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盐碱环境 Saline environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-28 06:02:00


盐碱环境 Saline environment英语短句 例句大全

盐碱环境,Saline environment

1)Saline environment盐碱环境


1.Studies on Polyphasic Taxonomy and Culture Independent Method of Actinomycetes in Saline Environments;盐碱环境中放线菌多相分类及免培养研究

2.Studies and Application of the Technology to Prevent Danger of Concrete Structure Subjected to Alkaline Saline Corrosions;预防盐碱环境中混凝土结构耐久性病害的研究及应用

3.Correlation and Path Analysis of Major Agronomic Characters and Yield of Wild Soybean(Glycine soja)under High Saline Soil高盐碱环境下野生大豆主要性状与单株产量的相关分析

4.Application of the salt tolerance arbor on Saline and Alkali Soil耐盐碱乔木在盐碱地环境中的应用概况

5.Influence of price rising of crude salt on managing and selling environment of caustic soda market;原盐涨价对烧碱市场营销环境的影响

6.Study on the Repair Function for Soil by the Halophytes Rhizosphere under Salt Alkali Stress;盐碱胁迫下盐生植物根际微环境对土壤修复作用的研究

7.Study on Concrete Structure Corrosion Mechanism and Protection in Salinity Dry Environment with Great Temperature Difference;盐碱干燥大温差环境下桥梁混凝土结构腐蚀机理与防护研究

8.Exploitation and Utilization of Fishery Resources and the Environmental Protection of Large-scale Salt Alkaline Lakes in the Western Area of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省西部地区大型盐碱湖泊渔业资源的开发利用与环境保护

9.Study on Actinomycete Resource of Anti Animal Pathogren in Saline-Alkali Extreme Enviroment盐碱极端环境中抗动物病原菌的放线菌资源研究

10.Influence on environmental chemical behavior of the P in sediment caused by salina plant Suaeda heteroptera盐沼植物翅碱蓬对沉积物中磷环境化学行为影响

11.The Study of Saline-alkali Endurance of Two Species of Leguminosae Shrub in the Non-saline and Non-alkali Habitat;非盐碱生境的二种豆科灌木盐碱耐性研究

12.In the upper Jurassic to Tertiary, there is the alkali diagenetic ambient, in which the inter-pore fluid is inherited from the buried syngenetic water, i.e., alkali saline.上侏罗纪至第三系为碱性成岩环境,隙间流体继承了封存同生水特征,为碱性盐卤水。

13.Research on the Utilization of Waste Liquid from Solvay Process as Resource in the Combined Circulation of Salt and Soda Ash盐碱联合循环中制碱废液资源化利用的研究

14.The comparation on seedling emergence and salt tolerance of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats不同生境盐地碱蓬出苗及幼苗抗盐性比较

15.An Initial Investigation of Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria in Tarim Basin Desert Saline-Alkaline Habitat塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境嗜盐碱细菌的初步研究

16.An organism that requires a salty environment.适盐生物需要盐分环境的一种有机物

17.halophiles in saline environments such as the Dead Sea or salt flats.在像死海和盐滩这样的多盐环境的喜盐生物。

18.Investigation on the Numerical Distribution of Halotolerant Bacteria and Halophilic Bacteria from Brine Pan in Zhoushan舟山盐田环境嗜盐菌和耐盐菌数量分布调查


Halophilous Habitat盐碱生境

1.Study on the Relationships between Dynamic of Soil Animals Biodiversity and Ecological Factors of DifferentHalophilous Habitat in the Leymus Chinensis Grassland of Jilin Province;吉林省羊草草原不同盐碱生境土壤动物多样性动态与生态因子关系研究

3)alkaline environment碱性环境

1.The experimental indicated that ozone used to treat sludge achieved bad results in thealkaline environment;Adjust sludge"s pH to 11,after 24h,MLSSreduction rate=38.实验研究发现,在碱性环境中臭氧破解污泥的效果下降;将污泥pH调至11,24 h后,MLSS减少率=38。

2.Influence of solution concentration and temperature of the medium on electrical properties stability and degradation mechanism of magnetron sputtered Cr-Si-Ni and Cr-Si-Ni-Al resistive films were investigated in simulatedalkaline environments.研究磁控溅射法制备的Cr-Si-Ni和Cr-Si-Ni-Al电阻薄膜在模拟的碱性环境(NaOH溶液)中,介质溶液浓度和温度对薄膜电学稳定性的影响及其机理。

3.The effect of thealkaline environment on the abrasion resistance of wood plastic composites was studied.主要研究了碱性环境对塑木复合材料耐磨性能的影响。

4)alkaline condition碱性环境

5)Basification evnironment碱化环境

6)alkali surroundings碱环境

1.According to composition and structure properties, the activation and degree of reaction of fly ash-lime and fly ash-lime-gypsum system are studied in differentalkali surroundings.根据低钙粉煤灰的组成和结构特点,通过热失重和化学分析,研究了粉煤灰-石灰、粉煤灰-石灰-石膏体系在不同碱环境中的活化和反应程度,实验结果显示,复合碱对提高粉煤灰的活化和反应程度有促进作用。


