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大爱 humanistic love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-30 13:00:59


大爱 humanistic love英语短句 例句大全

大爱,humanistic love

1)humanistic love大爱

1.The connotation ofhumanistic love is as follows:loving education,loving people,and loving wisdom.本文提出了"爱教育"、"爱人"、"爱智慧"是"大爱"的内涵;分析了"爱"是教育的灵根,是道;指出了"大爱"是"道"中之"大道",它统领着大学精神,是现代大学功能和大学文化建设的核心力量。

2.The teacherhumanistic love is one professional responsibility,One professional custom,One kind of life boundary,one kind of motion.师者大爱是一种职业责任,一种职业习惯,一种人生境界,是有行的。

3.This paper start from the essence and meanings of great love spirit,describing a concrete manifestation ofhumanistic love spirit in Taizhou Polytechnic College.文章从大爱精神的实质和内涵入手,阐述了大爱精神在泰州职业技术学院的具体体现,同时结合学院开展的各项工作实践以及发展目标提出了大爱精神对学院管理者、教师和学生提出的各项要求。


1.He likes apple better than bananas .他爱吃苹果,不大爱吃香蕉。

2.Eternal Love--A Study of the Multiple Significance of Love Theme in Fisherman;大爱无边——解读《渔父》爱的多层意蕴

3.Love and Cultivate People, Love the Person:"Chinese Traditional Culture" Teaching Love Educating People to Explore大爱育人,育大爱之人——《中国传统文化》课程教学中大爱育人的探索

4.She is so cute. How old is she?她真可爱。多大了?

5.She indulged in an orgy of spending.她爱好大把大把地花钱。

6.I love this place while the place loves us generously.我爱恋着这里,这里也以博大的爱爱着我们。

7.There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother.除了爱老大哥以外,没有其他的爱。

8.There is no love, except love of Big Brother.除了对老大哥的爱之外,没有其他的爱。

9.The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland.大不列颠和爱尔兰相隔于爱尔兰海。

10.To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence爱人和得到人爱是人生最大的幸福

11.The greatest love in the world is maternal love.母爱是世界上最伟大的爱。

12.Undeniably, there is no greater love than motherly love.毋庸置疑,母爱比任何的爱都伟大。

13.Her biggest wish:" that everyone would love God and one another".最大愿望:众生皆爱上帝,众生皆能友爱。

14.Caritas Fu Heng Home--Tai Po [Caritas--Hong Kong]大埔明爱富亨苑〔香港明爱〕

15.Learn to Care and Love-Research on the Caring and Loving Emotion Training;学会关爱—大学生关爱情感培养研究

16.The state of today s university students love view and the education of their love view;当代大学生恋爱观现状及恋爱观教育

17.Analysis of the Current University Students Ideas and Psyehology of Love;当前大学生恋爱观念与恋爱心理探析

18.Ireland borders the Atlantic Ocean.爱尔兰以大西洋为界。


great love大爱

1.Hence,thegreat love shown by the author can be seen clearly.在此基础上看到作者表现出的大爱。

2.With high profile ofgreat love,homesickness is her constant theme.高扬大爱旗帜,抒写乡愁是琦君乐此不疲要表达的中心。


1.This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanism of the effects ofetimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on [Ca 2+]_i is related to their effects on mitochondrion Ca 2+-uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+-uptake.目的观察爱大霉素(EM)和庆大霉素(GM)对胞浆Ca2+影响的初步机制。

2.OBJECTIVE:To tentatively study the mechanism of the effects ofetimicin(EM)and gentamicin(GM)on celˉlular calcium([Ca 2+ ]i).目的 :探讨爱大霉素 (EM )和庆大霉素 (GM )对胞浆Ca2 +影响的初步机制。

4)treat affection伟大爱情

5)Charity is greatest.爱最伟大。

6)the practice of great love大爱实践


