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社会适应能力 Social adaptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-18 23:47:05


社会适应能力 Social adaptability英语短句 例句大全

社会适应能力,Social adaptability

1)Social adaptability社会适应能力

1.The influence of comprehensive rehabilitation training on the social adaptability of soldier’s chronic schizophrenics;综合康复对军队慢性精神分裂症患者社会适应能力的影响

2.Influence of extended training on psychological health and social adaptability of university students;拓展训练对大学生心理健康及社会适应能力的影响

3.Influence of sport on social adaptability;体育活动对社会适应能力的影响


1.Intelligence Quotients and Social Adaptive Capacity of Epileptic Children.癫痫患儿的智力和社会适应能力研究

2.Discussion on PE Teaching to Improve Students Social Adaptability;议提升学生社会适应能力的体育教学

3.Probe on ways to develop the social adaptability of female college students;女大学生社会适应能力培养途径初探

4.The Role of Physical Education in Cultivating Students Adaptability to the Society;体育教学对学生社会适应能力的培养


6.The Development and Cultivation of Social Adaptation in Visually Disabled Children;视残儿童社会适应能力的发展与培养

7.On the Significance and Cultivation of Undergraduates’ Social Adaptability;论大学生社会适应能力的意义及培养

8.Study on the Social Adaptation and Executive Function of Chinese Children with Down Syndrome;唐氏综合征儿童社会适应能力和执行功能研究

9.The Study on the Factors of the Middle School Stutends Social Adaption in Yantai;烟台市中学生社会适应能力影响因素研究

10.The Study of Physical Education on Improving the Social Adaptation of Junior School Students;体育教学对促进初中学生社会适应能力的研究

11.Research of the P.E Teaching Cultivate the Social Adaptability of Students;体育教学培养中学生社会适应能力的探索

12.The Elemantary Research of Training the Vocational School Students Social Adaptability;职业学校学生社会适应能力培养的初步探索

13.Training of the Social Suitable Ability for the Collage Student of the Time Research;当代大学生社会适应能力的调查及培养研究

14.Study on School Physical Education in Promoting Students Social Adaptability;对学校体育促进学生社会适应能力的研究

15.Introduction of Expansive Training to Cultivation of Undergraduates Social Adaptability;大学生社会适应能力培养中拓展训练的引入

16.A Study on the Interference of PE on Children s Social Adaption Ability Develepment;体育对儿童社会适应能力发展影响的研究

17.The relation between physical exercise and college student s social adaptation ability;体育运动与大学生社会适应能力的关系

18.On Improving Higher Vocational Students Social Adaptability;高职院校学生社会适应能力培养模式研究


social adaptation ability社会适应能力

1.Adoldescent s internet use andsocial adaptation ability;青少年网络使用与社会适应能力关系

2.College student’ssocial adaptation ability evaluation index system in physical education curriculum;体育课程中大学生社会适应能力的评价指标体系

3.The relation between physical exercise and college student ssocial adaptation ability;体育运动与大学生社会适应能力的关系

3)ability of social adaptation社会适应能力

1.Objective To explore the differences of intelligence ,ability of social adaptation and behavior problems between patients of benign epilepsy childhood and those of normal controls .目的探讨良性癫痫儿童的智力、社会适应能力及行为问题。

2.Theability of social adaptation is an important part of undergraduates compositive ability.社会适应能力是高校大学生综合素质的重要组成部分,是中国高等教育提倡素质教育所重视的工作内容。

3.According to the survey, it shows that in theability of social adaptation college students lack rather badly ability of cognition in which they couldn t correctly evaluate ego and others , lack eff.大学生社会适应能力是大学生在大学校园生活环境中为达到与所处环境的和谐状态而必须具备的一种综合能力,主要由认知能力、独立生活能力、学习能力、人际交往能力、应对挫折能力和实践能力等方面构成。

4)social adaptation社会适应能力

1.On college students developsocial adaptation by themseleves;谈青年大学生社会适应能力的自我培养

2.It summarized thesocial adaptation and psychological needs of children with cancer.对癌症患儿的社会适应能力及其心理需求作了概述,指出了癌症患儿心理护理的趋势。

5)Society adaptability社会适应能力

1.and introduce emphatically its significance to student s society adaptabilit以心理学和教育学的相关理论为依据,论述了中学体育课中应用合作学习模式的必要性和可行性,重点探讨了它对学生社会适应能力的促进作用。

2.attitude, mental health condition, society adaptability and the life affairs in different cultural backgrounds.通过《大学生体育态度调查表》、《SCL - 90身心症状自评量表》、《社会适应能力诊断量表》及自编《影响心理健康的生活事件调查表》对韩师不同文化背景新生的体育态度、心理健康状况及社会适应能力、影响心理健康的生活事件进行比较研究 ,为优化韩师的学校体育教育工作 ,提高韩师新生心理健康水平和社会适应能力提供基础资料。

6)Social adaptability社会适应力

1.Research of university P.E. majors social adaptability;高校体育教育专业学生社会适应力的调查研究

2.As the subsidiary subject of The Investigation and Research of the PE Students Social Adaptability in the Colleges of Ningxia, this thesis puts forward the reform suggestions through the investigation and research for the self-evaluation of 2000- graduates on social adaptability, the e.作为"宁夏高校体育教育专业学生社会适应能力调查研究"的子课题,对宁夏2000-届体育教育专业毕业生自身社会适应力的自我评价、用人单位对毕业生评价、适应社会需要强化的因素以及本专业学生适应社会需求的改革重点等方面进行调查研究,了解本专业学生的社会适应能力及其影响因素,提出了改革意见。

3.The social adaptability of vocational college graduates is the most persuasive part.毕业生社会适应力状况是高职大学生社会适应力最具有说服力的部分。


