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面试 interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-07 09:44:33


面试 interview英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Medical Career Development Training from Graduates Interviews;从毕业生面试看高等医学教育中的生涯发展辅导

2.Impression Management of the Interviewees;面试中的应聘者印象管理

3.Effects of Previewing Applicant Test Information on Interview Ratings;面试前有关被试的心理测验信息对考官面试评价的影响研究


1.To obtain an interview from.对…进行面试获得一个被面试机会

2.Styles of American and Chinese Interviewers in Job Interviews: From a Face and Politeness Perspective;用面子和礼貌理论分析求职面试过程中中美面试官的面试风格

3.A Comparative Analysis of Several Types of English Speaking Tests--Interview, Tape-assisted and Computer-assisted English Speaking Tests;外语口试的形式评析——面试、录音口试和机助测试

4.Because interview does not have all sorts of inaccuracy in result and interview to decide an element, a lot of people fear interview.由于面试没有结果以及面试中的各种不确定因素,许多人害怕面试。

5.For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes但否定的不是面试情况。

6.Anna, it"s time for you to have the interview.安娜,面试的时间到了。

7.a searching interview technique面试深入提问技巧.

8.He is now accepting interviewing.他现在正在接受面试。

9.You will be asked to present yourself for interview.将要求你到场面试.

10.I have an interview this afternoon.我今天下午有面试。

11.floor covering chamber test楼面覆盖面层燃烧试验

12.a written examination, request, message笔试、 书面请求、 书面信息

prehensive Test Ban Treaty全面禁止试验条约(全面禁试条约)

14.On the Integrated Test Technology of Object-Oriented Test;试论面向对象测试中的组装测试技术

15.benchtop bioprocessing桌面生物工艺[小试规模]

16.FRPT =flooring radiant panel test楼面材料辐射板试验

17.test of pavement irregularity sensitivity路面不平敏感性试验

18.usable cross-section of the test channel试验流道的可用横截面



1.It is hypothesized in the present study that stimulating natural conversation is more likely in discussion activities than in interviews, but the discussion activities of three candidates will reduce the power and duties for some candidates than those activities with only two candidates, thus making the task an imbalanced one.本论文假设并要证明的是,在口语测试中,讨论较之面试的形式能更好的产生自然对话,但是有三个考生参加的讨论形式将降低单个考生在测试中的责任和义务,从而使得三人参加的讨论形式呈现出不平衡性。


1.The Investigative Report by Questionnaire on the Interviewing Situation for the Open Select the Leadership of Communist Party in Ningxia;宁夏公开选拔党政领导干部面试状况问卷调查报告

2.It is attracts the most attention question that matching studying between people and organization in recruiting talent, but the literature is lack which about the matching question between people and organization ininterviewing, and the summary is short of mentioning the headway of related domain.关于人才选拔招聘中的人与组织匹配的研究是近年来颇受关注的问题,但在面试背景下研究人与组织匹配问题的文献不多,之前关于面试的综述也很少提及有关领域的研究进展。

3.At present,there exist many mistakes in the enterprisesinterviewing of wanting talents.目前企业在进行人才招聘面试时存在许多失误。

4)Face-To-Face Interview面试口试

5)Flat surface testing平面面测试

6)slant tube斜面试管


