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储集层评价 reservoir evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 06:14:46


储集层评价 reservoir evaluation英语短句 例句大全

储集层评价,reservoir evaluation

1)reservoir evaluation储集层评价

1.Application of shear wave anisotropy in fractural carbonatereservoir evaluation;横波各向异性在碳酸盐岩裂缝性储集层评价中的应用

2.Thereservoir evaluation of Nai 1 block is mainly concerned with evaluating reservoir features,oil bearing properties and its distribution rules correctly.奈曼地区奈1区块储集层评价围绕准确地评价储集层特征、含油性及其划分规律等问题,利用核磁共振、气相色谱以及各种常规录井与电测数据,对该区块储集层从岩性、电性、物性及含油性4个方面进行了评价。


1.Reservoir evaluation of Chang 6 oil-bearing strata of Yanchang Formation in Zhiwuding area,North Shaanxi陕北志吴定地区延长组长_6油层组储集层评价

2.Sequence stratigraphy analysis and favorable reservoir evaluation in upper Carboniferous-lower Permian series of Hetian area.和田地区上石炭——下二叠统层序地层分析及有利储集层评价

3.Characteristic of Pore Space and Evaluation on Reservoir of Acid Volcanic Rocks;酸性火山岩储层储集空间特征与评价研究

4.Started with basic data such as core analysis, geological mud logging and well logging, the characteristics of the reservoir has been analyzed.该类储层岩性复杂、储集空间多样、非均质性极强、储层评价困难。


6.The Characteristics of Coal Reservoirs and Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Enrichment and High-Productivity in QinShui Basin of ShanXi Province;山西沁水盆地煤岩储层特征及高产富集区评价

7.Application of Acoustic-Electric Imaging Data to Evaluation of Fractures in Carbonate Reservoir利用声电成像评价碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝

8.Characteristics and evaluation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic reservoirs in the Tabei Uplift塔北隆起中、新生界陆相碎屑岩储集层特征及评价

9.Reservoir Characteristics and Evaluation of Carboniferous Bioclastic Limestone in Central Tarim Basin塔里木盆地中部石炭系生屑灰岩储集层特征及评价

10.Reservoir Evaluation and Natural Gas" Enrichment of Ma5 Member in the Eastern Jingbian Buried Platform靖边潜台东侧马五段储层评价与天然气富集规律

11.The quantitative interpretation and evaluation method for the gas chromatography of rock pyrolysis in lower permeability reservoir低渗透率储集层岩石热解气相色谱量化解释评价方法

12.Well Logging Evaluation of Carboniferous Volcanic Reservoirs in Niudong Block,Santanghu Basin三塘湖盆地牛东区块石炭系火山岩储集层测井评价

13.Oil-gas mud logging evaluation methods for deep reservoirs of Binhai Region of Qikou sag.歧口凹陷滨海地区深部储集层油气录井评价方法

14.The distribution of reservoir pore throat size is important for reservoir evaluation.储层孔喉分布是储层评价的重要研究内容。

15.Research on the Reservoir Evaluation of Fu-Yang Oil Layer in the North of Zhao Zhou Oil Field肇州油田北部扶扬油层储层评价研究

16.Application of muti-logging parameter to evaluating reservoir heterogeneity quantitatively Comprehensively-taking ZhiDan oilfield as example.利用多种测井参数综合评价储集层的非均质性——以志丹油田旦八区长6油层组为例

17.Sequence stratigraphy analysis and reservoir evaluation for Jiantianba spongy reef见天坝海绵礁层序地层分析与储层评价

18.The Synergistic Evaluation of Clastic Reservoir in Tahe Oil Region塔河评价区白垩系碎屑岩储层综合评价


synthetical evaluation of reservoir储集层综合评价

3)Reservoir Property Evaluation储集层性质评价

4)oil and gas bearing reservoir evaluation油气储集层评价

5)reservoir damage evaluation储集层伤害评价

6)reservoir evaluation储层评价

1.Reservoir Evaluation and Favorable Areas for Hydrocarbon Explortion in Saihantala Sag;赛汉塔拉凹陷储层评价与油气勘探有利地区

2.Development feature of sandstone/gravel stone fan andreservoir evaluation in Lijin oilfield;利津油田砂砾岩扇体发育特征及储层评价

3.Application of NMR rock sample analysis technique inreservoir evaluation;核磁共振岩样分析技术在储层评价中的应用


储层描述(见油气田储层评价)储层描述(见油气田储层评价)reseroir evaluation of oil and gas field储层描述(reseroir evaluation of 011 and gasfield)见油气田储层评价。
