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曲霉科青霉属 penicilliumsp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 15:41:49


曲霉科青霉属 penicilliumsp英语短句 例句大全



1.The results showed that the pathogens were belonged topenicilliumsp.采用常规真菌分离法,将灵武长枣病斑病原菌分离、纯化,移至PDA(马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基)平板上,在28℃下进行培养,通过观察,初步认定该病原菌属于曲霉科青霉属。


1.APenicillium sp. XGH2321 Isolated from the Rhizospheric Soil of Rhizophora stylosa Griff and Its Antibacterial Activity红海榄根际土壤来源的青霉属真菌XGH2321及其抑菌活性

2.Strain X-5 which with high cellulos-producing activity was obtained and identified to be Fungi Imperfecti, Moniliales, Moniliaceace, Aspergilleae,Penicillium.本文从稻田土壤中分离到一株产纤维酶活力高的X-5菌株,经形态特征及生理生化特征初步鉴定为半知菌亚门,丝孢纲,丝孢目,丛梗孢科,青霉属(Penicillium)。

3.The strain was identified as Fungi door,Fungi imperfecti,Moniliales,Aspergilleae,Penicillium LK.从鸡嗉囊内容物中分离得到1株产纤维素酶较高的菌株,经鉴定为真菌门,半知菌纲(Fungi imperfecti),从梗孢目(Moniliales),曲霉族(Aspergilleae),青霉属(PenicilliumLK。


1.Penicillin: Antibiotic derived from the Penicillium mold.青霉素(盘尼西林): 由青霉属霉菌衍生而来的抗生素。

2.The Karyotype Analysis of Seven Strains from Four Species of Entomogenous Fungi in Paecilomyces Bainier拟青霉属内4种虫生真菌7个菌株的核型分析

3.Studies on the Systematics of the Genus Paecilomyces Bainier in China and the Pathogenicity of Some Isolates;中国拟青霉属的系统学及部分菌株的致病性研究

4.Purification and Immobilization of Chitosanase from Penicillium sp.ZDZ1;青霉属菌株产壳聚糖酶的分离纯化及固定化的研究

5.A Penicillium sp. XGH2321 Isolated from the Rhizospheric Soil of Rhizophora stylosa Griff and Its Antibacterial Activity红海榄根际土壤来源的青霉属真菌XGH2321及其抑菌活性

6.The Chemical Constituents from Rhaphidorahongkongensis and Var Australis Rehd and Ocean Animalcule;狮子尾、白木通两种植物及海洋微生物瓶梗青霉属菌的化学成分研究

7.Study on Biosorption of Heavy Metals on Loofa Sponge Immobilized Biomass of Penicillium Simplicissimum;丝瓜瓤固定简青霉吸附重金属的研究

8.The Research about the Activities of the Enzyme in Penicillium Janthinellum Strain GXCR and Uv-Mutatnt (SM1) under Heavy Mestal Stress;重金属胁迫下微紫青霉菌GXCR及突变体菌株SM1酶活性的研究

9.Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution by Non-living Penicillium Simplicissimum;非活性简青霉对水中重金属离子的去除实验研究

10.Analysis of polymer impurities in related substances of benzylpenicillin sodium by HPLC-column-switchingHPLC-柱切换法归属青霉素钠有关物质中的聚合物分析

11.Study of metallo-β-lactamase of Carbapenems-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii耐碳青霉烯类鲍曼不动杆菌金属β-内酰胺酶的研究

12.Screening and genotyping of metallo-β-lactamase in carbapenems-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa耐碳青霉烯类铜绿假单胞菌金属酶的筛选及分型研究

13.Benzylpenicillin[Sodium , Potassium]青霉素[钠盐,钾盐]

14.genus of fungi commonly growing as green or blue molds on decaying food; used in making cheese and as a source of penicillin.一般在腐蚀的食物上长做绿或蓝的模子的真菌类的属;做奶酪时用的和青霉素的原料。

15.Unknown to him, a spore of a rare variant called Penicillium notatum had drifted in from a mycology lab one floor below.佛莱明还不认识这种叫做青霉菌属的孢子稀有种,从地下室一楼的真菌室四处吹积成堆。

16.oxybicillin N,N"-二氧代乙二胺青霉素

17.I"ll give you a penicilin shot.我给你注射一针青霉素,

18.a shot of penicillin(注射的)一针青霉素



1.APenicillium sp. XGH2321 Isolated from the Rhizospheric Soil of Rhizophora stylosa Griff and Its Antibacterial Activity红海榄根际土壤来源的青霉属真菌XGH2321及其抑菌活性

2.Strain X-5 which with high cellulos-producing activity was obtained and identified to be Fungi Imperfecti, Moniliales, Moniliaceace, Aspergilleae,Penicillium.本文从稻田土壤中分离到一株产纤维酶活力高的X-5菌株,经形态特征及生理生化特征初步鉴定为半知菌亚门,丝孢纲,丝孢目,丛梗孢科,青霉属(Penicillium)。

3.The strain was identified as Fungi door,Fungi imperfecti,Moniliales,Aspergilleae,Penicillium LK.从鸡嗉囊内容物中分离得到1株产纤维素酶较高的菌株,经鉴定为真菌门,半知菌纲(Fungi imperfecti),从梗孢目(Moniliales),曲霉族(Aspergilleae),青霉属(PenicilliumLK。

3)penicillium sp青霉属

1.Secondary Metabolites of a Marine Mangrove Fungus(Penicillium sp.No.2556) From South China Sea;一株红树林青霉属真菌(No.2556)活性代谢产物的研究


1.Studies on the Systematics of the GenusPaecilomyces Bainier in China and the Pathogenicity of Some Isolates;中国拟青霉属的系统学及部分菌株的致病性研究

2.RAPD was employed to study the genetic variation of 16 stains ofPaecilomyces and a strain of Hirsutella sinensis.RAPD指纹图谱在拟青霉属不同种间具明显的种的特异性,可区别所有形态近似的种类,是鉴定菌种的有效途径。

3.Paecilomyces griseivirde M.从病死棉蚜(AphisgossypiiGlover)分离到拟青霉属一新种一灰绿拟青霉(PaecilomycesgriseiviridisM。


1.Hazards and Prevention of the Fungi in Genera ofAspergillus and Fusarium;曲霉属和镰孢菌属的危害和防治

2.The Effects ofAspergillus on the Post-fermentative Process of Pu-Er Tea;曲霉属真菌在普洱茶后发酵中的作用

3.Effects of Salinity and pH on the Growth and Active Products-secreting ofAspergillus sp. F3 from the Mangrove Rhizosphere;盐度和pH对红树根际土壤来源的曲霉属真菌F3的生长及分泌活性物质的影响

6)Aspergillus sp曲霉属

1.Studies on Identification of 23Aspergillus sp. Strains in Morphology;23株曲霉属菌种的形态学复核鉴定研究

2.Studies on the metabolites of endophytic fungus aspergillus sp.from azadirachta indica A.juss;一株曲霉属印楝植物内生真菌的代谢产物研究


