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非原型范畴 non-prototypal category英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-03 16:25:38


非原型范畴 non-prototypal category英语短句 例句大全

非原型范畴,non-prototypal category

1)non-prototypal category非原型范畴

2)prototype theory原型范畴

1.English existential sentences are explored in terms ofprototype theory in cognitive linguistics.从认知语言学中的原型范畴理论出发,指出存在句的各种句型组成一个原型范畴,具有原型范畴的特点。


1.Prototype Theory And Fuzziness of English Tense Category;原型范畴理论与英语时态范畴的模糊性

2.Study on the Categorization of English Words of Locality Based on the Prototype Theory;原型范畴理论与英语方位词范畴化初探

3.Cognitive Studies on Prototype Theory and the Categorization of English Tense;原型范畴理论与英语时态范畴化的认知研究

4.Categorization, Prototype Theory, and Cognition of Translation of Chinese "Bi"between Chinese and English范畴化、原型范畴理论与“笔”的汉英互译认知

5.Cognitive Study on Polysemy in Terms of Prototypical Category Theory;多义性在原型范畴理论上的认知研究

6.A Prototype-based Approach to English "Puns" and Chinese "Shuangguan";基于“原型范畴”的英汉双关对比研究

7.The Revelation of the Prototype Theory on the Teaching of English Prepositions;原型范畴理论对英语介词教学的启示

8.An Explanation of the Polysemy in View of the Prototype Theory;原型范畴理论对一词多义现象的解释

9.Analysis on the Usage of Past Tense by Prototypical Theory;原型范畴理论探析英语过去时的用法

10.Development of Prototype Theory and Its Contribution to Vocabulary Teaching;原型范畴理论的演变与发展及其启示

11.The Revelation of the Prototype Category Theory on the Teaching of English Vocabulary;原型范畴理论对英语词汇教学的启示

12.The Evolution of P in the Structure V+P+N from the Perspective of Prototype;从原型范畴看“V+P+N”中P的演化

13.Cognitive Study of Metonymy from the Perspective of Prototype Theory原型范畴理论视角下的转喻认知研究

14.Application of Prototype Category Theory in Teaching of Linguistics原型范畴理论与高校“语言学概论”教学

15.Explanatory Roles of Vague Meaning from Prototype Theory原型范畴理论对语义模糊的解释作用

16.The Explanatory Power of Prototype Theory towards Markedness on Semantic Level原型范畴理论对语义层面上的标记性的解释力

17.A Prototype Study of the Voice in English as a Semantic Continuum;英语动词语态语义连续体的原型范畴研究

18.College English Vocabulary Teaching Based on Prototype Category Theory;基于原型范畴理论的大学英语词汇教学


prototype theory原型范畴

1.English existential sentences are explored in terms ofprototype theory in cognitive linguistics.从认知语言学中的原型范畴理论出发,指出存在句的各种句型组成一个原型范畴,具有原型范畴的特点。

3)prototype category原型范畴

1.This paper gives a brief analysis of modal semantics withprototype category theory,which proves that the subcategories of the modals may and must are prototypical: there exist prototype and peripheral members;the members share family resemblance and prototypicality;their boundaries are fuzzy and non-discrete.原型范畴作用于识解,与经典范畴处于不同层次。

2.But it is aprototype category.作者认为辞格是原型范畴。

3.This article mainly discusses markedness on semantic level and attempts to useprototype category theory to explain it.本文主要探讨语义层面上的标记现象并试用认知语言学中的原型范畴理论对其作出解释,最后将讨论标记程度不同的语言形式对第二语言习得的影响。

4)prototypical category原型范畴

1.Theprototypical category theory of cognitive linguistics has achieved unprecedented development at present.认知语言学中的原型范畴理论在西方已取得前所未有的发展。

2.After a brief review of the Idiom Theory and the Inference Theory, which aim to explain the illocutionary force of indirect speech acts, this paper analyses indirect directives from the point of view of categorization and reaches the conclusion that they form aprototypical category with fuzzy boundaries and that its members differ in prototypical status.本文从范畴化的角度分析了间接指令 ,指出各种间接指令构成的是一个边界模糊的原型范畴 ,其内部成员具有不同的原型等级。

5)prototypes and category原型和范畴

1.This paper attempts to illustrate this phenomenon with the guide ofprototypes and category frame theorymental space and conceptual integration theor.运用认知语言学中的原型和范畴理论、框架理论、心理空间和概念合成理论对此予以阐释,可为英汉语中这一现象的理论阐释提供全新的多元认知视角。

6)prototypical category theory原型范畴论


