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复归 return英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-20 05:49:09


复归 return英语短句 例句大全



1.Thereturn of philosophical spirit and socialism;哲学精神的复归与社会主义

2.Before Ming Dynasty,Li meng-yang,the leader of "the Seven Talented Persons"called on people toreturn to the ancients and to vitalize refined manners.其心态至晚年出现了明显的变化,由自是到自知,由任才力到信天命,在霸气犹存的同时,表现出对生命本真的复归。


1.succeed to an estate in reversion获得一地产的复归权.

2.(of property, rights,etc)return or pass to the original owner,the State,etc(指财产、权利等)复归或归属于(原主、国家等)

3.Resurrection of Human Nature:On Language and Literature TeachingTowards the Ultimate Intention of Human Culture;人性复归:走向人类文化终极指归的语文教育

4.The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator.复归权规则则赋予出让人或遗嘱人的继承人一项复归权。

5.An Analysis of YAN Fu s Disassociation from and Return to Chinese Traditional Culture;试析严复对中国传统文化的"离异"与"复归

6.The depression was slackened off and prosperity was returning.萧条渐趋缓和,繁荣正在复归。

7.After he was seated, we11-being returned.坐定之后,他的心情复归平静。

8.returning of a right or property to the original owner,the State,etc权利或财产的复归原主或国家等

9.it got distilled in the Buddhist pure land and then returned to this world.升华于佛国净土,又复归人间。

10.The Comparison of Change and Return of Criminal Illegality between China and Russian;中俄刑事违法性的流变与复归之比较

11.Lost and Retrieval: 2 Decades of Yu Guangzhong at 3 Habitats (1964-1985);失却与复归:余光中三地二十年(1964-1985)

12.The Return and Tendency of Humanism in Developing Productivity;发展生产力的人本主义复归及其趋势

13.Reconstruction, arrogation and reversion--the whole language and its limitation;重构、僭越与复归——试论全语言及其限度

14.Recovery road to human nature--On "The Metamorphosis" and "Who am I?";人性的复归之路——读《变形记》和《我是谁?》

15.A Humanistic Return of Scientific Spirit under Paradigm of Practical Reason;实践理性范式下科学精神的人文复归

16.Analysis of the Realistic Novel in New Period;论新时期现实主义小说的复归与新变

17.On Dissimilation of Tax Planning and the Return to Its Original Rationalness from the Perspectives of Taxation Law Theory;论企业税收筹划的异化及其理性复归

18.Returning to Wuji again--harmonious Wushu and Toism;复归于无极——志同道合的武术与道家



1.Meanwhile,to emphasize the essential character of medical humanistic property and put forward itsrevert and course.分析了人文缺失的直接原因和深层根源 ,强调了医学人文社会属性的不可缺失性 ,提出了医学人文属性复归之途

2.Nowadays, there come viewpoints ofrevert" or "come near" Marxism.本文针对当今“复归”、“走近”马克思的观点,运用当代解释学进行了新破解。

3.Thereverting of the value of educational policy should retain its integrity, the key of which is to realize the unity of explicit value and implicit value, ideality value and reality value, indirect value and direct value.教育政策价值的复归应是其完整性的复归,关键是达到显性价值和隐性价值,应然价值和实然价值,间接价值和直接价值三者的统一。


1.LU Yan-zhou s four novels show the pattern of "harming—distorting—self-redemption—returning" in terms of humainty.其迄今为止的四部长篇小说《彩虹坪》、《古塔上的风铃》、《阴阳关的阴阳梦》、《双凤楼》表现出内在意蕴的一致性,即人性遭受神秘力量的戕害而扭曲异常,而人性的自赎和复归却也是经历心灵煎熬和斗争之后的必然,为我们清晰地展现出"戕害—扭曲—自赎—复归"的人性发展历程。

2.The expressing of individual life consciousness is the source ofreturning to Qu Yuan s potery, It.这种个体生命意识的抒写恰是曹赋向屈赋复归的根源,也是曹赋在辞赋史上占据最主要位置的根本原因。


1.Remodeling the ldeas of University--The Reversion and Transcendence of Liberal Education;重塑大学理念——自由教育的复归与超越

2.In this paper,from the perspective of the constitutional evolution,the author elaborates the reason of the alienation of property right and itsreversion tendency through the analysis of the nature of property right.随着人们对财产权本质的正确定位,财产权走上了复归之路,而这都在宪法演进过程中体现出来。



1.Remotereset of measuring management board;用遥控方法实现远动遥测处理板的复归

2.0 fault recorder, and mentions some problems and their solutions regarding setting calibration, dispatching management,reset of the device and printout, for higher operation reliability.0型故障录波器安装、调试和故障处理过程中遇到的问题进行了分析 ;就定值设定、调度管理和装置复归及打印等几个方面 ,提出了需注意的问题和解决方案 ,以提高装置的运行可靠性。


