelineoffense is the main offensive means;fourth,the lack of methods to beat opponents in away-c.通过观察统计、文献资料、专家访谈等方法 ,对浙江绿城队 2 0 0 1甲B 2 1场比赛的进攻与防守技战术特点进行研究 。

3.The modified contents involve such aspects asoffense, defense,speed,height,body and mentality,and the new rule will push the basketball forward.认为改动内容使比赛双方更加均衡,涉及进攻与防守,速度与高度,身体与思想几个方面。


1.The shortest-path-based attacking planning is analyzed and its shortages are shown,in which this planning could not meet the requirement of real time and high dynamic in competition environment.足球机器人采取基于路径最短的进攻规划的不足之处主要体现在时间上不能满足比赛环境实时性和高度动态性的要求。

2.Through the technical statistics and analysis of the 10th~13th “Xinghua Cup” University Volleyball Game from 1994~1998 and of the ’96 National Women Volleyball Game, we find some problems of attacking in the game.通过对 1994~ 1998年全国大学生第 10~ 13届“兴华杯”和 1996年全国大学生女排赛的技术统计与分析 ,总结出我国大学生女排进攻中的主要问题及其改进对策 ,为提高大学生女排运动队的训练水平提供参考 。

3.The result of general attacking is lower than the top eight.通过对第10届世界杯男子排球赛的现场统计分析表明,中国男排总体进攻效果均低于前8名各队,且强攻不强,快攻无变化,缺乏攻击力,没有发挥出中国队快速多变的战术特点,后攻居于中等水平。


管理失误危险树分析管理失误危险树分析management oversight and risk treeguanl一sh一wu welx一onshu fenxl管理失误危险树分析(management。ver-sight and risk tree,MORT)以管理因素为主要矛盾对事故的分析方法,用来查明作为事故根本原因的管理缺陷。它是在故障树的基础上发展起来的,却又与故障树不同。两者的分析手法基本相同,都是利用逻辑关系分析事故,利用树状图表示原因和结果,用布尔代数计算,但MORT是把重点放在管理缺陷上,所采用的符号、分析对象和原因等方面也有不同之处。管理失误危险树分析采用了许多现代安全概念。它把事故定义为“由于没有适应客观情况变化的计划失误或操作失误,导致缺乏对能量的屏蔽或控制,发生意外的能量释放”。因而在分析过程中特别注意系统中能量的流动,并建立适当的屏蔽来防止意外的能量释放。管理失误危险树是非常复杂的树图,需鉴别200多个因素。如果把重复的问题计算在内,需研究的因素可达1500个。顶事件的原因包括两方面的问题:疏忽失误,以及被接受的危险。所谓被接受的危险是指那些目前尚无恰当的控制对策的危险因素。造成疏忽和失误的原因包括直接控制欠佳与管理系统缺陷两个方面。(见故障树分析)
