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数码科技 digital technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-20 20:22:48


数码科技 digital technology英语短句 例句大全

数码科技,digital technology

1)digital technology数码科技

1.The more and more use ofdigital technology in movies makes the discussion of the proposition into a new stage.正是基于此种思考,撰写了《数码科技与电影---重论电影的真实性》。


1.Shenzhen Intercontinental Progressive Trading Co., Ltd.深圳市欣横纵数码科技有限公司

2.Federation Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.飞德数码科技(上海)有限公司

3.Chu is chairman of Centro Digital Pictures, an animation and special-effects studio in Hong Kong.朱家欣是先涛数码科技有限公司的主席,这是香港的一间动画和特技制作公司。

4.Jia Heng Xiang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is situated in the young, beautiful ,rich and open Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.嘉恒翔数码科技有限公司座落于年轻美丽、富饶开放的深圳经济特区。

5.The use of state-of-the-art equipment, especially that employing digital technology, has enabled the industry to raise quality and productivity to new levels.印刷业采用最新设备,特别是采用数码科技的设备,使印刷品在质素和产量方面更胜从前。

6.""Digital 21" Information Technology Strategy"“数码21新纪元”信息科技策略

7.Digiography: The art and technology of converting character images into ddigitised characters, and using the digital information to produce the character images photographically or electrostatically.数码术:把字符图像转换为数码的艺术和科技。这些数码资料可经照或静电方法生字图像。

8.Shandong Qingchun Numeral Photograph Co.,Ltd. specializes in producing numeral mimeograph medium and photostudio upholstered equipments.山东青春数码影像有限公司是一家专业研究生产数码打印介质和影楼装裱设备的高科技企业。

9.In Hong Kong, huge funds have been set up for investment in Internet technologies, including those for the Cyberport and Chinese Medicine Port projects.香港也设立巨额基金投资于网络科技,“数码港”、“中药港”等大行其道。

10.The Union of Piano Teaching and Modern Science & Technology──Talk about digital the piano collective class teaching superiority;钢琴教学与现代科技的结合——谈数码钢琴集体课教学的优越性

11.An Example of Environment Sustainable Development Buildings绿色建筑实例分析——“科华数码广场”项目绿色建筑技术介绍

12.Shumian Technologies Co., Ltd.数码技术开放有限公司

13.Parameter Transcoding Based on CELP Speech Coding基于CELP编码模型的参数转码技术

14.On the Fusion of Traditional Arts and Computer Techniques from the View of Computer Arts;从数码艺术看传统艺术与数码技术的融合

15.The study of techniques for deciphering cryptographic writings or systems.研究译解密码书写或密码系统技巧的学科.

16.Beijing a few good code-Technology Development Limited have many experienced and capable young talents.北京佳码数通科技发展有限公司拥有众多经验丰富、轻精干的优秀人才。

17.To enable such information to be readily available in digital form, Transport Department plans to establish an efficient Transport Information System, with the assistance of modern technology.运输署正计划利用高科技发展一套运输资讯系统,以便及时提供数码形式的运输资讯。

18.High-tech: The first vehicle digital anti-theft lock worldwide adopting the floating air pressure detecting and the remote wireless transmission technology.高科技:全世界第一支运用流动气压侦测与无线传输远距离功能的数码汽车防盗锁。


digital editing technology数码剪接科技

3)digital satellite technology数码卫星科技

4)Digital Technology and Movie数码科技与电影

5)bar coding technology条码科技

6)digital technology数码技术

1.A Study of Digital Technology Application in Fashion Fabric Redesign;数码技术在服装面料再创造中应用的研究

2.In this paper,an innovative principle and method of digital multi-warp jacquard tapestry is developed based on an analysis of the main features of the fabric structure and by use ofdigital technology,which raises the efficient of the development of this kind of product.文章通过分析多色经提花织物的产品特点,结合数码技术应用的技术特征,提出了合理的多色经提花织物的创新设计原理和方法,并采用规范经纬色彩设计和建立组织库的方法来提高该类产品的开发效率。

3.This paper discusses the relationship between and status quo of artificial intelligence,digital technology, and network technology, and diagnosis and treatment in TCM terms, apparatuses, education, commerce, and administration.论述了人工智能、数码技术、网络技术与中医诊疗、器械、教育、商务、管理等领域发展的关系和现状。


