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工具论 instrumentalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 11:17:02


工具论 instrumentalism英语短句 例句大全



1.Struggle between realism andinstrumentalism in modern western philosophy of science;现代西方科学哲学实在论与工具论的斗争

2.In the history of the language of the Chinese modern fiction, Wang Zengqi has replaced the traditionalinstrumentalism with ontology, and advanced a series of principles and methods to create a poetic fiction language, centering around aesthetic feeling and absorbing many kinds of language resources.汪曾祺在现代汉语小说语言理论发展史上的意义主要在于,他以本体论小说语言观替代了传统的工具论小说语言观,并提出了以审美为核心,广泛汲取多种语言资源的营养,锻造一种诗化小说语言的一系列原则和方法。

3.China s rural education is undergoing a qualitative change from "instrumentalism" to "ontology".今天 ,中国农村教育观正经历从“工具论”到“本体论” ,即从“功利性”到“教育性”、从视教育对象为“手段人”到“目的人”的发展过程。


1.On Government Instruments--the Theoretical Basis of the Modern Administrative Code;政府工具论——现代行政法的理论基础

2.Deity--A Language Constructed World--with comments on the non-instrumentalism of language神:语言构筑的世界——再论语言非工具论

3.Cause of Formation to Gym "Facility Argumentation" Value Orientation and it s Negation;体育“工具论”价值取向的成因及其否定

4.The Instrument Theory and Its Harm to Foreign Language Education;外语教育“工具论”的危害及其对策

5.Where to Live and How to Go to Work谈论住所与交通工具

6.Theoretical Connotion of Ihde"s Instrumental Realism and Its Paradox伊德工具实在论理论内涵及悖论分析

7.An Important Work for Filling in the Gaps in Reference Book Studies --On 《The Reference Book Studies Outline》;填补工具书学空白的一部力作——评《工具书学概论》

8.Tangler Launches Embedded Forums and Chattangler发布嵌入式论坛聊天工具

9.There are still shortcomings in the theoretical tools.在理论工具上还是有不足之处。

10.On the Accounting Theory of Derivative Financial Tools对衍生金融工具会计核算理论的探讨

11.Building the Flexible and Non-Flexible Capital Theory and Creating More Capital Instruments;构建软硬资本理论创新我国资本工具

12.Research on Principles & Application & Tools of Knowledge Management;知识管理理论与应用及其工具的研究

13.About Connotation and Processing Model of Criminal Tool;论“犯罪工具”的内涵及其处理模式

14.On Improvement of China s Derivative Tax System;论我国金融衍生工具市场税制的完善

15.On Separation and Conformity between Instrumental Reason and Value Reason;论工具理性和价值理性的分疏和整合

16.“Philosophical Capital”--Pierre Bourdieu s “Tool Box” of Social Theory;“哲学资本”——布迪厄社会理论的“工具箱”

17.On Choosing Choose Locating Criterion in Machine Tool and Clamping Apparatus;论工件在机床夹具中定位基准的选择

18.Transformation of Judicial Ideas:from Instrumental to Targeted Ones;论司法观念的转型:从工具型到目的型



1.From conflicts to the syncretism ofinstrumental and natural schools;从彼此颉颃抗衡到相互借鉴发展——对工具论与本质论的评价及二者对中国美术教育发展的现实意义

2.His critic practices show that he values abstract qualities of literary characters so high as to reduce literature to aninstrument for the class struggle.何国瑞先生的文学批评 ,要求文学作品符合他固定的观念 ,表现出教条化的特点 ;他的批评实践表明他更看重文学作品中人物形象的抽象本质 ,是一种“近乎”阶级斗争工具论的文学观 ,难免落入“一个阶级一个典型”的老

3)Theory of Comprehensive Tool大工具论

1.TheTheory of Comprehensive Tool: Philosophical Foundation of Ye Shengtao s Chinese Moral Thought;大工具论:叶圣陶语文德育思想的哲学基础

4)Argument Tool论战工具

5)the non-instrumentalist view非工具论

6)theory tool理论工具

1.The cooperative games as an effectivetheory tool of distribution mechanism which researches fairness and rationality has aroused people’s interest increasingly.合作博弈作为一个研究公平或合理的分配机制的有效理论工具,日益引起人们的关注。


