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综合资源规划 integrated resource planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-13 23:05:35


综合资源规划 integrated resource planning英语短句 例句大全

综合资源规划,integrated resource planning

1)integrated resource planning综合资源规划

1.According to the principle ofintegrated resource planning (IRP), describes the know-how in CEP, such as target setting, estimation of available resources, load forecasting, scheme of energy system, determination of virtual power station, implementing stricter energy efficiency standard, and full process management etc.根据综合资源规划的原理,提出在区域建筑能源规划中的几项关键技术,如节能目标的设定、可利用资源量的估计、负荷预测、能源系统配置、虚拟电厂的确定、实行更高的建筑节能标准,以及全程管理等。

2.If theintegrated resource planning has the resources of the supply-side and demand-side in the planning process considered at the same time, it can realize the objective of minimizing the total cost.综合资源规划在电力规划中将需求侧资源与供应侧资源同时考虑,能够实现规划的总成本最小。

3.However, DC could not be used inintegrated resource planning, since system electrical demand is divided into several classes due to different reliability require-ments.但该方法不能解决综合资源规划面临的新问题,因为其中的系统负荷被划分为若干部分,每个部分具有不同的可靠性要求;类似的情况也存在于电力市场环境中。


1.Discussion on Comprehensive Electric Power Resources Planning according to Proposals on the Scientific Development Plan for the Electric Power Industry;贯彻科学发展观 实施电力综合资源规划

2.Considerations of How Electric Utilities Use Integrated Resources Planning;对我国电力行业应用综合资源规划方法的探讨

3.Integrated resource planning models considering emission-reduction costs and related empirical research考虑减排成本的综合资源规划模型与实证研究

4.Integrated resource planning experience and enlightenment in developed countries发达国家综合资源规划工作的经验与启示

5.A Combinatorial Forecasting Approach of Electric Load in Integrated Resources Planning for Electric Power System;油田电力系统综合资源规划中的组合预测方法研究

6.The Study of Programming and Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Resource in FC Hospital;FC医院人力资源规划与综合评价研究

7.Study on Integrated Resource Strategic Planning of China in -我国“十二五”综合资源战略规划的思考

8.Study on Indicator system & overall evaluation of plan environmental assessment in mineral resources矿产资源规划环境影响综合评价研究

9.The comprehensive plans referred to in this Law mean those for the exploration of water resources and the prevention and control of water disasters.本法所称综合规划是指开发利用水资源和防治水害的综合规划。

10.Applicaton of Hierarchical Analysis Method in Comprehensive Utilization Planning of Power Resources层次分析法在资源综合利用电源规划中的应用

11.The Research on Management and Integrated Utilization of Water Resource on Tibet Autonomous Region;西藏自治区水资源管理及综合利用规划研究

12.Study on Safety Proofing of Flood Prevention in Water Resources Integrated Planning;水资源综合规划中的防洪安全校核研究

13.A Synthesis Evaluation & Urban Planning of Geology, Environment, Resources for the Area Around the Dianchi Lake;环滇池城区地质环境资源综合评价与规划

14.Study on Comprehensive Improvement of Land Resources in Northeast Region of China;东北地区国土资源综合整治规划研究初探

15.Research on Water Resource’ Comprehensive Planning Method and Implementation of New Economic Zone经济新区水资源综合规划方法及实证研究

16.Research on Application of GIS Technology in the Comprehensive Water Resources Planning for the Huaihe River BasinGIS技术在淮河流域片水资源综合规划中的应用研究

17.Application and Study of ET Technology in the Water Resources and Water Environment Integrated Management and Planning;ET技术在水资源与水环境综合管理规划中的应用研究

18.Programming Researches on the Resource Sharing of City Railway Traffic Vehicle Block and Integration Base;城市轨道交通车辆段与综合基地资源共享的规划研究



1.The electric power deregulation has led electric power enterprises very difficult to do integrated resources planning(IRP) because generation, transmission and distribution were to be unbundled.电力市场化改革打破了电力企业发输配售垄断的生产经营模式,也失去了电力企业制订综合资源规划的条件。

3)integrated resource planning(IRP)综合资源规划

1.Based on the integrated resource planning(IRP) for cross-regional transmission,the issue was studied on how to involve emission-reduction costs into IRP in order to encourage low-emission generation units to more actively participate into power planning.在考虑跨区省输电的综合资源规划方法的基础上,研究如何在规划中考虑减排成本,促进排放率低的发电资源更多地参与规划。

2.Based on the current situation of electric power planning and generation and transmission resources in China,a new integrated resource planning(IRP)method,which takes the inter-regional transmission into account,was proposed.结合我国的电力规划以及发电、输电资源的现状,提出了考虑跨区省输电的综合资源规划,首先描述了需求侧资源、供应侧资源以及跨区省输电资源的概况,其次以综合能源成本为准则,对省区内外的各种资源进行筛选,得出总成本最小的电力资源组合,最后以我国某省的实际数据验证了该模型的实用性。

4)water resources comprehensive plan水资源综合规划

1.Flood control checking of urbanwater resources comprehensive plan in plain river network;平原河网城市水资源综合规划防洪校核研究

5)comprehensive electric power resources planning电力综合资源规划

6)national comprehensive planning of water resources全国水资源综合规划


