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妇人 women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 04:24:20


妇人 women英语短句 例句大全



1.Through contents of Synopsis of Golden Chamber and Treatise on Gold Pathogenic Diseases,discuss cause and pathology of Zangzao,basis of selecting herbs and consisting of formulae,the question "Why dowomen often catch Zangzao?" and clinical uses of herbs which treat Zangzao by Zhang Zhongjing.脏躁常发于"妇人",是由于妇人月经、产后每每失血而易于血亏阳虚致生脏躁。


1.A woman held to be antagonistic or overbearing.悍妇专横的,霸道的妇人

2.Appropriate for or becoming to a lady.适合于贵妇人的或成为贵妇人的

3."Wisdom is building her house, but the foolish woman is pulling it down with her hands."智慧妇人,建立家室。愚妄妇人,亲手拆毁。

4.An old woman, especially one who is considered ugly.老妇人老妇女,尤指被认为丑陋的

5.A woman regarded as scolding and vicious.悍妇,鬼婆被认为刻薄和恶毒的妇人

6.She loves to play the grand lady.她喜爱装扮贵妇人.

7.The devoted champion of a lady.贵妇人忠心的护卫者

8.After this the young woman became thinner and paler.妇人是一天天地黄瘦了。

9.The young woman wiped away her tears and said softly:妇人拭一拭泪,极轻地:

10.The old woman muttered to herself.这位老妇人喃喃自语。

11.After a long illness, the old woman gave up the ghost.老妇人久病之后死去了。

12.The old woman was profuse in her thanks.这个老妇人不绝地道谢。

13.Two elderly women in a nursing home,疗养院的两个老妇人,

14.The old woman is nothing But skin and Bones.这老妇人骨瘦如柴。

15.The old woman be spinning in the corner of the room老妇人在房间一角纺纱

16."I can"t pay," she said.“我没有钱。” 老妇人说。

17.The old woman plied her shuttles.这位老妇人使用她的梭。

18.International Women"s Anthropology Conference国际妇女人类学会议(妇女人类学会议)


Furen Gui妇人规

1.Exploring syndrome differentiation characteristic ofFuren Gui;《妇人规》辨证论治特色探析

3)gynecological patients妇科病人

1.Investigation and analysis of status quo of sex education togynecological patients;对妇科病人进行性知识宣教的现状调查分析

4)Fu Ren Liang Fang (A Complete Book of Effective Prescriptions for Women)《妇人良方》

1.A brief textual research on the editions of Fu Ren Liang Fang (A Complete Book of Effective Prescriptions for Women) before the Qing Dynasty;清以前《妇人良方》版本考略

5)women of imperial concubines in palace后宫妇人

6)Little Women《小妇人》

1.Writing Features of the Absence of Male Characters inLittle Women;《小妇人》中缺少男性人物的写作特点评析

2.Religious Connotations of Biblical Archetypes inLittle Women;《小妇人》中《圣经》原型的宗教内涵

3.Re-interpretingLittle Women from the Perspective of Transcendentalism;从超验主义视角重新解读《小妇人》


