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品牌名称翻译 Brand Name Translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-03 09:21:32


品牌名称翻译 Brand Name Translation英语短句 例句大全

品牌名称翻译,Brand Name Translation

1)Brand Name Translation品牌名称翻译

1.A Probe intoBrand Name Translation from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches;从功能翻译理论的角度探讨品牌名称翻译

2.Therefore, brand name translation plays a more and more crucial role in international communication.当今,中国经济正在迅速发展,中国品牌商品已进入国际市场,与国际竞争,品牌名称翻译在国际交流中的重要作用日益凸现。

3.A good brand name translation may bring an enterprise a great success, whereas a bad one may let it suffer a great loss.本文由五个部分组成:第一章论述了探索商标翻译的重要性;第二章简要介绍了商标及商标词的基础知识,其中包括定义、类型、特点和英文商标在汉译中存在的问题;第三章主要介绍接受美学中的一些重要概念;第四章论述接受美学理论指导下的品牌名称翻译实践;第五章是对全文的总结。


1.A Probe into Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches;从功能翻译理论的角度探讨品牌名称翻译

2.A Probe into Brand Name Translationfrom the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches从功能翻译理论的角度探讨品牌名称翻译(英文)

3.A Research on Translation of Brand Name-From a Sociosemiotic Perspective;从社会符号学的视角探究品牌名称翻译

4.An Inquiry into Brand Name Translation in the Light of the Dynamic Functioning of Cultural Adaptation;论品牌名称翻译中文化顺应的动态作用

5.On the Dynamic Functioning of Cultural Adaptation in Brand Name Translation;论文化顺应在品牌名称翻译中的动态作用

6.The Rendition of Chinese Brand Names into English: A Cross-cultural Analysis and Approach;从跨文化角度谈中文品牌名称的英文翻译

7.Vocative Text:the Translation of Brand Names;从呼唤文本翻译角度看品牌名的翻译

8.On Principles of Movie Title Translation;外国影视作品名称翻译的原则性探究

9.On transliterating brands by meeting the cultural connotation of the target-language-speaking nation品牌名称的音译需迎合译入语民族的文化底蕴

10.On Translation of English Brand Names-From the Perspective of David Katan s Chunking Theory;从大卫·卡坦组块理论视角看英语品牌名翻译

11.A Primary Study of Brand Name Attitude Influenced by Bilingual Brand Name in Translations;不同翻译方法下的双语品牌名对品牌态度影响的初步研究

12.Application of Suggestiveness in Brand Name Transliteration Software Model;联想意义在品牌名称音译软件模型中的应用

13.Works" title in Chinese or English (If in any other language, please translate it into Chinese or English);参赛作品的名称(要求翻译为中文或英文);

14.The Translation of Trade Nameson View of Principle of Equivalence;等效翻译理论视角下的商标名称翻译

15.This paper discusses the principle of the brand name translation from English to Chinese and its representing application in practice.本文探讨了品牌名称英译汉的理论基础及其在实践中的应用。

16.Translation principles and methods of English names of enterprises and brands in international trade现代国际贸易中英文企业及品牌名称汉译的原则与方法研究

17.A Probe into Cosmetic Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Functional Translation Theory;从功能论的角度谈化妆品品牌的翻译

18.Translation of Practical Materials;谈实用文体资料的翻译——兼谈术语名称的翻译



1.In the meantime, among Chinese translators and translation researchers, there have been wide and heated discussions on brand name translation (BNT).为保证这些产品和服务能被中国消费者了解并接受,做好它们的英语品牌名翻译便具有了实际意义。

3)Brand Translation品牌翻译

1.Brand Translation in The Economic Globalization;经济全球化中的品牌翻译

2.Starting with Nida s theory of "Functional Equivalence",this paper interprets the fundamental principles of brand translation and further discusses,from semantic and pragmatic perspectives,the realization of this equivalence in translation practice.本文从奈达的“功能对等”理论入手,阐释了品牌翻译应遵循的基本原则。

3.This paper argues that the cultural connotation is important for successful translation,and puts forward some principles and methods for brand translation.本文通过对品牌翻译中民族文化因素差异的探讨,提出了品牌翻译的策略和方法,希冀为商品进入国际市场打响品牌战略有所启迪。

4)brand-name translation品牌译名

1.The present study largely derives from a feeling of increasing unease about the status quo of Chinesebrand-name translation.本文从品牌译名的方式入手,分析品牌名称翻译这种具有特殊意义和功能的专用符号的翻译。

5)brand name品牌名称

1.On the research of the cosmeticsbrand name;对化妆品品牌名称的研究

2.And liquor"sbrand name is the massive reflection on the brand value.我国白酒行业已经进入品牌竞争阶段,而白酒品牌名称是品牌价值的集中体现。

3.The concept of enterprise name,brand name,and logo was analyzed and distinguished.分析了企业名称、品牌名称、标志三者的概念,区别和形成设计同一化的原因。

6)brand names品牌名称

1.This essay tries to approach the relationship between appropriatebrand names and semantic theories in view of Leech s meaning types by the comparison of English and Chinesebrand names.本文以利奇的语义理论为基础 ,比较分析了英汉品牌名称的命名理据 ,从语言的角度去研究得体的品牌名称对完善品牌形象 ,提高品牌价值的重要意义。

2.Brand names are internationalized day by day.品牌名称是广告的一个基本要素,是企业形象战略的一个重要部分,也是商品进入市场的桥梁。


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