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同阶小量 same-order small amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-29 21:42:42


同阶小量 same-order small amount英语短句 例句大全

同阶小量,same-order small amount

1)same-order small amount同阶小量

2)high-level minim高阶小量

3)grade same infinity small同阶无穷小

4)infinite small quantity serie无穷小量阶

5)der bias estimators (SOBE)同阶有偏估计量


1.better same order bias estimator较优同阶有偏估计量

2.asymptotically normal and unbiased estimator渐近正态无偏估计量

3.best linear unbiased estimator最佳线性不偏估计量

4.Is it possible for an estimator to be unbiased but inconsistent?是否有可能(一个估计量)是无偏却不一致的?

5.When the estimator is unbiased, the numerical estimate is frequently also called unbiased.当估计量无偏时,数字估计值也常叫做无偏的。

6.two-stage Aitken estimator两阶段艾特肯估计量

7.At one time or another, quite a few comrades made the mistake of underestimating the strength of the proletariat and overestimating that of the bourgeois Rightists.对无产阶级力量估计过低,对资产阶级右派力量估计过高,不少同志曾经犯过这种错误。

8.Unbiased Estimation and Biased Estimation in the Sense of the Mean Square Error均方误差意义下的无偏估计与有偏估计

9.Is it possible for an estimator to be biased in finite sample but consistent in large sample?一个估计量是否有可能在有限样本中是有偏的但又具有一致性?

10.While not all useful estimators are unbiased, virtually all economists agree that consistency is a minimal requirement for an estimator.虽然并不是所有的有用的估计量是无偏的,但是,一致性则是经济学家对估计量的最低要求.

11.Asymptotic Properties of the Tail Index Estimator and the Second Order Parameter;尾指数估计量及二阶参数估计量的渐近性质

12.One Prior Estimate for Solution of a Second-order Elliptic Partial Differential Equation一类二阶椭圆型偏微分方程解的先验估计

13.The Research of Frequency Offset Estimation and Synchronization Arithmetic in OFDM System;OFDM系统的频偏估计与同步算法研究

14.A timing and frequency estimation algorithm for OFDM一种OFDM定时同步与载波频偏估计算法

15.Just as we constantly appraise the balance of forces in the international and domestic class struggle, so does the enemy.如同我们经常在估计国际国内阶级斗争力量对比的形势一样,敌人也在经常估计这种形势。

16.Three Unbiased Estimation for Function Under B(n,p);B(n,p)中函数p~2的三个无偏估计量

17.Blind Estimation Based on Higher Order Statistics for MIMO System;基于高阶统计量的MIMO系统盲估计

18.With regard to our inferiority we must reckon on changes of two different kinds from the eve of the War of Resistance to the end of this stage.我之这种劣势,须估计抗战以前到这一阶段末尾,有两种不同的变化。


high-level minim高阶小量

3)grade same infinity small同阶无穷小

4)infinite small quantity serie无穷小量阶

5)der bias estimators (SOBE)同阶有偏估计量

6)higher order indefinite small高阶无穷小量


