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中西文化观 National and International Cultural Idea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 17:33:54


中西文化观 National and International Cultural Idea英语短句 例句大全

中西文化观,National and International Cultural Idea

1)National and International Cultural Idea中西文化观


1.Neither Chinese nor Western,but either Chinese or Western--A review on Jiang Meng-lin soul of Chinese and Western culture;“不中不西,亦中亦西”——蒋梦麟中西文化观述评

2.On Liang Shuming s Viewpoints of Chinese and Western Culture through The Substance of Chinese Culture;从《中国文化要义》看梁漱溟的中西文化观

3.On Varied Chinese Western Culture Outlook of the lntellectual Groups in the May 4th New Culture Movement;论五四新文化运动中各知识群体的中西文化观

4.Hu Shi s Viewpoint on Western and Chinese Cultures and the Marxist Interpretation of It;胡适中西文化观及其马克思主义解读

5.Zhang Zhidong s Viewpoint on Chinese and Western Culture in His Book"The Book of Advising Learning";从《劝学篇》看张之洞的中西文化观

6.Differences and Similarities of the Views of Chinese and Western Cultures in Chen Duxiu and Liang Shuming;陈独秀与梁漱溟的中西文化观异同论

ment on Wei Yuan s Chinese and Western Cultural Views Presented in hisHai Kuot u chih;从《海国图志》看魏源的中西文化观

8.Consonance and compromising were basic characteristics of thought of Orient Culture School.调和中西、折中新旧,是东方文化派中西文化观的基本特征。

9.Resistance,Awareness and Convergence:A Personal View of Chinese-Western Cultural Convergence in Late-Qing China抵御·自觉·融合——晚清中西文化观演化之我见

10.Cultural Concept of "Zhong-ti Xi-yong"Mediating the Chinese and the Western Culture in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清调和中西文化的“中体西用”观

11.The Views of Self and Face in a Cultural Perspective;中西文化视野下的“自我观”及“面子观”

12.Borrowing and export of the Chinese and western cultures from the perspective of translation culture school;从翻译文化学派观看中西文化拿来与文化输出

13.Cultural Analysis on Construction of the Idea of "West" in the Central Plain Civilization;中原文明建构“西部”观念的文化分析

14.On the Cultural Ideas of "the Western Culture Originating from China and Making Chinese Culture the Foundation and the Western Culture Reference";比较视野中之晚清“西学中源”与“中体西用”文化观

15.Cultural Structure and the Birth and Influence of the Cultural Concept of "Chinese Essence and Western Means";文化结构与“中体西用”文化观的诞生及其影响

16.Dialectical Understanding of the Harmony in Western Culture;西方文化视野中“和谐观”之内涵分析

parison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values;中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观

18.Recover Chinese learning with Western learning Review culture conception Yanfu;以西学光复中学——重评严复的文化观


theory on cult"古今中西"文化观

3)eastern and western value concept中西文化价值观

4)HU Shi"s View on Western and Chinese Cultures胡适的中西文化观

5)Chinese and Western cultures中西文化

1.Discussion on the different natural view betweenChinese and Western cultures;从城市和建筑及园林看中西文化自然观的差异

2.Differences and Similarities of the Views of Chinese and Western Cultures in Chen Duxiu and Liang Shuming;陈独秀与梁漱溟的中西文化观异同论

3.The development of the Chinese football as seen from the comparison ofChinese and Western cultures;中西文化比较看中国足球的发展

6)Chinese and western culture中西文化

1.On the nationalization and internationalization of dressby contrast betweenChinese and western culture;从中西文化比较看服饰民族化与国际化

2.Fusion and Opposition——The contrast betweenChinese and western culture in terms of ideology;融合与对立——从意识形态方面比较中西文化

3.Differences betweenChinese and western culture from the perspective of the semantic connotation of special words;从特殊词汇的语义内涵看中西文化的差异


