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土地储备 land reserve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-10 01:42:01


土地储备 land reserve英语短句 例句大全

土地储备,land reserve

1)land reserve土地储备

1.The Empirical Mode Discussion on the Amount and Period of Urban Land Reserve;城市土地储备规模和周期的经验模型探讨

2.Discuss on the Actuality and Optimization of the City Land Reserve Operational Mechanism;城市土地储备运作机制现状与优化探讨

3.Several kinds of trains of thought that are worth referring to of widening the fund channels of urbanland reserve system;拓宽城市土地储备资金渠道的几种思路


1.Land incremental reserves behind" land reserve implied market crisis?土地储备增量的背后》土地储备隐含市场危机?


3.Effect of Land Reservation System on Land Price and Forecast of Reasonable Reservation Scale土地储备制度对土地价格的影响及合理储备量的预测

4.Analysis of the Application of Land Exchange Book in Land Reserve;《换地权益书》在土地储备中的应用浅析

5.On the New Rules of Land Reserving System;土地储备制度新规对我国土地制度的影响

6.How to Improve the Mechanism of Reserve Land in Urban Land Management;浅谈在城市土地经营中如何完善土地储备机制

7.The Revelation from the Experiences of the Land Banking in Sweden to the Management of the Land Banking in Shanghai;瑞典土地银行经验对上海土地储备管理的启示

8.Second, the decision of the scale about land banking lacks rationality.第二,土地储备规模的确定缺乏合理性。


10.A Study on the Operation Mechanism of Urban Land Banking System in China;中国城市土地储备制度运行机制研究

11.The Design and Implementation of Land Appraisal System;土地储备成本分析系统的设计与实现

12.The Risk Analysis and Countermeasure Study of the Land Reservation Management;土地储备经营的风险分析及对策研究

13.Financial Risk Analysis and Prevention of Urban Land Banking;土地储备中的金融风险分析及其防范

14.The Research of the Reposition of Urban Land and Development Plan in Yancheng City;盐城市城市土地储备与开发规划研究

15.Research on the Problems of Chinese Land Reserve System in the Implementation;我国土地储备制度运行中的问题研究

16.The Comparation on Urban Land Reservation and Management Operating Pattern;城市土地储备制度不同模式比较研究

17.Urban land reservation system: effects, difficulties and its perfection;城市土地储备制度:绩效、困境及其完善

18.Problems and Risks in the Urban Land Reserve System;城市土地储备制度存在的问题与风险


land banking土地储备

1.Studies on theland banking mechanism & investment and compensation for Chongming Bridge & Tunnel Project;崇明越江通道工程投融资与土地储备机制相结合的研究

2.Operating performance of urban land market posterior toland banking system set-up: a case study of Maanshan City;土地储备制度实施后城市土地市场运行绩效——以马鞍山市为例

3.Financial Risk Analysis and Prevention of Urban Land Banking;土地储备中的金融风险分析及其防范

3)Land reservation土地储备

1.Based on an analysis of risk factors in the course of executing land reservation in China,this paper briefly discusses strategies of risk avoidance and offers some countermeasures in terms of theoretical probe,regulation establishment,and means of capital-raising,so as to perfect the regulation of land reservation of China.通过分析我国土地储备运作过程中存在的风险因素,简要介绍了风险规避的策略,并针对我国当前土地储备制度运行的情况从理论探讨、制度建设、筹资渠道等方面提出了若干对策,以完善我国的土地储备制度。

2.Since the land develop invest company is built in Shenzhen in Sep26,1996, other city build land reservation institution one after another.自1996年9月26日,深圳市成立土地发展投资公司后,各城市纷纷建立了自已的土地储备机构,经过十余年的发展和运作,土地储备制度带来了相当大的社会效应和社会变化。

3.In china, the development of urban land reservation system (ULRS) is the result of comprehensive function of our economic system reform, land policy evolution, city management and so on.城市土地储备制度的提出与建设是我国经济体制改革、土地制度变迁、城市经营探讨等因素综合作用的产物。

4)land reserve system土地储备

1.Fortunately,another innovation in land management——theland reserve system——is playing an active role in solving these problems,because it adopts the operation mode of unified land purchase,unified land reserve and unified land provision.城镇化进程加快使土地利用中的问题日渐突出,尤其是增量土地及存量土地由于未得到充分利用造成资源浪费,而土地制度中的又一创新——土地储备制度,通过统一收购土地、统一储备土地、统一适量地供应土地的运作模式,正对城镇化中的土地问题发挥着积极作用。

2.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain the behaving and operational mechanism of the impact of the high<I><I><I> </I>level running land price on theland reserve system in Chinese cities.研究目的:分析并解释高位运行的城市土地价格对我国土地储备形成冲击的表现及作用机制。

5)land storage土地储备

1.The authors suggest that theland storage system is beneficial not only to strengthen the country s macroscopic regulation of city land market, accelerate healthy development of city economy and increase the financial income, it can also be advantageous to carry out the economic reform and public facilities construction without a hitch.土地储备制度不仅有利于加强国家对城市土地市场的宏观调控,促进城市经济的健康发展,增加各级政府的财政收入,还有利于经济改革及公共事业建设的顺利进行。

2.The system of cityland storage is an innovation in the city land system in these years, it is also a hot point in the real estate field.城市土地储备制度是近几年城市土地管理制度的一项创新,也是房地产领域的一个热点。

3.And propose the idea of the realistic plan of the intensive exploitation in the city land, especially an establishment of theland storage system.本文从分析我国城市土地利用中存在的问题和影响因素入手,对我国目前城市土地利用的现实状况和主要模式进行了系统的归集和总结;从市场经济的体制和制度模式出发,广泛研究并选择借鉴了发达市场经济国家集约利用城市土地的政策与实践;在此基础上,提出了我国城市土地集约利用的现实对策,特别阐述了建立土地储备制度的政策架构和实施方案;创新性地建立了城市土地集约利用潜力评价的指标体系和技术方法,对城市土地集约利用的内涵进行力求科学有据的界定,并将这套评价体系应用于对我国城市土地集约利用程度的基本评价,还特别以天津市区的土地资源及其利用状况为例进行了实证性的评价研究。

6)quantity of land store土地储备量


