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防空洞 air-raid shelter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 08:41:54


防空洞 air-raid shelter英语短句 例句大全

防空洞,air-raid shelter

1)air-raid shelter防空洞

1.Research on the structure withair-raid shelter;结构遇地下防空洞的处理方法探讨

2.Discussion on handling a undergroundair-raid shelter of certain building;某大厦地下防空洞处理探讨

3.In some problems of foundation of high-rise building onair-raid shelter在防空洞上修建高层住宅地基基础的若干问题


1.elephant dugout【军】大壕沟, 大防空洞

2.A pit dug into the ground or on a hillside and used as a shelter.防空洞挖在地下或山坡,用作掩蔽体的洞

3.Please have supper with me. Your friend of the shelter.请同我一起吃饭。??你防空洞里的朋友。

4.Have you been in the public shelters, Henry?你去过公共防空洞吗,亨利?

5.I am going to start the generator up in the shelter in case the power goes off.我去起动防空洞里的发电机,以免断电。

6.The Study on Treatment Technology of Air-raid Shelter Under Building Site建筑场地下伏防空洞的处理技术研究

7.Two days arrest outside the shelter, without a gas mask.否则在防空洞外关押两天 不给防毒面具

8.Every time the air raid siren sounded, people rushed to the nearest air raid bomb shelter.每次空袭警报响起的时候,人们就冲向最近的空袭防空洞。

9.Discourse Analvsis: Social Language and Cultural Modei in The Shelter;话语分析:《防空洞》中的社会语言与文化模式

10.The Application of Integrated Geophysical Method in Underground Air-raid Shelter Prospecting综合物探方法在地下防空洞探测中的应用

11.In some problems of foundation of high-rise building on air-raid shelter在防空洞上修建高层住宅地基基础的若干问题

12.The policeman eventually had his hands tied up and conducted him to a shelter.警察最后把他的双手绑了起来并把他带到一个防空洞。

13.Pauen had gone to the scene to gather news about the bombed air-raid shelter where around 400 civilians lost their lives.鲍恩曾到现场采访了这个被炸毁的防空洞,大约有400名平民丧生。

14.During the blitz everyone used to spend the night in underground shelters.在闪电攻击期间,每个人常常在地下防空洞度过夜晚。

15.Applying High-Density Resistivity to Detecting the Complex Air-Raid Shelters高密度电阻率法在复杂防空洞探测中的应用效果

16.When they saw the attackers coming, Arafat"s bodyguards ignored his orders to stay still and carried him to safety underground.当以色列士兵向他们冲来时,阿拉法特的保镖不顾他留在原地的指示,把他护送到了地下防空洞。

17.They had argued about this when the shelter was being built. It was in her m ind to share their refuge.在建防空洞时他们曾争论过这一问题。她愿与邻居们共用他们的避难所。

18.An animal"s hollowed-out habitation, such as a burrow.洞穴动物中空的洞穴,如地洞


bomb shelter防空洞

1.Treatment ofbomb shelter under building foundation by bored-hold tamping pile method;钻孔夯密桩法处理建筑物基础下防空洞

2.This paper mainly introduces the investigating and evaluating methods and the treatment measures tobomb shelters in cities.介绍城市防空洞的勘察、评价方法及其处理措施,列举了工程实例。

3)air raid shelter防空洞

1.Some technical measures should be taken when constructing on the archair raid shelter made of blocks,either by ching the type of the base, or by widening the cross section of it, thus to strengthen its bearing capacity.砖拱结构的防空洞上建筑物基础要进行技术处理:或改变基础的类型,或增大基础的断面,从而增大基础的承载力,同时应增大上部结构的刚度,对防空洞也要进行加固。

2.The building was constructed over ancient Yellow River and its dike, and anair raid shelter underneath.该建筑物的基础横跨黄河故道及堤岸,并贯穿有地下防空洞。

4)"settle" void"空洞"预防

5)temporary shelter临时防空洞

6)Anderson shelter家庭防空洞


