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互作效应 interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-11 12:12:38


互作效应 interaction英语短句 例句大全



1.Research Progress on the Effect of Copper and Vitamin A and Their Interaction on the Blood;铜·维生素A及其互作效应对血液影响的研究进展

2.Interaction between Cryptococcus laurentii, Monilinia fructicola and Sweet Cherry Fruit at Different Temperatures;罗伦隐球酵母、褐腐病菌与甜樱桃果实在不同温度下的互作效应

3.Effect of Interaction of Copper and VA on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Broilers;铜、维生素A及互作效应对肉仔鸡糖脂代谢的影响


1.Analysis of Genetic Effect and Genetype by Environment of Ear Height on Maize玉米穗位高遗传效应及其与环境互作效应分析

2.The Study on Interaction of Copper and Vitamin A in Broiler;肉仔鸡体内铜与维生素A互作效应研究

3.Interactions of Nitrogen, Water with Light on the Growth of Maize;水分—氮素—光照对玉米生长的互作效应

4.Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant intraspecific competitionAM真菌与植物种内竞争的互作效应

5.Analysis of QTLs、Epistatic Effects and Q×E Interaction Effects Associated with the Resistance to Ultraviolet-B Radiaton in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);水稻抗UV-B的QTLs效应、上位性效应及其与环境互作效应分析

6.Effect of N,P,K Interaction on the Glycyrrhizic Acid Contents氮磷钾互作效应对甘草酸含量影响的初步研究

7.Characteristic of Magnesium Nutrition and Interactive Effects of Magnesium and Potassium in Rice;水稻镁营养特性及镁钾营养互作效应研究

8.Interactive Effects of Nitrogen, Potassium and Water on Wheat and Maize Growth;小麦和玉米生长过程中氮钾水互作效应研究

9.The Interaction of Exogenous Salicylic Acid and Chitosan in Inducing Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings to Salt Stress;水杨酸、壳聚糖诱导黄瓜幼苗抗盐性的互作效应

10.Study on Genetic Variation and Environment Interaction of Grain Quality in Indica Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);籼稻稻米品质遗传变异及其环境互作效应研究

11.Study on Interaction of Molybdenum and Phosphorus and Its Mechanism of Brassica Napus甘蓝型油菜钼磷营养互作效应及其机制研究

12.Analysis of Epistatic and QE Interaction Effects of QTLs for Grain Shape in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)水稻粒形性状的上位性和QE互作效应分析

13.interactive activation model of context effect语境效应相互作用激活模型

14.The Interaction of Cadmium and Zinc and Its Ecological Effects镉锌交互作用及生态学效应研究进展

15.Building a Cooperative Learning Platform,Bringing Interaction into Play and Heightening Effects搭建合作学习平台 发挥互动提升效应

16.The negative dominant effect and the addi-tive effect interaction were the main reasons of low efficiency K.负显性效应和加性互作是钾低效的主要原因。

17.Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.(种间)相互作用出现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象

18.interchange reaction互换作用,互换反应


interactive effect互作效应

1.Interactive effects between allelochemical substitutes.;几种化感物质替代物间的互作效应分析

2.Interactive effect of compound damages by multi pests in cotton field and application of compound control indicators for “two red pests”.;棉田多虫复合危害互作效应及“两红”复合防治指标应用研究

3.Interactive effect betweenNilaparvata lugensandSogatella furciferanymphae.;褐飞虱与白背飞虱若虫间的互作效应

3)Interaction effect互作效应

1.To study the interaction effect of the homoeologous genes v 2 and v 14 ,single crossing was made among some virescent Upland cotton ( Gossypiun hirsutum )strains in 1991-1993.其中以深黄型叶片叶绿素b含量的芽黄基因互作效应最明

2.This result shown there was a positive interaction effect of Kand Zn on rice yield ,especially on calcareous alluvial.表明钾锌配施有较好的互作效应,尤以在灰潮土田上效果最好。

3.The results showed that the effects of locations and genotypes reached high significant levels,respectively,and the interaction effect of location × genotype reached significant level.结果表明,地点和基因型各自之间玉米子粒蛋白质含量的差异均达到极显著水平,地点×基因型的互作效应达到显著水平;子粒蛋白质含量随纬度而变化,呈现北高南低的趋势;在所有杂交组合中,E 28×8085,E 28×Mo 17,E 28×K 12,8085×K 12,8085×昌7-2等组合子粒的蛋白质含量较高,平均为120 g。

4)mutual effect互作效应

1.The results showed that dietary Zn and VA level hadmutual effect on VA concentration in serum.证明日粮锌与维生素A水平在血清维生素A浓度上存在互作效应。

2.Using the regression equation, the single factor effect andmutual effect between the number of somatic embryos of \%Larix Principis\|Rupprechtii\% an.采用三因素多项式回归 311 A最优设计方法对影响落叶松体细胞胚发生数量的ABA、PEG40 0 0和AgNO3的用量进行了研究 ,建立了华北落叶松正常体细胞胚发生数量与ABA、PEG40 0 0和AgNO3 的数学模型 ,分析了落叶松体细胞胚发生数量试验因子的主效应和互作效应 ,优选了落叶松体细胞胚发生数量最佳结果的最佳技术组合方案为ABA18 9138mg/L ,PEG40 0 0 88 80 0 7g/L与AgNO310 。

5)interaction effects互作效应

1.Theinteraction effects of fertilization and density was obvious.结果表明,施肥量及密度对夏玉米产量的影响均达到显著水平,且肥料和密度的互作效应显著。

6)Interaction effect互作用效应

1.Interaction effect of high power microwave in lower ionosphere;高功率微波在低电离层中的互作用效应分析


吐泻互作吐泻互作 吐泻互作 病证名。《幼科发挥》:“吐出上焦,泻出下焦,乃肠胃之病也。脾在中焦,管摄乎上下之间,吐泻互作者,乃脾之病也。”夏秋吐泻,饮水身热者,属脾胃湿热,治宜健脾化湿为主,宜胃苓汤加减;秋冬吐泻,面(白光)白,足胫冷者,属寒湿困脾,治宜温中健脾,用理中汤或益黄散。
