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耳鸣音调 Tinnitus pitch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-06 09:37:23


耳鸣音调 Tinnitus pitch英语短句 例句大全

耳鸣音调,Tinnitus pitch

1)Tinnitus pitch耳鸣音调

1.Tinnitus pitch in patients with normal hearing正常听力耳鸣患者的耳鸣音调


1.③The subjective tinnitus frequencies were 0.25~8.00 kHz.③耳鸣音调分布为0.25 ~8.00kHz。

2.Doctor: What"s the pitch of your ear ringing? Is it in high or in low tones?您耳鸣的音调是怎样的,是高调还是低调?

3.The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch.听力一直减退,而且耳鸣变成一种经常不断的,各种音调的感觉。

4.To emit a shrill, sharp, high-pitched cry, as some birds and other animals.啭鸣发出刺耳、尖锐、高音调的喊叫,如一些鸟及其它的动物所发出的声音

5.Treatment of sensorineural tinnitus with foot reflexogenic therapy感音神经性耳鸣的足反射疗法疗效分析

6.She was shouting, hoping to drown out the thundering of the river.她喊着,想使自己的声音压住河水震耳的轰鸣。

7.The roaring sound in the right ear is the voice of God coming as the rushing of mighty waters.右耳的轰鸣声是上帝化作巨浪汹涌而至的声音。

8.A Clinical Study about Audiology Estimation of Neurosensory Tinnitus;感音神经性耳鸣听力学评价的临床研究

9.Clinical Study of Sensorineural Tinnitus Treatment by Masking Process掩蔽法治疗感音神经性耳鸣的临床研究

10.Tinnitus means one can feel some kind of noise in his ear when in fact there is no sound outside.耳鸣是指在没有外界声音参与的情况下耳朵里却有某种响声。

11.The ear is offended by discords.不和谐的音调刺耳。

12.the piano was jarringly out of tune.钢琴走了调,声音很刺耳。

13.The musician adjusted his tunes for greater harmonization.为了更悦耳,音乐家调整了一下音调。

14.To sound in slowly repeated single tones.(钟)鸣缓慢地以重复的单音调发出响声

15.An Epidemiologic Study on Tinnitus in Jiangsu Province;江苏地区耳鸣和眩晕的流行病学调查研究

16.Relationship of Subjective Survey Information in Tinnitus and Syndrome Type of TCM;耳鸣主观调查信息与中医证型的关系初探

17.An investigation into the correlation between tinnitus and hearing loss in 262 tinnitus patients262例耳鸣患者听力损失情况的临床调查

18.At first there is nothing but a dull roar in our ears and a dazzle in our eyes.首先,耳鸣,眼花。



1.Evaluating the Effect of Masking Therapy Combined with Psychological Counseling in Tinnitus Treatment;耳鸣掩蔽结合心理咨询治疗耳鸣的疗效评价

2.Observation on the Effect of Acupoint Injection for Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Tinnitus;穴位注射治疗感音神经性耳聋、耳鸣疗效观察

3)euphonious musical notes悦耳的音调.

4)a sour note刺耳的音调

5)Hearing loss and tinnitus耳聋耳鸣

6)Tinnitus and deafness耳鸣耳聋

1.Objective:Tinnitus and deafness which is a kind of commonly encountered disease in otorhinolaryngology , whose clinical treatment now is generally accepeted one of the problems in the world.研究目的:耳鸣耳聋是耳鼻咽喉科的常见病、多发病,其临床治疗为当今公认的世界难题之一,中医药在耳鸣耳聋这一疑难病的防治过程中所占的地位日益受到国内外学者的重视。


