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毒邪 Toxin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-23 08:59:21


毒邪 Toxin英语短句 例句大全



1.Implication and transmission of "toxin";“毒邪”的内涵及其致病特点

2.Analysis on Aetiology ofToxin in Hepatic Failure;肝衰竭毒邪病因学说辨析

3.Reseach on Formation of "Toxin" Causing Epidemic Febrile Disease温病“毒邪”形成之探析


1.Poison-evil is one of important pathogenic factors, which canaffect human"s body as exogenous factor or endogenous factor.毒邪是一类重要的致病因素,既可由外侵入,又可由内而生。

2.there is a cancer, an evil tumor,,,一个毒瘤,一个邪恶的瘤…

3.a wicked, evil-minded old man邪恶的、 狠毒的老头.

4.Don"t allow evil thoughts to poison young people"s minds.不允许邪念毒害青年。

5.Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.恶毒的,邪恶的性情、本质或动机上邪恶的

6.A woman who is regarded as evil and scheming.恶毒女人被看作邪恶和诡诈的妇女

7.Time has feline, a Huashan Media.曾经东邪西毒剑客,共赴华山论剑。

8.The quality or state of being malevolent.恶毒处于邪恶的状态或具有恶毒的特征

9.Having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved.邪恶的具有邪恶的本质的;恶毒的、不道德的或者堕落的

10.But real women can endure the worst in one another.可真正的女人却能忍耐彼此的邪恶歹毒。

11.Harmful or malignant in intent or effect.阴毒的,邪恶的意指或意图上恶意或险恶的

12.After the movie Ashes of Time, later such new-version knight-errant films gradually declined.《东邪西毒》之后,新武侠电影开始走下坡路。

13.Brief Discussion about Treatment Principles and Methods of Chronic Viral Hepatitis from the Theory of Potential Pathogenic Factors从“伏邪学说”探讨慢性病毒性肝炎的治则治法

14.Analysis of Retinal Light Injury and the Theory of Light Poison视网膜光损伤与中医“光毒”邪说理论探析

15.To combat one evil or one set of negative circumstances by reacting in kind.以毒攻毒在与邪恶或反动势力作斗争时以其人之道还制其人是身

16.Mechanism of Atherosclerosis Caused by Inside Invading of Outside Evil and Interventing Effect of Heat-Clearing and Detoxicating Remedy;邪毒内侵致动脉粥样硬化的机制及清热解毒法的干预研究

17.Correlation between Infection and Atherosclerosis and the Interventing Effect of Heat-Clearing and Detoxicating Remedy;邪毒内侵与动脉粥样硬化的相关性及清热解毒法的干预作用

18.Anti-inflammatory effects of modified Liangge San on earlier period of sepsis加味凉膈散对早期脓毒症解毒抗炎 攻邪安正作用观察


pathogenic toxin毒邪

1.This article discusses the theoretical basis and clinical application ofpathogenic toxin in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B,in an attempt to exactly identify the toxin factor and seek effective therapy to enhance clinical efficacy.分析从毒邪论治慢性乙型肝炎的中医学理论和临床基础,对于正确认识毒邪、探索有效治疗方法、提高临床疗效有重要意义。


4)HIV toxicity danmaging the primordial qi毒邪伤元

5)toxin theory毒邪学说

6)damp-heat toxin湿热毒邪

1.Based on the features of the disease at the onset and clinical manifestations,the authors believe that the main pathogenesis of the disease lies in the obstruction of the meridians bydamp-heat toxins affecting the joints.根据活动期AS的发病特点和临床表现,认为湿热毒邪痹阻经络,流注骨节是AS活动期的主要病机。


